Wolf lookalike breeders Controversial

Discussion in 'Spitz Forum' started by kcjack, Mar 10, 2009.

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  1. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    Wolf lookalike breeders

    Its seems the wolf lookalike dog breeders are here to stay. But when is enough enough. They are breeding NI, BIs, Saarloos, Cwd and mixing them all up so noone will know what the hell you are getting soon.
    Its becoming big business and its a dirty business in my eyes.
    This dogs are NOT the perfect family pet like is being portayed.
    Would love to hear fromsome breeders whats there motive as I feel as they are crossing breeds then not doing it to improve a breed so all I can think of is money.
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  3. Dotty.

    Dotty. New Member

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    As long as the people buying the dogs, know what they are getting, know what they are buying, and the breeders research there buyers, and all are health checked by vets, whose buisness is it, one wouldn't expect you to understand, as I'v been lurking here for sometime, without logging in, I know you don't really want to know who is breeding what, its all point scoring with you, Its all who can I bash today, Have you got no life KC do you really care about the NI or BIs, Saarloos, Cwd or is it just another witch hunt.
    The NIs are hip scored, eye and VWD tested amongst other tests, when I was looking for a dog I looked into these dogs, as I had heard about them, whilst looking around a pound, and then looked them up, as it turned out I also went back amongst Dogsey threads and seen you dont like these people who own these dogs, but own one, why?
    Aye yes he was a rescue you bought from your friend, what constitues a rescue?
    Buying from the breeder or from your friend?
    I thought rescue dogs came from the pound or rescue centers.
    How many or the above dogs are in rescue?
    Compared to the average pet.
  4. Netpon

    Netpon New Member

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    Where did that come from :shock:
  5. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    LOL someone in disguise me thinks.
    Tha lady I got Kato of had approached a few rescues and I took him in before he went to the rescue stage.
    I love my NI he is the most faithful and loyal dog ever but is he easy ............NO
    So you say Charlie hip scores,eye tests and VWB tests all his breeders?
    And you say you were looking at NIs and saarloss and settled on a Pomeranian pmsl
  6. Navajo

    Navajo New Member

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    Mine are hipscored.

    Kcjack, one thing I don't understand is that you have so much bad to say about the breeds and CW dogs yet you apparently emailed CR (so he states on his forum) asking whether he'd consider you for a pure bred Saarloos?
  7. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    LOL!!! me thinks we have mice.

    Mind I think someone did their homework and realised their is more money in Poms, then NIs and Saarloss:lol:
  8. Cheyenne


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    Whats the matter kcjack, nothing on tv?

    IMHO I don't think you are really interested, and your just out to caurse trouble in order to entertain yourself... very sad! :roll:
  9. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Thats interesting. Some are hip scored, a minute amount have been VWD tested and what other tests do you speak of? Addisons, how many? One, two? Excellent for those who do, I commend them but your sweeping statement of "The NI's" is far reaching, how many exactly?
  10. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    Cheyenne I deal with crappy breeders on a daily basis so owning a NI I have an interest in the wolf lookalikes as there seems many crappy breeders in this area.
    I actually do something constructive with my life reagrding dogs and not destructive.
    I see you have 2 litters of x breed dogs planned this year may I ask why?
  11. kodi2000

    kodi2000 New Member

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    kcjack..i live in your area and only know of one breeder of wolfie types. would be interested to know where all the others are.
  12. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    yes and we prob both know who she is and breeds her bitches every season and no health testing even though HD rife in her litters.
  13. batmandy

    batmandy New Member

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    Come on WE all know Kcjack knows everything that goes on in all areas of the U.k there she is spying on some poor innocent person walking their dogs camera in hand.
    Excuse me for asking Kcjack but do you get a BIG pay rise every year, because where would the dog world be without you in it, protecting all dogs from us BAD dog owners. who know nothing. I hear they have just the job for you in another part of the world where your wisdom and expertisewould come in most usefull.

  14. Shona


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    I would like to know why E-collars are often used on these breeds?
    what is so diff about them that normal training methods dont work?
  15. ClaireandDaisy

    ClaireandDaisy New Member

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    Having followed the whole faux-wolf posts with horrified fascination I`ve come to the conclusion that that they are not particularly special dogs (and they are dogs because all dogs, even the Pekingese, have a certain amount of wolf in them) but that the majority of their owners have a deep insecurity which leads them to need to haul about a `wild` animal, which of course they can`t allow themselves to train because that would deny the fact the animal is `wild`. Let`s face it, if you can train a Basset Hound or a Bulldog, you can train a crossbreed. However, admitting that you have recall problems (which sighthound owners do all the time) or socialisation issues (tell me about it guys!) doesn`t have the same cachet as the claim that the dog is a wolf and therefore untrainable.
  16. Shona


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    I have often wondered, if the owners "view" of the dog, has held the dog back,.

    many of them that have came to me for training, have been very good to train :roll: but I guess those owners though of there dog as a dog!
    though I dont think they are for first time dog owners.

    some of the stuff being said on the other forum is a bit cringe worthy, mostly to do with dogsey, and how they{the humans on the other site} will stand together....

    " if you call one wolf , you invite the pack "

    "all for one, and one for all "

    "Together we are stronger and like a true wolf pack we can demonstrate our superior prowess"

    "The strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack'

    why talk about supporting each other as if they are a pack of dogs...I dont get it
    they seem obsessed with the whole wolf thing, now refering to themselfs as packs.

    it does sound as though they feel they are now a pack?.. could this be the SE influence creeping in?

    its all a bit odd
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2009
  17. Navajo

    Navajo New Member

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    Are they though? As previously stated I've never used one on any of my dogs.
  18. Navajo

    Navajo New Member

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    Who has recall problems? If they do then it is down to bad/poor or lack of training. My pups are taught recall with either chicken wings or chunks of liver from an early age. Apart from Genova, none of mine have socialisation issues and as for wild, I can walk all but 2 of mine through any field with a flock of sheep or herd of cattle and they won't bat an eye lid at them. They also don't touch mum's pigs/piglets or her chicken. Pretty wild eh!

    And no, I don't want a wild animal hence why I disagree with the proposed crossings of Saarloos or CsV's with Wolves. I chose this breed because I love it's temperament and it's looks. It suits my lifestyle. I can leave all but 2 of my dogs loose on the yard, go out, come back and know they'll still be there either playing in the fields or lounging around on the yard. I know my mother can't say the same for her two JRT's!!
  19. Shona


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    Brill, well done, you should post a vid of you training your dogs,

    but all that said, many people do seem to have problems handling the breed, why do you think that is?

    my post was not directed at any one person, its a general observation, a good bit of which comes from owners calling me as they need help.
  20. inkliveeva

    inkliveeva New Member

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    With all the hype surrounding them they're probably frightened of their own dogs ....
  21. ClaireandDaisy

    ClaireandDaisy New Member

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    so we agree, then!:)
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