Who saw the article about the American Man with his "wolf"???? wot a idiot it was clearly a Husky/mally x type, looked completly nothing like a wolf...clearly sold a "pup". He believes it was 100% wolf!!!! It was sold as 96% which apparently is the highest % u can sell in the states but the "breeder" told him it was actually 100%
he was a cross betwween mum a Tundra wolf & dad a Mckenzie Valley wolf. who both lived in the breeders stables!
My goodness the likeness is uncanny!!!!! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mackenzie_Valley_Wolf http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tundra_Wolf
My Nan saved this for me and showed it me the weekend, she was a bit put out when i PMSL about it! I'm sorry but there is one born every min isn't there! Lola looks 100 times more the tundra wolf then him . . .
Looks like either a not very good Malamute, or a Huskamute to me. If there is any wolf in the dog I would be amazed. Mick
I must say I read this article end to end and believe every word of it. I also believe in fairies, pots of gold at the end of the rainbow and that Gordon Brown knows what he`s doing.
I was asked if my dogs were tiger cubs the other day - do you think they'll pay me for an interview as well?
No, you need to write a book saying how you bought them in the wilds of tibet and then trekked across the world with them, admiring their untamed spirit etc etc.. then they pay you for an interview and you get the advertise your book as well! Neat, eh?