100% Wolf X Dog Controversial

Discussion in 'Spitz Forum' started by liz & kiesha, Jan 27, 2009.

  1. liz & kiesha

    liz & kiesha New Member

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    Hi Golden wolf & Hollie
    You are entitled to your opinion and believe me i would be the first person to defend your right to give it, however not everyone is going to agree with you & the people who dont have the same rights as you to voice their opinion. I dont want anybody crossing pure wolves with dogs and will do what i can to stop it. I really dont care about the theme park they are setting up, best of luck to them. I just dont want them crossing wolves & dogs.
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  3. Tassle

    Tassle New Member

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    This is a very unfair thing to say - from what I have seen on CW I have genuine concerns about what they are planning to do with these dogs.

    I am not bitter or twisted - I have know Shaun for a long time - He has been to my house to help with one of my dogs and I have organised talks and workshops run by him.

    If people have welfare concerns about any animal they should have the chance to be heard - burying your head in the sand doesn't do anyone any good.
  4. The Master

    The Master New Member

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    Far from it, I'm quite happy being clean and not exploiting wolves and dogs for financial gain:lol:

    You guys can carry on squabbling amongst each other on here but those who really care about the wolf and the dog will do something constructive and contact the relevant authorities and gain evidence from the "real" biologists who have spent a life time studying wolves:mrgreen:
  5. inkliveeva

    inkliveeva New Member

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    Makes me sick to my stomache whenever I think of humans interfereing with nature in such a way Liz, just doesn't bare thinking about....
    the second she wolf fluer ( european wolf ) bred several times to a GSD producing 28 puppies, in anyones mind why would this statement be right when in actual fact all that was forced to happen her was to rape the wolf, just sickening.
    And who will take the blame when it all goes t..'s up, no human thats for sure, as usual the breeding will be to blame wrong wolf, wrong dog, never the people at the back of these disgusting actions....
  6. liz & kiesha

    liz & kiesha New Member

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    And all our dogs will be tarred with the same brush.
  7. inkliveeva

    inkliveeva New Member

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    No Liz, mine was bred N.I TO N.I, it was not a forced breeding either....no wolves involved !
  8. Lionhound


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    So everyone who does not agree with you is jealous:shock: :lol: A very well rounded arguement but one I would have to disagree with. I do not think that the crossing of a wild animal with a domestic pet is advantages to either. How would the wolf benefit this? I am also sure that owners and breeders of SWD would be equally against it. Where is the science to back this up? This is not conservation of a species, this is b******ising one.
    So jealous no, worried and concerned yes:?
  9. liz & kiesha

    liz & kiesha New Member

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    I know, i was agreeing with you and saying when the **** hits the fan on this one, and it will. ALL wolf lookalike type dogs will be tarred with the same brush.
  10. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Mmmmm I think Im a little wiser to you now.:002: I hope Im wrong though.
  11. wolfdogowner

    wolfdogowner New Member

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    This is a very interesting thread. there are a couple of people here who have a real anti Shaun Ellis agenda, Eko and The Master and others who sway either way. So far the only facts are that CR has said that he and Shaun will cross breed, but having read CRs thread it appears he is continually 'thinking out loud' and sounding ideas, whereas (to my knowledge) Mr Ellis has made no public statement to the effect. So far they are guilty of nothing and In SEs case I'm not sure he is guilty of even thinking of doing anything.

    What surprises me that it seems that only one person in a different part of the country is actually cross breeding wolves to dogs (or at least claiming to) and no body seems that worried by them selling F1 puppies to the public (or friends).

    Wolves have been cross bred to dogs for thousands of years and it has been well documented. Mr Saarloos did it to create a new breed and he himself was no expert, but enlisted the help of a geneticist. He was not known for being kind or concerned in his breeding and was well prepared to knock a pup against a wall if it had no potential. He also cross bred Jackals and dogs, kept foxs etc all in tiny cages. In the end we had a lovely, if difficult to live with (at times) breed.

    I do not support the cross breeding of my favorite breed with anything, but this is a personal and emotional thing. Even if CR and SE did this project it would not be against the law. The only matter being if they had licenses to keep any licensable species on any particular property.

    Even if I wanted to stop what they propose, there appears to be no moral 'law' which would enable me to do so. As for Shaun Ellis, I can understand concerns that possibly he has been led astray by a few TV production companies and some "scientists" may well not agree with his methods on principal, but I am not privy to any fact which makes me think that they are breaking any law, and if they have not applied for a DWAA license then how do you know they WILL keep wolves on this land, especially as they have not completed any purchase or lease agreement and therefore are hardly likely to have applied for any license.

    In all CR seems to have been judged by a blog where he changes his mind regularly and SE by a couple of dubious docu-soaps. Why not target people who are actually importing and selling sick puppies for example or is it easier to find people readily in the public eye as figures of hate?
  12. tazer


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    A good post.

    There definately seems to be, on either side a few people who, hold a you're either with us, or against us mentallity. I personally have no alligance to anyone, and will agree or disagree based on what you say at the time.

    and I don't see how disagreeing with someone's oppinion/planns/intentions means they're jealous of them. I certainly don't feel jealous, more like indifferently interested and slightly amused.
  13. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    But what gets me is that CR appears to have a huge issue over the kennels doing this. I dont understand that?
  14. Eko

    Eko New Member

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    James Darch
    How do you know they haven't completed any purchase or lease agreement?
  15. wolfdogowner

    wolfdogowner New Member

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    I can only go by what has been posted on the CW web site. ;-)
  16. Eko

    Eko New Member

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    James Darch
    Thanks for clarifying that. You write a good argument wolfdogowner, but it won't change my opinion of Shaun Ellis- regardless of TV shows or this proposed cross breeding. Nor will it stop me from trying to prevent the 'project' if it is more than just a rumour. As you say they haven't got a licence yet, but if they apply for one myself and many others will do everything we can to stop them getting it.
  17. inkliveeva

    inkliveeva New Member

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    do you know what would be involved with objecting a licence ?
  18. banji

    banji New Member

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    how do you think all of your dogs were conceived.do you think it was all love at first sight, do you not realise the breeder of your dogs have done what is nescessary to get the bitch pregnant. whether its by helping or not,they will have to intefere at some point.none of it is natural.
    so to bad mouth other people is just ignorant because your not looking at what has gone on to produce your dogs.
    do you know how many puppies were culled and line bred in order to produce the breed you have next to you.how many pups and dogs died because people want a dog to look a certain way.
    it seems you are all far too bothered about what other people are doing,with you having little knowledge of the true extent of the research. it seems you are far to easy to jump on the band wagon without having your own opinions incase of disaproval.
    wouldnt the world be terribly boring if we all thought the same and behaved the same.
    think out your safety zone, after all this is what others are doing and you all seem to object because you dont take the time to understand the logic behind something.take the time to think for yourselves and you may see the world differently and it may give you more options in life, and if not, no one could accuse you of being narrow minded.
  19. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Welcome Banji! :mrgreen:
  20. Golden Wolf

    Golden Wolf New Member

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    Yes. You just write to the council, tell them that you've never met the people concerned, never discussed their aims and proposals with them, don't really understand what they're proposing, but that you want to object to whatever it is that they might be doing.:roll: And your objection will be recorded.
  21. banji

    banji New Member

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    hello borderdawn.
    love border terriers by the way.

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