is it normal for a Beagle to be sooooooo quiet and lethargic or is this her way of settling in? Sam came home and had a good look around, she found her food, found her bed, all great. Last night she ate everything and had a rest then I took her out for a 2 hour walk. When we got back she slept and stretched all evening, came over and led by our feet and every so often wanted her tummy rubbing etc. Very content, comes into the room if you call, follows you upstairs sometimes and not others. I went out and my partner was in the shower but Sam didn't make a noise or move, really amazing! BUT I appreciate it's less than 24 hours, she is soooooo quiet. Goes to her bed a lot. Been out in the garden this morning but no toilet, had her morning meal, going out for a walk in 25 minutes, but just led in her bed. So, are beagles this good and quiet or is it her settling in?
She is probably knackered!!! A new home and a 2 hour walk. Happily knackered tho! She will liven up when she finds her feet i would guess but hopefully she will be a pretty easy dog by sounds of it ( tho early days). Well done for giving her a fab new home !
Thanks honeysmummy, I think it's settling in, just imagined more manic at first.... Maybe I should accept she is just happy and feels safe lol She came in to us last night twice, but went back when we told her. Think my youngest daughter is getting fed up of me telling her to stop running up to her, calm down, no big cuddles yet, etc etc LOL
She may be lying low as she is getting used to her new situation . Dogs often don't sleep much in kennels and when they come out they are knackered :?
You'll need to register her with your vet sometime soon, so you could always get them to give her the once over while you're there. Not that I think there is anything to worry about - I agree with Honeysmummy that Sam's just had a lot to take in. Do you know how long she was in the rescue kennels?
Lol, Just a settling in period. there true personality can take up 2 weeks to come out. As others have said she is just finding her feet. It's all strange to her, and don't forget she is 6 so not a pup. She probs had a routine similar to yours anyway. Make the most of the quiet Elaine xxxx
I agree with the others, it's all knew to her, and she doesn't know what to expect yet, give her time, you have to win her trust first, then I'm sure she will come out of herself Jack was a rescue and very much like that for a good few days, then he slowly became the manic ball obsessed hooligan he is today and we wouldn't have it any other way
LOL I have her at the vets this morning for a vet check so crossing the t's and dotting i's! Just had a 45 minute run! God I'm shattered!!!!! Mind you so is Sam, fast asleep immediately after a drink lol Thanks all, you are so helpful, keep putting up with this mad new dog owner please lol
Ooh she was in the kennels for only 3 weeks fortunately. She did find it very manic and wasn't happy. Reckon she is just shattered and settling, thanks
Oh well that's good at least she wasn't there long. Do you know why she was put there? Good luck at the vets Elaine xxx
I agree with the others she was just settling in, when we picked up cassie ( a resuce lucher) she was good as gold the first two nights which surprised us. On the 3rd night we got a lot of howling but she settled down again pretty quick. Good luck at the Vets xx
She was separated from her brother by a couple who decided they couldn't afford two now! No other reason at all! Means she isn't a rescue as in terms of other dogs, but still not nice being seperated etc
That was the same with our Ben, he was in the rescue about 2 weeks with his brother. When we saw Ben, his brother had already been rehomed. If I had seen them together I just know I would have brought the 2 of them home. Elaine xxxx
Yeh the brother was kept, probably made it worse as she entered the rescue centre on her own having never been kenneled etc. I wish I knew who it was, I'd have her brother straight away!
I'm sure you would, but just you focus on little Sam for the time being. Your going to have your hands full....I can tell. She's just thinking how wonderful it is here....wait till she finds her feet Elaine xxxx
I would agree she was probably mentally exhausted. Give her time - she will start to find her feet and confidence over the next 4-6 weeks!
Yeh interesting I can't get her interested in any toys at all! Not fussed about a ball, a tug toy, a squeaky toy, a dental bone lol So can't see that lasting.