Breedia Dog Forum
also cant help but notice, those photos you posted....awful lot of white on some of those early dogs! a recently bred-in trait eh? there is a UK...
white in huskies is NOT proven as a resessive trait. there is more to suggest it is a SUPRESSIVE trait. ever seen the result of a pure white x pure...
it is all kind of interconnected Dawn. the genetics is a key point to understanding breed characteristics and prey drive, which are the brunt of the...
and its VERY relevent to note there is very little by way of carriageways, motorways, trains, live railway lines, farmers protecting sheep/calves...
a little discussion on white here: certain breeds of white dogs are THROUGH CREDIBLE RESEARCH, known to be predisposed to genetic problems (you may...
report them! Being knocked over by a dog can land that dog (and owner) in court under the dangerous dogs act, being bitten CERTAINLY can.
Yep, according to this theory (which has no research based proof whatsoever in relation to siberian huskies), arctic foxes and polar bears are doomed...
Maybe onqsiberians would like to purchase and read the book 'Genetics of the dog' by Malcom b. some of us already have...and then some!...
Unfortunately Mick onqsiberians has very little by way of pedigree details on their site to refer to, but you can bet there are some common links...
And to onqsiberians: * at no point have i used the word "Mutts". I merely pointed out the fact that they are a very great departure from the breed...
ANNUK: a clearly wrong interpretation of a breeds behaviour here!. Agression: behaviour directed at another animal/person due to dominance/fear...
as Ive just had pointed out to me by a friend, there has been little mention on this thread of actual LAW relating to this matter, so here it is:...
We have 5 with blue eyes, two with bi-eyes (one blue, one brown), one with parti-eye (one blue and one half blue/brown) and one with brown eyes:...
thanks for that link!, fascinating site (especially to someone whos obsessed with piebald sibes)
mozzy, ann did very kindly invite the american guy who lets his '13' off lead (though can only actually find 9 dogs on his site, and one of those is...
your right Mick!, was badly worded (not had a good nights sleep im afraid) ALL decent kennels wait till the bitch is at least 2yrs, some insist on...
anyway, on the genetics thing: How I Wish it was so simple as to determine colour/marking as het and homoygous genes in huskies, unfortunately, its...
thankyou ;) thought for a minute the alians had invaded my computer, cos firefox promptly crashed itself too :shock:
now one of mine has!!!...whoah! way out man!
sorry!, I appear to have replied to a post which has now vanished![IMG]