Breedia Dog Forum
I have always wanted to go to crufts but never got there this year i booked the week off work so i would have no exscuse im going on thursday cant...
A Staffie and a Staffie cross here
My Staffie s fav toy has to be his boomer ball he's obsessed and he's had it years :-)
I would love an American bulldog but hopefully it won't be for a while as many years still left in my two :-)
im reasonably local and would like that but at the minute cas has just had crutiate surgery so would have to be when she is better.
my girly [IMG] [IMG]
Looks just like my girl she is American bulldog x staffie he is lovely :-)
we call our staffie chewy after chewbacca when ever he makes his silly noisies and many other names like gremlin lol
i have a white and brindle staff cross american bull dog and yes ive had the odd person ask if shes a pit. at the vets she s down as a staffie cross....
[IMG][IMG] my two behaving for once cas is a staffie cross
lol yes think your right there not the cheapest vets around
the vets questioned me when i took her for the first time he reccommended i get her speyed in case questions were asked which was my intention so...
[IMG] my girl and i love her and i dont have her to look hard ive had her since 6 months old i can understand why people dont like the idea of...
i have a staff cross american bull dog and shes no way hard lol when she was 6 months alot of people questioned her breed but now shes quite jowly...
my staffie is def a people dog he loves to sit on you and get cuddles and kisses which he returns sadly e doesnt like all other dogs after being...
i love my bullys as they are a challenge and even when you want to be annoyed because they have been bad they give you a big smile and it melts your...
i had mine from 6 months old and she is loved and fussed by all the kids in the street i do agree though with post above if you had concerns not...
i have a staff cross american bull dog she is very loving i agree she has a lab temperament very bouncy and wants to play all the time bully breeds...