Bull Mastiff owners - info please Questions

Discussion in 'Bullmastiff' started by Jem, Mar 18, 2009.

  1. Jem

    Jem New Member

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    Bull Mastiff owners - info please

    My dad lost his rottie a week or so ago and him and his wife have their heart set on a bull mastiff, they looked at one before his rottie went but decided against it as she was old and they didn't want to put her under any stress.
    They are looking around may time to get a pup, They are both very active but my step mum will be the main care giver as my dad works off shore for a month at away then 5 weeks at home, they do a lot of power kiting and camping etc so will be taking the pup with them when they go away.

    I have told them to look at the breed clubs and the kc website for breeders but i know diddly squat about mastiffs so im just looking for general advice about temp and any bad qualities or habits they have that i can pass on to them.

    Any and all advice is welcome and thanks in advance x
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  3. Jem

    Jem New Member

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    No-one on here own's a bull mastiff?
  4. Hali

    Hali New Member

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    i think Hev does doesn't she?

    My only experience is that there have been a couple in the rescue centre i help out at....both were fantastic. I'd never really met one before, but fell in love with both (both were bitches) - gentle, sweet and so affectionate.
  5. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    I have met a couple. Both soft as soft things.There is a male walked where we often walk who stands still when he sees Cosmo and if Cosmo goes up to him he runs away to his owner!!!!!! Maybe its the smell....
  6. Brundog

    Brundog New Member

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    naw its all the mud he just doesnt want to get dirty :mrgreen:

    I know 2 and they are both gorgeous xxxx

    but have no experience of owning them.
  7. **Leanne**

    **Leanne** New Member

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    My best friend has a boxer/bull mastiff and he's lovely!!! He's quite lively but she said his dad (full bullmastiff) was quite lazy. Beau was 5 stone at 10 months!! He's a big softie and think my husband is a play toy!!! :) Oh and he chews everything!!!! but what puppy doesn't??
  8. Jem

    Jem New Member

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    see they expect all the puppy fazes just on a bigger scale but wanted some opinions on them from owners who live with them on a day to day basis x

    Thannks for the replies so far though guys x
  9. IsoChick

    IsoChick New Member

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    Hevvur does have one, but she's not around a lot at the moment.

    BM's are well known for being very stubborn and doing what they want to do! I've always felt that they need a firm hand, otherwise will do what they like!

    With any larger breed dog, you have to start as you mean to go on, as what is acceptable with a little puppy, isn't as acceptable with an 8 stone dog!

    I get the impression that Teagan is quite lazy... she'll go on a walk, but is just as happy on the sofa as well.

    I'll try and direct Hev to this thread for you!
  10. sasmi

    sasmi New Member

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    I have a 6 yr old bullmastiff and she is lovely. Yes, they can be a bit stubborn, but not overly so. They are quite lazy and not fussed about exercise, but will walk for miles if you ask them to. Ruby is fantastic with kids and a great favourite at the school. Very loving and rarely barks, although you know when she does!! Great deterent to the local hoodies as she looks quite fierce!!
    Downside, there are ALOT of BYB in bullies, be careful. They can be dog aggressive, despite loads of socialisation, showing and living with other dogs, Ruby has become increasingly unreliable with other dogs over the last couple of years. They can be destructive when young, Ruby ate 2 door frames and a wall!!
    There are several regional bullie clubs, depending on where you are. I recommend the Southern Bullmastiff Society. They have a show coming up on Easter Sunday at Bisley if your Dad is in the South. Hope this helps, feel free to ask if I missed anything. Sam.
  11. Hevvur

    Hevvur New Member

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    I found my way here!
    Teagan is a lovely dog with people, but like Sasmi's dog, she has become unreliable with other dogs.
    Saying that, she doesn't need to play with other dogs, and she gets on with certain dogs.
    They can be stubborn, and Teagan knows what we are asking, but looks at us as if to say "are you gonna make me?"
  12. Jem

    Jem New Member

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    I've told my dad to look on the KC website as he seems to have found a breeder but I cant think of the name for the life of me, I also found a lot of bull breeders on ********* is it a good idea to recommend these aswell?

    The only dogs my dad's pup is likely to meet is my girls as no-one else in the family owns dogs but they will probably come across some when camping and kiting so is there anyway to combat this turn in them or is inevitably?x

    Thanks for the help so far guys but i get the destinct (sp) feeling all my advice and research is falling on deaf ears :roll:
  13. hades

    hades New Member

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    There are some good bullmastiff breed info videos on youtube, they give good info on history, temp, and owners give advise about them and what there like to own and live with.
    Hope this helps:grin:
  14. Jem

    Jem New Member

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    He's off to see a breeder on sunday her affix is eternal pride and i've had a quick neb on her website and her dogs are lush.

    My dad has done no research whatsoever BUT my stepmum has done it non stop so i feel a bit better about it all now x
  15. Shona


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    I have had them, they are great dogs, If they are used to rotties I would think they would cope well with a BM, xx

    big loveable lumps they are

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