Got my Rotts pedigree today... General Chat

Discussion in 'Rottweiler' started by Callum, Jan 8, 2009.

  1. Shona


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    hi hun, tikka wanst a re home or rescue, she was bought straight from richard too, I had taken some confidence with richard from the type of home tikka has, I had hoped that the others were as well homed when I couldnt get the details from him
    and I guess ignorace is bliss,
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  3. Collie Convert

    Collie Convert

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    hi shona is darcguard your line of rotties then? sorry to go slightly off subject but the name rings a bell from a few weeks back now when i met a lovely lady who had rehomed a rottie and we were doing the usual dog chat and i remember she mentioned her lines-didnt mean anything at the time but now it rings a bell and with you saying you cant trace 2 pups. Just tell me to shut up if im totally on the wrong tracks lol
  4. Fudgeley

    Fudgeley New Member

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    Sorry Shona. I must have got some of your past threads muddles up. I thought Tikka was the rottie you rescued from near you and then rehomed. Apologies to Tikkas family.
  5. Collie Convert

    Collie Convert

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    as for being in your shoes shona- i would be devastated if someone i trusted to be a good owner/breeder had done this.
    but it does sound like hes in a better place right now xx
  6. Shona


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    can you find out for me? lets face it if they can land up as far off as callum, staffordshire is a possiblilty

    the dog would have came from Aryshire scotland if that helps,.
  7. Shona


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    no worries, lol, just think barry would be a bit devistated to read that,

    im just off to pm him now,
  8. Collie Convert

    Collie Convert

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    yes- i definatly will ask more- unfortunatly i wont see her until next week though as i only know her from training and dont have contact details for her. the rottie she owns is a bitch, looked quite juvenile. The lady had a accent- not sure whether it was scottish or irish lol (dont get out much!!!) but i will def ask her when i see her, the dog is lovely by the way-does agility :D
  9. Shona


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    hmmm I do wonder the missing dog is a male, but I do wonder if mr ross has been honest about the amount of pups in the litter,

    though I see no reason to fib about it,. but you never know,
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2009
  10. Callum

    Callum New Member

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    Sorry for not replying been out walking the doggies :)

    Of course if he does not work out here, then I strongly beleive the best place for him would be with you.

    **I went off to read a PM in the middle of typing this, ty Dawn**
    Basically what I have said is (as I think its relevant here too):
    I do see it from their POV and we are discussing whats best here. At this point he is nothing more than a dog that has had a bad start and has begun to become a loving happy well behaved dog. So maybe IF its going to happen, better before going into work based training. Not sure too many ppl are seeing it from our POV in the thread tho, esp considering the slating we got from a few when I introduced him in the original thread.

    That is how we felt about the original thread here.

    ANYWAY, He is safe and well. I see no reason why he would be better off with Shona than us. However.. he is intended to work and if that isnt the case then the option is there. Maybe thinking out loud a bit here too :?

    Im sure with a nights sleep and a bit of time to think things thru it'll be clearer for us all. Im not about to vanish and he wont be going anywhere without us talking to you Shona. Were only a PM away ;-)
  11. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    With the greatest respect Callum, you ask why he would be better off in Shina's hands,, Ifeel it may be obvious,

    You have said yourself if you cant turn him into a gaurd dog, you will move him on... at this stage he will again need to be rehabilitated... but by passing him over to Shona now,,, she will give him or find him the correct home where he will stay forever.

    Can you guarantee the same..are you experienced enough to rehome a dog who has failed at security work.

    You are taking this dog down route , you may not be able to bring him back from.

    I think this is fate working, if nothing else, please contact Shona, and at least work with her on this..for the dogs sake if nothing else.
  12. Callum

    Callum New Member

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    I have said he WILL NOT be trained in any work based way if he is not suitable to do so. I would not be training anything other than obedience, boundaries and respect before I wa ssure he was to work and not be rehomed.
  13. random

    random New Member

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    Sorry Callum but I agree with Jackie. x
  14. Tassle

    Tassle New Member

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    I understand your POV -but I can understand why Shona is so upset, I would be devastated to discover a dog I had been responisble for bringing into the world had been shifted around so much.

    That being said - it sounds like Callum is doing the best by the dog - he has a loving home and is learning some manners and basic training.

    I hope the situation is resolved so the dog remains happy.
  15. Nippy

    Nippy New Member

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    Oh dear, oh dear, how I feel for both of you.
    I feel Callum is really trying to do his best here and as he says maybe tomorrow when things have simmered down a solution will be found.
    I can understand how devastated Shona must be feeling. What a dreadful thing to happen ..... to open a post and find that right out of the blue.
    ATM we know the dog is safe and being well cared for and I have a feeling Callum will do the best thing for the dog.
    Lets hope tomorrow sheds some more light on the situation.
    Thinking of you all.
  16. mishflynn


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    Good post gals!!!!

    The way i see it , is the dog has now fallen on his feet, wether he stays with callum or goes with Shona.
  17. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    What a shock and a surprise!

    It sounds to me as though Callum will do right by his dog, and if the dog doesn't show an aptitude for security work then he will be returned to Shona. As long as the dog is being taught some manners, is being well looked after and won't be encouraged to be aggressive in any way, then I can't see a better solution, unless Callum decides to return the Rott to Shona now.

    Hugs to you both - it is an incredibly difficult situation, and
    I know I would be devastated too if I were in Shona's position :-(
  18. lovezois

    lovezois Fondly remembered

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    When I read this thread and saw the name "Mr Ross", I was so shocked.

    I really feel so guilty and awful about this as I was the one Mr Ross approached in the first place. He said his brother had a Rotti Bitch who he was looking for a stud dog for and asked me if I knew anyone and I put him onto Shona.

    Having read this thread I do wish this had never happened but both Shona and myself were taken in by Mr Ross as he had been in Labs for a long time. and . He seemed very plausible and I trusted him, It just shows how wrong you can be .

    So sorry Shona.
  19. Callum

    Callum New Member

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    Probably best to say from my POV, I only have the say so of my boys last owner as to his original. Mr Ross may not have had a say in the matter or may have been taken in by the orig owners. It is possible. I know Shona has mentioned she has struggled to get info from him but prob best not to plac eblame when we dont know ALL the facts.

    I am replying to your PM now Shone :)
  20. Shona


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    awe Eunice, please dont feel guilty about this,
    as said Mr Ross had a long history in Labs with some nice dogs and big wins under his belt, there was no real reason to distrust his ability,
    we live and learn as they say,
    but please dont feel bad about it, I turn so many people away for studs, If I had felt badly about him I would have turned him away, but it all seemed dandy at the time.
  21. Shona


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    yes your right, whats done is done,

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