or bitch? Questions

Discussion in 'German Shepherd Dog' started by Collie Convert, Feb 16, 2009.

  1. Collie Convert

    Collie Convert

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    layla or bitch?

    just wondered people with gsds which sex do you prefer?

    I have to say that i prefer bitchs, my first gsd, sadie is everything i could wish for and more, she is absolutely devoted to me, extremely loyal, protective she enjoys her cuddles for a while and then is just happy if she can sleep somewhere where she is touching me-but only me, my OH doesnt get a look in!
    whereas yoda, my dog, is the soppiest 'love bug' (as we call him) he wants cuddles ALL the time- if anyone including strangers gives him a fuss or treat he acts like he is there bestest friend in the world- but when it comes to it he knows which side his bread is buttered and, again he would choose me over anyone/anything else. a typical trait of the gsd.
    so if i had to choose i would say that i would choose bitches over dogs! i think!
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  3. Muddiwarx

    Muddiwarx Member

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    Bitches for me :) Apart from feeling that they are cleverer, I hate the male peeing!
  4. skilaki


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    I have never had a bitch. I chose a male because I like the look of them better - bigger chest, head etc.

    It's funny that your boy is the love bug gsdmad, my Cox is more like your Sadie, happy to get attention for a bit, but then happy to go off to sleep somewhere, defo a one woman dog and doesn't care for a fuss from anyone else. He will take a titbit from someone only if it is really tasty, but not if it is a plain old biscuit. lol

    Muddiwarx, I really don't mind the male peeing thing. He knows not to when he is on the lead, but when I let him off he doesn't go crazy with it either, plus it is much easier to get a boy to pee when you need him to (before bed, lng car journey, going into PAH etc) than a girl, just take him to the nearest vertical surface lol.

    Having said that my next one will be a girlie just so I can have one of each and I think Cox will find it easier to share me with a girl than another boy!
  5. melsgems

    melsgems New Member

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    i have one of each and can't honestly say which I prefer they each have their own traits I love and it would be so difficult. However my girly is a lot more stronger willed she is a constant battle of wills, where as Zak will do anything for an easy life lol. Zeita is a definate mummies girl and is not keen for me to move away from her and will follow me everywhere. Zak is far more independant. May be I would say a bitch just for the challenge and cuddles lol :lol:
  6. Helena54

    Helena54 New Member

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    I've always had gsd bitches in the past, but have to say, since having Georgie, I think I honestly prefer males now! More laid back, not in yer face all the time, plus you can tell them what to do whereas with a bitch you have to "ask" and niceley!:grin:
  7. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    I currently have one bitch and one dog and even though my bitch, Flame, is a real soulmate to me, and a very special girlie, I have to say that I prefer males in looks and (generally) in personality too.

    I feel bitches can be a bit too *bitchy*, get jealous more easily, are less laid back and less loving and don't have the same *presence* (in looks) as a male.

    Flame is very independent and likes to do her own thing, you can give her attention on her terms :)

    Yogi is a real soppy male, he loves cuddles from his mum, but isn't too fussed about attention from anyone else - but I think that is a breed thing, rather than a gender thing.

    I love having one of each, but if I could only have one or the other in the future then I would choose a male.
  8. Cassius

    Cassius New Member

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    I used to prefer bitches because they were more independant. They always enjoyed their cuddles but were just as happy to NOT have cuddles 24/7 so I could usually get on with other stuff.

    Now I have one girl and 2 boys and I prefer the dogs I think. They're bigger, more powerful and amzing to look at (Yiannis will be when he's grown).


    My boys are dso dopey and soppy that I'm pleased the look of them would put people off breaking in. If anyone outside knew what they were really like, I wouldn't stand a chance.

    Yiannis is still feisty and full of attitude - something that Ellie is knocking out of him to a certain extent.

    Zane on the other hand is the biggest wimp on earth. He has big teeth but wouldn't know how to use them. He trips over his own feet and tries to make it look as thoug he meant to do it and will roll over for belly rubs for anyone. AND...if you have liver cake - that's it - friend for life! My maternal grandfather died over 10 years ago but if he were alive today, he'd call Zane a "big jessy"!. But I love him for it and I must admit, he's my favourite.

    Laura xx
  9. Collie Convert

    Collie Convert

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    :shock: :shock:
    how can you have a favourite !!!!? ;-)
    :shock: :shock:
  10. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    Pics please Laura - I don't think I have seen your doggies yet.
  11. basky

    basky New Member

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    think its bitches for me but then saying that i suppose it depends on the individual dog
  12. jesterjenn

    jesterjenn New Member

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    I don't have a preference.

    I have only had one GSD (current one who is a bitch) but my friend GSD is male and he is a horror (it's not all his fault as his owners don't give him as many boundaries as he needs)

    I would have either though :D

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