Normally behaved male recently become monster-like! Behaviour

Discussion in 'German Shepherd Dog' started by Collie Convert, Mar 10, 2009.

  1. Collie Convert

    Collie Convert

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    Normally behaved male recently become monster-like!

    Well my well behaved 'bitch like' boy has over the last few weeks gradually turned into a monster!!!!!
    I have always had bitch's so is this a boy thing? i hope he grows out of it!!? is a list of just some of the naughty boy things hes doing!!.....

    He has always had a perfect recall and come back and sat in front of me- now he has selective deafness when he feels like it!

    started barking at other dog-only when on lead though

    is making 'yoda love' to everything(if you get what i mean!!)

    shredding his bedding

    jumping up

    going crazy and being rude as we leave the house to go on walks!

    and before you ask.........he is being treated EXACTLY as before this, obviously I am continually correcting the bad behaviour BUT its like somebody has morphed my boy away and replaced him with an unruly tenneager lol

    please tell me it will pass...........
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  3. Netpon

    Netpon New Member

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    I'm not a GSD owner but there have been several at the training club I go to over the years and every single one of them has turned into a naughty teenager at around 18 months - however well behaved they were before!

    I would just advise to stick at it and don't stand for any carp, it may be that you have to be firmer with him for a while as he tests his boundaries

    Good luck!
  4. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    How old is Yoda now?
  5. Berger

    Berger New Member

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    Well I am still going through this with my boy and he is two and Leo's don't mature til they are three but this started when he was at the 18 month mark. So I feel your pain. Ivan is also very strong will to boot so I stand for nothing. Consistency and patience. I think he was definitely sent to test me though!!
  6. talassie

    talassie New Member

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    It's not just males. I have been working on Tala's recall and jumping up since she was 5 months. She is now 15 months and showing only a little improvement.
  7. Netpon

    Netpon New Member

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    I've mostly had boys but the 2 girls I have had have been defiant little madams. Give me a boy any day!
  8. Magic

    Magic New Member

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    I'm a male gsd owner, in fact this is my fourth male :) - first stab I'm gonna have is - it's spring! All of my lads have been a little different in the spring, higher prey drive and energy, and all those things that can go with the season. How old is your bad boy? By the way, my lad is two and half years and he isn't sounding so different, I don't think there's anything wrong - maybe just the time of year lol :grin:
  9. Collie Convert

    Collie Convert

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    he is just 19months now-devil boy- he is so hyper at the minute he is playing 'who can jump the furthest off the sofa'!
    i just shut the door on him lol i think your right about me being more firm with him lol

    but on a more serious note.....he is very testing at the moment-i like to think i am firm but kind with him and up until today i could 'tell' him to do something whereas now it seems i have to ask him nicely and he still says "make me!" he has also started being a little snappy at sadie which is VERY unusual for him-but she does bully him so i think he may just be standing up for himself.
  10. Magic

    Magic New Member

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    He sounds like he may be just maturing :grin: maybe he wants to be a man and not just a boy :grin: Is he very cute and fluffy by any chance??? :grin:
  11. cava14una

    cava14una New Member

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    It's a man thing :lol: My oldest Beardie is the most laid back dog in existence but around this time of year he goes a bit loopy. Worst thing is standing in the garden staring into space and sniffing the air rather than coming in. It'll pass;-)

    Forgot to say Cava will be 8 next month
  12. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    Could be he is starting to mature and pushing his boundaries a little bit?
  13. Collie Convert

    Collie Convert

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    well yes, i think its just him testing me...but with other males (other breeds) i have found that they go through the stage yoda is going through at around 8-16 months or beyond. but i never had this (but he was very ill for a long while when he was younger so it may be a delayed reaction!!) i just wasnt sure whether that may be it as i have never had a male gsd before
  14. Collie Convert

    Collie Convert

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    well he used to be....

    not so sure about now though!!

  15. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    He is gorgeous GSDmad - as a pup and an adult.
  16. Harry21

    Harry21 New Member

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    It's normal to feel like you have taken a step or two back with your dogs behaviour/traing during adolescence. This is what I have been told by more experienced shepherd owners.

    My Prince sounds similar. Around xmass time (when he turned one) he started barking at dogs when walking them. He also completely stares at them until they are out of sight. Ithink it must be a dominance thing.
  17. Collie Convert

    Collie Convert

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    thanks moobli-i do think he's a handsome chap!

    harry, i think his barking at other dogs is more out of frustration when he's on a lead(and also gaining security and confidence )
    when he's off the lead he is very submissive to any and everything lol.
    im hoping it will pass. I was on the phone to his breeder(who is also a friend) earlier and mentioned it to her and she says this is usually the age when she gets calls for advice from people who have had a pup from her and that by the time they hit 2 they have calmed and settled down 'back to normal' again!. only 5months to go!!
  18. Harry21

    Harry21 New Member

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    Thanks gsdmad, he is a very confident dog. He rarely gets to meet any other dogs outside of his training class. He not only barks, but he pulls and even jumps back on his hid legs to get to the over dog. Other dog walkers cross the street when we're walking, not only making me look like I'm a bad owner but also that he's aggressive. On the rare ocasion someone lets there dog come to mine he has been absolutely fine (even if the other dog goes for him). He's great at meeting people, it's just he gets insanely excited when he see's another dog.
  19. Magic

    Magic New Member

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    He looks absolutely adorable :grin:

    I wouldn't bank on the 'only 5 months to go' though, ;-) I've had a cheeky bad boy like this before - he was like that till about 5 yrs :grin: Think he's just needing 'to find his feet' - I wouldn't worry about it at all :grin:

    BTW, how far can he jump off the sofa? lol lol, love it! :grin:

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