I think there may be a good NI breeder!! General Chat

Discussion in 'Northern Inuit Dog' started by kcjack, Apr 9, 2009.

  1. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Hi Seelpup.

    Most breeders at some point use an outside stud, obviously if you intend to expand a gene pool, you dont just keep breeding the same all the time, its pointless and does nothing to improve the breed or widen it at all. Breeders who produce purely to supply the pet market, usually always use their own dog, their costs of stud fees etc... are then eradicated and profit maximized. Im NOT saying this is the case here, just answering your question.:grin:
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  3. Seelpup

    Seelpup New Member

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    Why use an outside stud when you have the best . You obviously do not know kate at all .She is not a breeder out to make a quick buck like you seem to think. Instead of hounding kate for tests she does how about hounding those who don't.
  4. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    I answered your question, and I personally have no wish to "know" Kate any more than she wishes to know me!:roll:

    Whether or not she is out to make a quick buck as you say, Im sure she does very well out of it and honestly, thats absolutely fine by me, why wouldnt it be? When things are done correctly and dogs are bred responsibly, I am in FULL support of it! My ONLY gripe is breeding from a bicth with a high hip score, and thats my ONLY gripe, if you had read the thread you would see that, so please read all the thread before commenting on things you obviously havent researched first. :002:

    Again, if you had read the thread, I was commending Kate on her health tests, and so she should be, but if you have a hip score higher than the breed average which, if you really want to do the right thing, shoudnt of been bred from, but is, then I dont agree with it, is that clear enough for you, because Im going round in circles I think!:roll:
  5. Seelpup

    Seelpup New Member

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    i never asked you a question so why answer. Do you really know anything about hip scores i have a link you will find very interesting. Im off to track it down for you:)
    Im not here to cause trouble i just hate seeing people hounded & jumped on i thought this was a friendly forum :)
  6. CheekyChihuahua


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    This is a friendly forum, Seelpup. There's just one or two that get a bit carried away:002:
  7. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    I havent "hounded" anyone, I was having a perfectly decent converstaion with Kate, read back you will see. We disagree on the hip thing, so what? People disagree all the time, and at NO time have I "hounded" name called or anything else, Ill thank you to take that into consideration before accusing me of "hounding" in the future thanks.
  8. geezer

    geezer New Member

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    Theres a lot of "hounds" and "hounding" talk on this forum-im a bit lost I must say:grin:
  9. Collie Convert

    Collie Convert

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    It is not appropiate to keep using a stud over and over again. At some point, fresh blood has to be introduced to increase the gene pool.The dog in question may well be a good example but continually using the same stud can and does lead to problems in the future in any breed.

    I think you will find that dawn has a damn siight more knowledge than alot of people on here. Why people think her and others are just out to have a go, i dont know. As i said before if breeders were transparent like they should be then there would be no need for all these questions on matters that just dont seem right.
  10. Collie Convert

    Collie Convert

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    Maybe it should be put in the 'hound' section :D
  11. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Seelpup said:
    Sorry, missed this bit.

    I think I know enough about hip scoring and hip dysplasia yes, having exhibited and being involved with breeds that are scored for about 22yrs, Im quite familiar with it, also doing breed rescue for 7yrs and managing a kennels for 16yrs, seeing every concievable extent of the crippling disease, I think Im experienced enough to form an opinion based on my experience.

    See Seelpup, I get very cross when breeders ignore the facts. The NI seems to be such a mine field and HD is far too common (even though its a GSD we are talking about)

    Take two litters, bred by Julie Kelham, on consecutive seasons from an unscored bitch, one dog in the first litter scored 50, and one in the second scored 44. HORRENDOUS scores, others in those litters may be the same, who knows? This is the reason I questioned Kate when she claimed all Demi's pups had "excellent" scores, how would she know if ALL of them hadnt been scored? Its statements like that which raise people into questioning it.

    Whatever link you find, wont alter my opinion, Im sure you can see that HD is inherited to a large degree ad the basis for my opinion is backed up in the case I have just quoted you. Hope you understand where I am coming from.
  12. Cheyenne


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    What is the point for testing for addison's disease unless the dog is showing signs of it?? As has been pointed out, unless the dog HAS it at the time of testing the test it will show neg. It is still unknown IF addison's disease is inherited or not, there is NO test for carriers because of this, so why are you all arguing about it?

    ETA... Sorry bit behind, didnt notic all the new pages, hang on i will catch up lol
  13. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    I agree with this, but perhaps Kate was NOT at fault here? Her Vet should of told her the test was irrelevant, I think she was trying to do the right thing here.
  14. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Marie - it can be inherited - see links:

    The tendency to develop the more common auto-immune type of Addison's disease is often inherited: in fact, other glands (particularly the thyroid) may be similarly affected, either in you or in one of your close relatives.


    As with epilepsy, mode of inheritance is NOT known and it is not known whether it is breed specific.

    Hence the advice not to breed from dogs with Addison's in the lines. Or epilepsy.
  15. Cheyenne


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    Hi LS

    I completley understand where you are coming from and I am not accuseing any one of "scoring points". The fact is I have been attack from peolpe, including yourself, that do not know my bitch's line and have followed the lead of certain people that have it in for me purely cos I am friends with SC.

    I know what you go through LS and I would not wish it on my worst enemy!! So why anyone thinks I would be so careless and heartless to inflict epilepsy on a dog or it's owner is beyond me!!

    I know you do not care to attack anyone, that is why it upset me when you attacked me.
  16. Cheyenne


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    No I don't think it was Kates fault at all, IMHO alot of vets are out to make money full stop, if the vet was a really good one then like mine would have said it was pointless testing unless there were signs of the illness.

    On who's advice, and is this ref to a breed with a shallow and bottle neck gene pool as the NI?

    I will add I have not yet looked at the links in full, as it will take a long time for me to read through it in full due to my dyslexia :blush:
  17. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    Omg, must all NID related threads have to revolve around you Marie?

    The fact is you admitted openly on this forum, (more than once), that you will breed from your bitch even though she may be a carrier of epilepsy. Post 91:
    http://www.dogsey.com/showthread.php?t=95369&page=10&highlight=northern inuit health
    Simple as that. I am not going to argue with you, learn to be a grown up and take the consequences for your actions.
  18. batmandy

    batmandy New Member

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    don`t you think you should keep to the orginanal post which was about Kates dog Storm which is (incase you have all forgotten) a northern inuit who has a great hip score and has been health tested an the results were great, if you want to discuss GSD`s then go to GSD posts. i might be mistaken but isn`t this section about NON-RECOGONISED BREEDS and as , as far as i am aware the GSD is a recognised breed.
    Please forgive me but my spelling is not up to teachers standards as i am lexdistict according to louise shame on her for taking the p*** out of people less fortunate than her well educated self
  19. batmandy

    batmandy New Member

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  20. Cheyenne


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    Pmsl, since when has this thread "revolved around" me?? :? :roll: Grow up you silly woman :roll:
  21. batmandy

    batmandy New Member

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    Ladies please lets all get back to the orginanal thread and thatwas how beautifull (er sorriLouisewas that spelt wrone)
    or wrong even.

    Lets leave Kates GSD`S out of this and stick to the georg Storm. so back on track would be good.

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