I think there may be a good NI breeder!! General Chat

Discussion in 'Northern Inuit Dog' started by kcjack, Apr 9, 2009.

  1. Risingfriend

    Risingfriend New Member

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    Hi everyone,
    I have only just joined this site about half hour ago and really can't believe what is being said in this post.
    Would just like to say HELLO to all you Stormlake puppy owners i also have 3 Gsd pups from Kate and who without a doubt puts her dogs first at all times.I have never met such stunning,wonderful,well laid back and just simply perfect dogs every single one of her dogs temperaments are just absolutely indiscribeable absolutely amazing and as for health i would happily go back for a 4th stormlake pup tomorrow be it Gsd or NI.You get very good breeders i don't doubt at all but then you get outstanding breeders and Kate would be the first of those on my list.
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  3. Jem

    Jem New Member

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    As a HUGE stormlake GSD fan I'd love to see some pic's of all your guys? xx
  4. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Is that 3 new members? :002: :002: Nobody is having a go at Kate, so I dont see the need for a whip round to defend her!:roll: Welcome anyway, I hope you continue to participate in the site.:001:
  5. Risingfriend

    Risingfriend New Member

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    Hi Jem,
    Shall get some pics sorted asap;-)
  6. Jem

    Jem New Member

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    Thanks hun,
    What colours do u have?x

    This is very off topic sorry :blush:
  7. Risingfriend

    Risingfriend New Member

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    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 9, 2009
  8. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Do you think breeding from a GSD bitch with a hip score of 23 is "good?"
  9. kate hearne

    kate hearne New Member

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    Demi is a fantastic example of the breed and has produced excellent hip scores in her children.
    I do not need or care about your approval on this as I am only interested in the welfare of my dogs and my puppies and how their owners feel and just not someone bitching about other peoples dogs all the time yes I am happy with her hip score get over it.
  10. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    I amazed you felt the need to mate a bitch with such a score in the hopes her puppies would be ok, I assume you know they are because they have all been hip scored?

    Seems extremely strange to me that a group of people joined dogsey just to support you for some reason, not sure why and of course they are perfectly entitled to. Did you tell the new owners of Demi's puppies that their mother had a much higher than breed average hip score?

    Im not surprised at all that you were happy with the score, but to me and I expect most others who breed from good hip scored GSD's, that health was not at the top of your list in this instance, otherwise you'd of thought better of mating her!:evil:

    I have nothing but admiration for people who do the best for their breed Kate, however in this case, I dont think you did this. I also expected you to go off half cocked as you have because somebody questioned you.:002:
  11. kate hearne

    kate hearne New Member

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    Demi score is on her website dawn ...I am happy with her score like I have already said she has produced good hips in her children ......are you a expert on genetics and hip dysplasia?
  12. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    No Im not, are you? However I think we both know that 23 is a high hip score for a GSD.

    I know her score is on your site, and Ive seen the dog too and a couple of your others, but you cannot in ANY certainty say she has produced good hips when they havent all been scored can you?

    Im not trying to have a go, nor am I saying you are trying to hide anything at all, pleased dont think that, Im genuinely interested in dog genetics, and Im sure you know, like I do, the best way to produce healthy animals is breed from animals with good health results, I was merely asking your purchasers (as they seem to have been asked to join to defend you for some reason) if they thought breeding from a bitch with a hip score of 23 is good. Nothing sinister at all, genuine question.
  13. kate hearne

    kate hearne New Member

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    yes my purchasers are well aware of her health tests and she is just 4 points above breed average:roll: but I have a waiting list for her superb puppies
  14. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    So she will be having at least a 3rd litter then?:roll: :roll:

    My point Kate, is if you consistently breed from over agerage scoring animals you will inevitably breed higher than averge puppies at some time or another.

    I think you missed my point earlier. You stated that Demi has produced "excellent" hip scores in her puppies, I asked then how did you know this if they were not all scored. Do I take it that they are not all scored and that you in fact do not know if she has produced ALL excellent scores in her offspring?

    Again, genuine interest, nothing more.
  15. Jo Andrews

    Jo Andrews New Member

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    I am a purchaser of Stormlake pups, albeit 2 NIs not yet GSD, Demi would definitely be top of my list having met her, some of her previous litters and in fact seeing one lot at the great age of 5 weeks old.

    I can honestly confirm that I was not asked to post on Dogsey, not at all and I, for one and actually for once, was so pleased to see a positive thread about NIs. It seems to be this now is going awfully off thread and also very sour, shame it was nice to see new members joining off their own backs :-(
  16. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Id agree with you if I thought that were the case Jo, perhaps with all the stuff that goes on in the NI world, Im just too sceptical, but would love to be proved wrong. :grin:
  17. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Thought that myself , suddenly a number of new members all jumping straight in to this thread in defence of one breeder..rather coincidental I think.

    What is the mean score Dawn?? would be interesting to see what is except able in GSD to breed from..

    And as the breeder herself said the score is above average, would be nice to hear her explantion for breeding from high scoring dogs!!

    So your owners are happy to buy puppies from you , from high scoring breeding stock.. as you say if they are happy that's all that matters.. at least they have not walked into it blind!!

    Not sure why you are taking such an attiude , you are the one who felt compled to come here to defend your repution , along with some of your supporters.

    No point in getting stroppy with members here for asking questions , that where brought to light by your own supporters.
  18. ziggykenco

    ziggykenco New Member

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    What a shame!! I am new to this site and am totally disgusted. I was not told to join this website to come to the defence of my breeder I joined because I was interested in dogs - but, do you know what? I've got more to do with my life than sit at home bitching about things that I know absolutely nothing about - as seems to be the case with some of the members who are responding to this particular thread. I am no sheep and speak as I find - there are obviously some people out there who find good breeders a threat or may be just don't have anything better to do. So in answer to your query I will not be actively participating in this web site any longer, as I would not bring myself down to your obviously very low level. Maybe you should get off of the computer and go and walk your dogs, which I am sure that we will agree on this one, is certainly more important than any of the drivell that has been posted on here!!!!! Don't bother responding as I won't be looking!!!!
  19. Heather and Zak

    Heather and Zak New Member

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    I believe the mean score for a GSD is 19 and on the BMS site it says breeders should breed well below this score to help eradicate HD.
  20. Seelpup

    Seelpup New Member

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    I'm not a one for many posts, but i have to agree with with Jo Andrews & Ziggy Kenco this thread has gone way off track sour & very nasty. I agree wth many things that Zigggy Kenco has said .Good for her for having the balls to tell you what she thinks. Nobody asked me to post about Kate i did it of my own free will but i don't expect some people to believe that. Oh well that will be last post too, i too like some people have more important things to do. I'm off for a walk my STORMLAKE dogs which i might add i am very proud of.
  21. mishflynn


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    What i will say about the bitch in question, all the other dogs on the site thave their scores marked down as x-x=X wheras the high scoring bitch just has her total score down as 23 (with no breakdown) Perhaps the bitch had a accident or something at a young age & her score could be something like 3-20 for example, something like this would clearly need explaining to puppy purchasers & the breeder may like to do this one to one with her puppy buyers????

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