Breedia Dog Forum
Yes, it is but it is hard to imagine anyone wouldn't let their dog loose when they know they are enclosed, after all for many people that would...
Of course you would not need concessions if it was £10 but as I said, in my opinion, that is totally unrealistic. Yes defaulters could be taken to...
You have forgotten to budget anything for the collection and adminstration (considerably more than the £10 for a start I would guestimate) and then...
I didn't say that you didn't say someone had to police it. I think it is the number of owners that will willingly pay it that is more relevent and...
Somebody would have to adminster and police it, otherwise there is absolutely no point in introducing it. Whoever it was, police, local council,...
I think like Dawn says some working Russels are physically similar to the Parsons but they are from lines not registered and that is the only...
You'd ask the owner :grin:
Yes but exempted from what ear cropping law? The point about tails as oppose to paws, ears, eyes, cruciate etc is quite obvious the dog works better...
I'm sorry I don't understand your questions really :smt001 . Ratting dogs ears exempted from what? Are you suggesting the docked dogs would not...
The dog tax was repealed in 1796. I find it a little hard to imagine that from that date to this the working dog owner did not at any point explore...
Very true. I also think any breeder who will only take back dogs able to live in kennels is not really fulfilling their moral obligation to rehome...
I'm still not clear have they got to wear muzzles or anything at all like that?
I could not sign anything that did not actually say that. Too open for interpretation.
I agree. Maybe, if they were tested on their ability and given some sort of qualification but not just anybody just because they breed.
I'm afraid that is very hard to read due to the poor translation. I can't work out from that whether certain breeds are banned full stop, or allowed...
Congratulations! That will be very reassuring to others with well behaved dogs too.
If you think the situation is getting worse then surely you will see a need for a crackdown. As I have tried to explain in another thread this law...
This isn't new but has been the case since the law's inception, the KC staffie only being under scrutiny when it does not resemble the KC standard of...
We have had this law for many, many years Azz, including through incidents involving breeds not banned but the Government has not considered it...