Wolf dog shot in head General Chat

Discussion in 'Spitz Forum' started by kcjack, Dec 4, 2008.

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  1. maryann


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    who's wife? you dont know much about owt do you BD...? i thought you were more intellegent than you are.... sorry my mistake.. FACTS???? you dont know nothing do you hun? i had always thought that you researched your facts, now i know that you just listen to hearsay on the internet.....shame on you:roll:
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  3. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    OOPS HUGE mistake, try partner!! :mrgreen: Questions still stand Maryann, people are finding out now you know......!!:mrgreen:
  4. maryann


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    quite normal????? what planet are you on dawn? not welcoming of her pups?? should this bitch have been bred from?? in all my years i have NEVER seen a whelping bitch treated like this, IMHO this is the cruelest thing i have ever seen in my life!! and if you condone this you are as bad as he is. you are a BIG dissapointment dawn, i really thought that you had more sense and understanding of dogs in general. but now i understand that you are just one of charlies sheep....baaaaad form dawn
  5. maryann


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    what questions? i thought you were a woman of means dawn?? what dont you know hun? what can i enlighten you on??? tell me???:lol:
  6. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    :005: :005: :044: :044:
    Please explain how you could possibly know if a bitch would need a cesear BEFORE she was mated, now thats just common sense isnt it!! :mrgreen:

    Second mistake, she did NOT whelp, see thats what a cesear stops!!:roll: and the reason the bitch did not take to her puppies.

    Im pleased I dissappoint you, but please do read my post as it will provide basic info on how when a bitch requires a cesear it does in fact bypass the whelping bit!!!! and before a bitch is mated you cannot know it will require a cesear! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  7. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Have a beak here: :002:

    Plenty there to keep you occupied.:002:
  8. maryann


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    aw dawn dawn dawn, i feel so so sorry for you, you are so gullable, bless you.
    but its ok hun, i understand, i dont blame you for your lack of knowlege, it doesn't matter honest hun
    you just go back to your perfect life where the bad **** dont happen and everything you are told is the truth and everything is hunkydory, sad sad sad bless you...xxx
  9. maryann


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    would just like everyone to know that i am on a split shift today and that i WILL be answering dawns responce (if she has a valid one) at some point, wouldn't like to dissapoint, so i wont
  10. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    My question would be, if a mature bitch was bought for the sole purpose of breeding (and someone said 5 were bought??? I quwestion that too) then why weren't the temperaments of the bitches assessed prior to being bought and why was a bitch bred from on her first season in a new home when she was showing signs of wariness. Totally irresponsible in my opinion how can that situation be acceptable? Poor bitch.
  11. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Well I will await your witty and insightful replies...

    Oh no wait..that wasn't you.. you were the one bitching and swearing and putting people down..

    Oh welll.. I am sure you will keep us entertained..
  12. maryann


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    dawn, i know you are still online, not got a valid point on anything hun? or are you waiting for charlie to tell you what to say? you've disapointed me again, bless you, your not very bright are you? its ok, now i know what your really like i wont press you for an answer, i'll wait till later when you've spoken to your boss
  13. maryann


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    dawns not responding to me either:roll:
  14. ElaiRs

    ElaiRs New Member

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    I'm not a breeder but even I know that dogs that have undergone a cesarean section dont always accept their pups. It happens in people/cats/camels/cows/sheep etc etc as well you know. Its quite common.

    As for the way the dog (not wolf hybrid) was euthanized, we were not there. We dont know how much stress she was already under nor how aggressive she was being. If it was swift and cleanly then I have no problem with that. I've seen how stressfull euthanasia is for an animal at a vets office.
    How were they meant to capture her, without causing more undue stress, to stick a needle in her if her aggression was as bad as Charlie says?
  15. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    :shock: :shock:
    Lets hope it makes a little more sense then the above.!!

    Have to agree with this.. over the yrs I have witnessed both methods of horses being PTS... more I have to say by being shot ... and to my mind it is by far the most humane way.

    One of them being my own boy...I could not hold him but my hubby did... yes it is the the most traumatic experience any will ever have to witness...but far better for the horse , it is instant... compared to injecting ..when you inject the horse falls.... fast, they do not go straight away, some will try to stand, some will kick around , some will break limbs while in a panic.... injection is not instant.

    Shooting is not barbaric, have you ever seen a deer with a broken leg... try catching it to put it to sleep humanely with an injection... a experienced marksman will dispatch it in seconds...

    Needs must, and if this was the safest, humane way to euthanize this animal so be it.

    Which brings me on to the point... why do people breeds these dogs in the first place.

    I am 100% against wolf dogs... dogs are dogs wolves are wolves... leave them to their own...
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 4, 2008
  16. Razcox

    Razcox New Member

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    I couldn't agree more, the only reason i could see to breed a bitch so soon on her arriving here would be £££££. :evil:

    Not wanting to miss out on a chance to recoop the money spent on her. But then this breeder has had at least 12 litters already this year so no shocker there . .
  17. maryann


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    The poor dog was shot in the head, not by a licenced slaughterman, but by charlie, why do you think bob left? and why did charlie lie about it? you are all so ready to believe that charlie is a good guy, why is that? because he says so? he was forced to tell you what really happened to zaza (well his version of it) and you are all so eager to believe him.. why is that????
    if her aggresion was as bad as charlie makes out it was, why in hell did he mate her??? i dont believe for one minute that he didnt know about her temperment and i believe IMO that if she had whelped her pups with no problem that HE would have sold them to the unsuspecting public with no questions asked!! and that he is selling the pups of the other bitches with questionable temperments to people with young children without a care in the world as long as he gets his money!! how many litters has he had in the last 6 months? you are all condoning a puppy farmer!! just because you can see his dogs are cleaned out everday you think that this is in the welfare of his animals? you all need to wake up!!
  18. ElaiRs

    ElaiRs New Member

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    I'm not condoning anything except if the dog was as aggressive as what is being stated and it was a swift and clean shot. I have no problem with that.

    How do you know it was Charlie? Were you there? How do you know thats why Bob left? Were you there?

    I have no idea how many litters he has had on the premises nor do I know Charlie personally. I've never been to his kennels nor seen his animals so I cant make a judgement on him. I can only go by what people are saying, the sarloos cross pups were to be retained for future breeding but again I dont know that for a fact.

    Charlie hasnt told me anything, I'm only going by what I've been reading on here. I dont believe everything I'm told but some people do seem to. As I stated in my previous post, I wasnt there.
  19. maryann


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    i would just like to say that you ALL have left me shocked and stunned about this sorry state of affairs, you know me, i dont say much about anything, i post pics of my dogs and thats it.... but this? i cant believe you all stand by and accept this no questions asked... all you say is....im soo sorry charlie it must have been hard for you...WTF!!!!! what are you people thinking about???? you all cant be that blind...or is it just that i can see clearer, please someone tell me
  20. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    I think it's dreadful the bitch was bought in the first place, let alone bred from. Had she not got so aggressive would the pups than have been sold on? :shock: Would some of them then have been bred from?

    You also have to ask what MADE this particular bitch aggressive in the first place?

    To breed from a bitch that has been bought in on her first season in a new environment, when she is already showing signs of wariness, is not only irresponsible but in my opinion cruel. Shame on them.
  21. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    Just read about it.....
    This sort of sums up all my concerns about wolfdogs being legal.
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