Wolf dog shot in head General Chat

Discussion in 'Spitz Forum' started by kcjack, Dec 4, 2008.

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  1. inkliveeva

    inkliveeva New Member

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    :lol: :lol: :lol:
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  3. inkliveeva

    inkliveeva New Member

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    Oh dear :-(
  4. wolfdogowner

    wolfdogowner New Member

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    All the Saarloos I know have calmed down at maturity (after two years), even the wilder temperaments calm a bit; dont know about these aggressive NI bitches though...

    With all these Saarloos on the loose in Devon, sightings of 'wild beasts' could be on the up, or is that the Beast of Bodmin? Don't worry though they have more sense than come near people, any good Saarloos knows that people are nothing but trouble (thats a joke by the way).
  5. Tania

    Tania New Member

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    That's good i read that challenges for dominance were an issue, with children seen as the first stepping stone in rising in the hierarchy. Again, it may be because of closeness of crossing the wolf into the dog. Think what I was reading was about first crosses, not generations down the line.

    I'm not sure I'd be dominent/alpha enough with a sarloos x.
  6. Tania

    Tania New Member

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    Well sarloos x wolf would not be legal in this country as there have to be some generations after first crossing doesn't there?
  7. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Maryann - did Bob tell you all this herself?
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 4, 2008
  8. leo


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    personally i don't agree with shotting a dog in the head, surely it could have been tranqulised then given the injection without risk to anyone.

    I can see the point your making in needs must, regarding the situtation and how to deal with it, but there are other ways, without shooting a dog in the head.

    I haven't read all the thread, but how or why was this dog allowed to become so aggressive and an issue in the first place?
  9. abbie

    abbie Member

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    Yes I think it is very worrying.
  10. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    Must say find that very bizarre that a breeders bitch as done a bunk and had her litters out in the wild.
  11. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    It's worse than bizarre - that poor girl is out on her own somewhere, gave birth on her own and is now becoming used to it. She was "quite feral" before and now there are pictures of her being 'spotted' but it seems she wouldn't stay around long enough to reacquaint herself with them. How will they get her back and will they be able to gain her trust now? I suspect she will be very protective of the pups - the one that was shot became very protective of her pups. Let's hope they don't share the same fate.

    How did she escape and what is being done to find her?

    But why were these bitches bred from so soon after coming here and with so little known about their background/temperament?
  12. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    What will happen to her pups?
  13. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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  14. abbie

    abbie Member

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    I think it is very worrying indeed. After a quick look at the website it seems that puppy "adopters" do not actually own their dogs. They cannot spey or neuter etc.

    He also offers easy payment terms and delivery.
  15. Jem

    Jem New Member

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    Is his land secure or is it all open?x
  16. Tania

    Tania New Member

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    I can't understand why 7 unknown bitches would be mated so soon upon arrival. Surely it would have been better to spend the 14 months until next season on getting to know and socialise them, so that any issues with temprement would be known and the bitch not bred from if necessary?

    Why start with so many unknown bitches, one or two would be a place to start rather than dive in at the deep end and have so many at once. If indeed this is an honest programme of breeding. The way it looks is a money-making venture with poor regard for the dogs (in terms of settling in before getting pregnant) and people, taking on puppies where the bitch is not known well for temprement, etc.

    Yes the dogs and cages are clean, but what about the emotional/mental needs of the dogs - are these being met?
  17. Lunakitty321

    Lunakitty321 New Member

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    Indeed. They definitely are not looking too innocent to me.
  18. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    The same questions that are going through my mind.
  19. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    Couldn't agree more,I think it's awful.
  20. dixiechick

    dixiechick New Member

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    I agree too. So what if the kennels are clean:roll: , big deal if the dogs are emotionally neglected:evil:

    A happy well balanced dog does not cower and shy away from its 'owner' when he goes in the kennel, does it:? :?

    So what if he has webcams up, how does that not make him a puppy farmer exactly??:?
  21. wolfwannabe

    wolfwannabe New Member

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    First of all why are so many of you angry at the dog being shot???

    Some of you suggest she should have been drugged then pts with an injection, how is that more humane, first of all she would either have had to have been darted (very stressful for the poor animal) or fed drugged food which would have been slow acting and she would have had some terrifing time of losing control and probably would have fought against the drugs.
    Far better and much quicker and therefore more humane way is a single shot to the head by a professional licensed slaughterman, she would have not seen it coming or even heard the killing shot.

    Secondly why are you angry at Charlie? Surely you should be angry at the breeder who sold these dogs to him as breeding bitches. She was the one who brought up these bitches, she didn't socialise them, she was the one who let them go feral, she was the one who let the Zsazsa get attacked by other dogs and she didn't even tell Charlie about her problems. She is the one who you should be angry at. The other dogs are coming along nicely now, one I believe is now living in the house, thanks to Charlie these other dogs have a much rosier future. The pups born from these dogs will be properly socialised and will become lovely dogs. Temperment is not bred it is made by the pups owner.

    Thirdly.... Please at least read the facts before jumping on the head line of this thread. The forum where kcjack got the original "news" is open for all to read... please don't just read the one thread go back to much older diary entries, you'll see Charlie does not hide anything he virtually lives in the open.

    And finally.... Just stop and think.... How would you feel if you had just had to pts your dog???... Would you want to go straight on to a forum and explain every detail???... I don't think so... I completely believe Charlie would have told us the hole story when he was ready... He was let down by a person he trusted who desided to go telling tales... How would you feel if it was you who had been let down like that???

    Please THINK before you go abusing people you don't even know. If you want to find out what Charlie is really like why don't YOU go and see for yourself, his kennels are open for anyone to visit without an appointment. How many other dog breeders allow that?
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