Breedia Dog Forum
Our tv is mounted quite high on the wall, Syd used to watch it and constantly gave his opinion on everything, didn't like dogs on the tv not even...
All of mine except Tucson sleep in crates from choice, They don't use them in the day unless in season and I need to go out. Tucson point blank...
It might be human nature to dwell on the nice bits but society demands your dog be well trained in the basics before mixing in Public. At 4 months a...
So he knows stay, extend the time he stays for, tell him to stay before you leave the room, make sure he stays there till you return. Simples.
Just stop, seriously if he's practising every day then he's not doing very well at all is he? Leave it means exactly as it says, not sometimes but...
Oh so you figured out how to teach sit pretty but you haven't sussed "Leave it" one of the basics. Far more important than any trick. He's not...
You need to stop this immediately, I had my trousers ripped and my leg bitten by an 8 week old Parson Russell but trust me he never did it again. He...
Wolfhounds are not exactly common and usually raw feeding follows the same guidelines whatever breed the dog is. I raw feed as do others on here with...
Not sure you can tbh. Most Pug owners claim their Pugs shed all year round but I have 3 and find they shed once a year. I can only assume that's down...
One of my fawn Pugs has much darker skin on her inner thighs, I just assumed it to be maturity. She isn't losing hair though but it's very sparse...
Never really had an issue with fleas, don't treat routinely so would very rarely use stronghold spot on.
I have 3 males, 2 neutered and 1 entire, all different breeds. They get on fine together although why Teddy the Pug and Diesel the Staffie feel the...
Tbh the only constants in my choices of dogs owned are short haired and floppy eared and that's the only similarities. I've had big dogs, small dogs...
Have you thought of trying bitch pants with an incontinence pad in them to prevent any patience being lost? I have entire bitches and use them when...
Take him to the vets, if he's eating normally and losing weight he needs to see a vet. We can all guess but he probably needs tests to confirm what's...
I understand that but a well bred Pug shouldn't have any breathing problems, I have 3 and none of them have any breathing issues at all. They don't...
Get a well bred Pug
Besides a good diet and a healthy lifestyle it's all in the genes.
Tbh and putting it bluntly as another owner of a Staffie, absolutely not. most of the pups won't see their first birthday. They end up in rescue, or...