Got my Rotts pedigree today... General Chat

Discussion in 'Rottweiler' started by Callum, Jan 8, 2009.

  1. talassie

    talassie New Member

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    Shona I have just read this thread through. It must be so upsetting for you not to know what is happening with Danny. I know you just want what is best for him.
    Let us hope that you have not had any updates because Callum has been too busy. I would not have thought it was in anyone's interest to rehome Danny to anyone but you if he doesn't pass the training as a security dog.
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  3. Shona


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    I would love to contine to think all is well, but callum has been on reading this thread several times now, so knows how worried I am, but he has still not had the decency to let me know hes alright, its just so rude,.Hes not so busy that he cant sit watching the thread,
  4. lovezois

    lovezois Fondly remembered

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    Yes Callum an update on how Danny is doing would be appreciated and it would be courtesy as there are a lot of people who are concerned sbout your lack of response and are worrying about Danny. You brought him to our attention in the first place and now lots of us are wondering about him.
  5. Shona


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    would it be possible for anyone who regularly gets the breed record suppliment to keep an eye open for change of ownership?

    the dog is called " Laird Arran "

    Im very worried now that the dog has been passed on
  6. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    I doubt that very much, Callum is well able as proven in previous posts to stand up for himself and give as good as he gets.

    And I think the fact that money was/is his first motivation regarding Danny.... he has run Shona round a very money orientated pole... upping the price on every contact...knowing she was worried sick over the dog.

    That is not someone who is worried or weary to come on and update us on his welfare.
    I will keep a look out Shone, but as you say I worry that Callum has found a higher bidder for Danny...

    Wouldn'T it be nice for him to come on and put your mind to rest... but I doubt it, for someone who was only interested in the dog welfare... it does not add up.

    Calum has been watching this thread for the past hr or so.... says a lot doesn't it
  7. Callum

    Callum New Member

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    Just to finalise this as my LAST post.

    I have nothing further to add other than to say our Rottie is doing fine with us. I am dissapointed by the untruths I continue to read and by what has been said both online and offline. I only type this for those who are genuinly concerned. HE is fine, training well and very happy.

    Thanks to benzmum for the genuine PM and for advising I let you know he is doing well. For the record I have not been reading this thread or ignoring any posts deliberately.

    Feel free to reply as im sure many of you will, but be assured I wont be posting on dogsey forums again.
  8. Shona


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    Callum, thanks for letting me know you still have Danny at the moment.

    Though I cant see whats untruthful in this thread, or my posts,

    It is a fact, Danny was advertised in the local paper as a free to good home by his first owner when he was just over 1 year old, which is what three months ago.

    Derpiper took him on, she paid for his boosters and so on,
    You bought the dog for £150

    But 3.5 weeks after you got the dog you told me the dog had cost you £300 +

    Now at this point you did not know I had talked to Derpiper, but after you found out you more or less cut all contact with me.

    I can only assume you now did not want to give me derpipers details as you did not want me to know you had doubled the price of the dog.

    I have been played like a bloody piano all the way through this.

    You dont even refer to him as Danny, just "our rottie"...its nothing short of refering to him as IT.
    BEWARE anyone useing there dog at stud.... THINGS CAN AND DO GO BADLY WRONG.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2009
  9. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Thanks for the update, shame it could not have happened days/weeks ago, as you have had ample time and opportunity to respond, as like today you have sat and watched this thread progress and people enquiring over Danny....

    Just as you are now sitting watching for responses.
  10. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Just to add.....Callum, if you are still watching.

    Its a shame you are not going to post anymore, as you have made Danny a part of dogsey..and as we do, we get involved in all our dogs progress.

    If you feel you have a point to prove, and as you say, people have told untruths.... why no stick around posting pics and updates of his progress in security work.

    As I am sure proving people wrong would be a good enough reason to stay.

    And you know Shone has only the dogs best interests at heart..she has proven the type of conscientious breeder she is... and can only be of benefit to you in the future, both with the dog and security she has such knowledge of both

    And that is the sad thruth of it Shona.... you have done your best after finding out about Danny... and I know you would pay what ever his asking price was to get him back in your hands..

    But is seems that from his response or lack of it... he is still playing you.

    Why would someone who got a dog for such a nominal fee (which would have just covered his vaccination fees and feeding costs) then turn round and ask double the price.

    Dont forget , Callum said all along that if danny did not make the grade he would then find him another home...yet even before danny has done any training Callum is offering him to you for a higher price.

    In other words , you can have the dog , as long as you pay his price!!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2009
  11. Shona


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    I have to agree with JB, it would be nice if you could stay, give us regular updates, Photos of danny?
  12. youngstevie


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    Just read through, I am so so sorry that this had to end with such a stale mate ending.
    I saw that callum was on today, even though he posted yesterday that he wasn't posting again.

    Such a very disappointed ending. It could of been so different too, photo's of Danny's progress would of set so many minds to rest.:-(
  13. CheekyChihuahua


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    Shona, I am so sorry things have ended like this for you, with regard to Danny. You don't deserve the way you have been treated, particularly as you only have Danny's best interest at heart:cry:

    Callum, please reconsider your decision to cut all ties, if you do check back here at any point. Forget Dogsey if that suits you but, please, let Shona know how Danny is, the odd photo or update. I have just started out in breeding and I know I would be devastated if any pup that I had a hand in breeding, were to be in the position Danny found himself in. Shona really is one of the good guys. Don't just let her wonder forever how Danny has fared. That really isn't fair.

    Best of luck with Danny and his training, whatever decision to come to over contact with Shona. I hope the boy now has the life he deserves:001:
  14. lovezois

    lovezois Fondly remembered

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    I second what CC says...............
  15. Losos

    Losos New Member

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    And me too - Callum, give Dogsey the heave ho if you wish, but please let Shona know from time to time how Danny is doing, at the end of the day that is the civilised thing to do.

    In this country the locals generally don't care much about their dogs but I still like to think the British (and especially the Scottish) have a higher code of ethics and while internet forums can get out of hand a photo or the odd word to keep Shona up to date is hardly an imposition, it would be the magnaminous thing to do IMO.

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