Breedia Dog Forum
By request from Moobli Our lovely bothy in Glen Creran [IMG] Kodi on the Magic Trail [IMG] Checking out the woodpile [IMG] I fancy that...
Posing in the Woods: [IMG] Who left this old tree in my way? [IMG] Made short work of that didn't I? [IMG]
Kodi tracks the 'bad guy' in the woods video ;) Vx0Sew3dacY
Heartwarming moment retired soldier surprised his Iraq K9 partner by adopting him a year after they were separated....and the delighted dog remembers...
1. First Snowfall [IMG] 2. Look what i found in Glen Creran, Argyll [IMG] 3. I can get that [IMG] 4. Yup i'm going for it. [IMG]
Orphaned Arabian colt fostered by GSD Sadie. Amazing bond formed between them.
A faithful dog has refused to leave the side of his dead master's grave for six years, it was reported today. German shepherd Capitan ran away...
I thought this was funny :-) [IMG]
Do you think that if i keep showing him this video of his grandad, maybe it will inspire him to actually do something right at puppy club? :-)...
A video montage of all the many skills and jobs of the working German Shepherd Dog, including sheep herding for Moobli. 8) 3fFaGQqcOwA
Following on from Moobli's fab old photos, i rooted out a few from old books and pamphlets. Hope they are of interest. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
After that wonderful post by Moobli showing us Garak the Canadian wonder dog, i thought you might like to see a similarly fantastic dog, but this...
I have not owned a dog in 14 years due to my daughters 3 cats living with us, we didnt think it would be fair to disrupt their life with an energetic...