Greyhound with loose bowel Health

Discussion in 'Greyhound' started by Mazhound, Mar 30, 2009.

  1. gazza56

    gazza56 New Member

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    thanks for all the advise millie has just finished her 4 week course of anti biotic and still has 1 week left of her other tabs (name misses me at the moment) although there is a very slight improvement it is stilll very much hit and miss. i sent skinners an email asking them if they could suggest any food that might help , and i got a very helpful e mail back and also a sample of there food to try, although i don t really want to try anything new until i finsh the course of tablets from the the mean time mandy and myself are becoming world experts in dogs poo.
    thanks again to all who have posted with advise and we will let you know any more news as it happens
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  3. greyhoundk

    greyhoundk New Member

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    Thank you Spot - at last i managed to get something right then ! :grin:
  4. Freyja

    Freyja New Member

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    My greyhounds can only eat red mills tracker for greyhounds that are retired or convalesing. If I give them anything else it gives them the runs.

    I also find that if they have to have antibiotics for any reason then they too give them the runs.
  5. Mazhound

    Mazhound New Member

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    Haven't logged in for a while but I'm glad to see so many people helpfully discussing the toilet habits of greyhounds!

    The good news is that Bones is now 99% solid (so to speak!) and is otherwise very happy. He is eating tinned Chappie in and kibble - we have been through various types and he does tend to turn his nose up at most. He is a man of distinction and seems to like Burns best, damn his expensive tastes! His absolute favourite foodwise is anything 'real' though, like chicken and rice.

    In all other respects he is becoming more 'pet like' and less distant. Everybody who meets him loves him - he seems to inspire sheer delight in children especially ("Look at the thin doggy, Mummy!" etc.) He is a massive tart and loves any kind of grooming too :mrgreen:

    I'd love to post a pic or two but I've no idea how!?!?

  6. gazza56

    gazza56 New Member

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    poo update
    all tablets complete yesterday , after she finished the anti bio 4 days ago poo is a lot firmer but still a bit hit and miss finish the other ones yesterday and have not noticed any different as yet , am going to give it about 2 or 3 days and if it still the same we are going to switch food to skinners fingers crossed.
    watch this space for next poo watch

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