L2 Hga (For Staffordshire Bull Terriers) Health

Discussion in 'Staffordshire Bull Terrier' started by Saz, Oct 22, 2005.

  1. Saz

    Saz New Member

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    L2 Hga (For Staffordshire Bull Terriers)

    I am going to start another thread here as I think its important to the Breed.

    For those who don't know, L2 HGA is a neurological condition that effects our Breed, it is important of late that all breeding Dogs are tested for this.

    L2 HGA or L2 hydroxyglutaric aciduria as it is also known, is not something to be taken lightly as the symptoms include demensia, anxiety problems, seizures, ataxia (unsteadyness), tremors and muscular stiffness. NOT something I could personally watch my babies go through.

    Please concider having the blood test.

    For anyone wanting more info please click here
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  3. bobbie3917

    bobbie3917 New Member

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    good idea when ppl test and get there results they can post them here if they want to.
    if any 1 wants to look up some of the dogs that have already been tested then you can look here http://www.bullhawk.co.uk/pp_login.htm

    you need to join now and a few on aol cant use it so they have to use a diffrent broser.
  4. Saz

    Saz New Member

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    Hi all when i say our breed I mean the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, due to changes of the forum name it might have sounded confusing :grin:
  5. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    this is what my missie died of
    she was only 9 months old when she was pts! she had all the syptoms sadly!
  6. bobbie3917

    bobbie3917 New Member

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    will u be getting your 2 tested Hayley?
    or have you changed your mind about breeding?
  7. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    IF and big IF and depends on my parents as i dont want to breed but my parents do as we both own the dogs, so its not my say really! (u dont know my parents trust me)
    I will make sure that i will test my dogs for everything, bessie is going in for hip scoring on next monday and borris early next year! i will test for everything!
  8. bobbie3917

    bobbie3917 New Member

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    thats good to hear Hayley
    i think you may have to get in touch with the AHT before you send in blood mind as i think they are only do KC reg dogs at the moment and you have to remember that it can take up to 6 weeks to come back
  9. Saz

    Saz New Member

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    Four very long weeks later and we have now recieved our certificate saying we are clear of L2 :grin:
  10. Saz

    Saz New Member

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    Well its been 5 weeks actually lol
  11. Anne

    Anne Global Moderator

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    I still havn't heard anything :-(
  12. Saz

    Saz New Member

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    how long has it been now Anne?
  13. Anne

    Anne Global Moderator

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    About 5 weeks now I think
  14. Saz

    Saz New Member

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    I know Kazz waited about 8 or 9 weeks for hers could be more, hope you hear something soon
  15. bobbie3917

    bobbie3917 New Member

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    Graces blood went off today and i will do tara's in about 2/3 weeks
    hope u dont have to wait much longer Anne
  16. bobbie3917

    bobbie3917 New Member

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    well i think my bad luck has finaly gone
    i have just had my email though that Grace (Wiltshire Red Lady) is L2 clear
    **~~** happy dance**~~**
  17. Saz

    Saz New Member

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    Brilliant news Nat :grin: :grin:
  18. Carole

    Carole Global Moderator

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    Off topic posts have been moved HERE :)
  19. Rvcas mom

    Rvcas mom New Member

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    Im so sorry to hear about your puppy.......
    We are going through seizures with our puppy Rvca he's a year and 1/2, nobody is giving us any answers. Rvca is a pure bred Champion, his fathers (fonzy) sperm was flown from England. We have spent over $3,500 in one month on just hospital stays @ 3am. I have no more money to spend and CAN'T bear to put him down. :-( he has his seizures in the middle of the night or in the morning when he wakes up.
    I have researched a lot of things online to find out why he's going through this and found out about L2-Hga. I am hoping to god there is a cure but no one seems to know about it in san diego,ca. We have an appnt. on thursday at UC Davis. Does anyone know about a cure?? He has already had seizures in the first 3 weeks of his phenobarbital and now they have added another med to give him as well. I havent slept and have had nightmares constantly of my puppy dying. If anyone can help i really would appriciate it.
  20. Midge26

    Midge26 New Member

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    Hi RVCAs mom,
    Did you ever find out if your dog has L-2 HGA? My dog, Oscar, is a year and 7 months and has been shaking randomly for the last five days. It doesn't seem like a full blown seizure if thats what it is. I brought him to the vet and everything seems pretty normal aside from a UTI and abnormal yeast. We have him on medicine for those problems but he has still been shaking occasionally. The first time was at 4 in the morning and he kept nudging my boyfriend to wake him up and we noticed he was shaking. We are afraid it may be L-2 HGA and it doesn't sound good. I'm worried and if you found any new info that would be helpful. There is a test that can be done if you haven't found out about it already, the link is: http://www.sbtca.com/site01/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=68&Itemid=173[/U]. I hope Rvca is ok!
  21. xsharixx

    xsharixx New Member

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    Hi RVCAs mom,

    I Was wondering if you ever got anywhere with the L-HGA,
    I have a 2 year old Staffy called Kyza and he was diagnosed with it about 4 months ago . He is currently on medication for it but I have not noticed any difference. We can not excercise him as his back legs get very stiff and his hibs disapear and legs lock on and when he tries to walk it looks like he is bucking like a horse and has no control over it. This has only happened twice tho , he is a very loving dog and comes everywhere so I was just wondering what the outcome was for you and if you could advise anything that may help? Iv researched and can only find limited info on it.



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