Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever General Chat

Discussion in 'Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever' started by werewolf, Sep 26, 2008.

  1. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Awww - so gorgeous and cute :049:

    Love the picture of the two of them together! :grin:
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  3. Moon's Mum

    Moon's Mum New Member

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    Awww Mini Me, that's hilarious :lol: She's gorgeous.

    is she still scared of ducks? :lol:
  4. marianne38

    marianne38 New Member

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    marianne morris
    We live right by a pond with lots of ducks and a heron.

    My Goldie is obsessed by water and ducks, I don,t want him swimming in it because its not very clean. So we have to walk on the other side of the road, otherwise my Goldie pulls me in, last time he did that I had to let go off the lead, much to the amusement of the people sitting in the tea shop opposite.

    So I don,t really show her the ducks unless someone walks with me, then I can have a good hold of the Goldie.

    The pond is next to a heath and I have seen a Bermese Mountain dog running towards the pond with the owner in situ.One of those moments when you know thats its not just your dog who,s being naughty.
  5. Moon's Mum

    Moon's Mum New Member

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    I went to see a litter of toller puppies today. I was going to post some photos but I figured nobody would want to see a bunch of cute little toller puppies, would you.......? ;)
  6. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    pictures please :mrgreen:
  7. Moon's Mum

    Moon's Mum New Member

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  8. callumsmum

    callumsmum New Member

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    Those dogs are so lovely i cant say i have seen one in the flesh but i love the colouring and they look very intelligent.
  9. Moon's Mum

    Moon's Mum New Member

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    Looking over this old thread and feeling slightly deflated :cry: we're still on the waiting list for 2014 but I'm unsure how much better Cain is going to get with dogs :? He's reasonably well behaved with dogs that he knows do I haven't lost all hope of introducing a second dog sometimes, but unsure if he'd be ok with a puppy. Additionally I don't feel like I could currently handle walking two dogs together with the way Cain currently is. So unless we have a miracle, I'm starting to feel like I may not be able to get my toller puppy while I still have Cain. I know I need to be sensible but the thought of having to wait potentially 10 years for my toller is depressing. I really want my toller :( sigh. Don't mind me, I'm just lamenting!
  10. marianne38

    marianne38 New Member

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    marianne morris
    No advice I,m afraid.

    But more pictures.

    Hurry up mum where's my breakfast?

  11. Tollerdal

    Tollerdal New Member

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    Before we brought home our first Toller pup 18 months ago our existing dog was fear aggressive of other dogs and I felt the same way you did! I thought we would have to wait until we no longer had her before we got our Toller.

    In the end we felt ready and we decided to go for it and we are so glad we did. The first two days we brought the pup home were a bit touch and go and we kept our existing dog muzzled the whole time to keep the puppy safe. Our other dog was scared of her and growled if the pup approached her face initially. After two days though all seemed to settle and the muzzled was removed and we watched them carefully and they have been fine together.

    So I would say it can be done if you are careful about how you introduce them.

    Don't give up hope!
  12. Moon's Mum

    Moon's Mum New Member

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    Awww I love Bella so much, she's so pretty :)

    Thanks for sharing your experience Tollerdal, it's good to know it can be done. It is the fact that Cain essentially ignores any dog that he knows and is comfortable with that gives me hope it may happen if done carefully. It's just that puppies are unpredicatable and I wonder how he'll cope with that. Still got another 18 months though so we'll keep trying to improve his social skills :)
  13. CharleyMaddison

    CharleyMaddison New Member

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    When I got Maddi, Charley was still lunging, growling and barking at every dog we passed on a walk and I had the same concerns. Its actually only been in the last few weeks that Charley has been making a vast improvement! These are some pics of Charley and Maddi's first moments together and you will see it was absolutely love at first sight for Charley :007: and she has looked after Maddi amazingly ever since. Don't be downhearted it can be done!




  14. marianne38

    marianne38 New Member

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    marianne morris
    Ahh, they look so sweet together.:grin:
  15. Ben Mcfuzzylugs

    Ben Mcfuzzylugs

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    I understand how dissheartened you are
    and I totaly know it can be a nightmare trying to walk 2 dogs when one is being a tasmanian devil

    But there are ways round it
    and very good points too
    For one Ben REALLY helps me with Mia - he is SO friendly that whenever a dog charges us I can send him out to say 'hello' and it gives Mia a chance to assess things and decide to greet nicely
    The same with people comming towards us with dogs on leads - I can let Ben go ahead (if people are OK with it) he stops them walking while they say hello and Mia gets a chance for a nice meeting instead of the stress of onlead dog walking right at her

    and they LOVE each other
  16. krlyr


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    Well, you've seen Casper and Kiki together - Casper may be pants with most dogs but him and Kiki are the most perfect combination of dogs I've ever seen, they seem to be made for each other. I love the fact that I know Casper gets great daily interaction with at least one same-species buddy and that means more to me than going on regular group walks etc. ever could.
    Also, I have started C25K again with my two and despite my worries, I am managing with them absolutely fine, even when other dogs enter the field. If I can run with them, you can walk with two :p We even bumped into a cat on the way back from the run, and I managed to stay completely upright despite being knackered from the run. You get the hang of it, I've been on my bum a few times admittedly but I think I've got the technique of staying upright down now. Plus there's the option of walking them separately, driving to safer places (especially if you still have access to this secure field), walking with other people who can help, etc.

    There are some downsides but they do mostly relate to having two PITAs :p If Kiki was fine to let off-lead and didn't have her separation anxiety, I think I could certainly cope a lot easier. I know you can't guarantee that a second dog won't suffer things like that but I think having a dog as a puppy, and having the experience of a dog like Cain to show you what you don't want in an adult dog, will really put you at an advantage.
    Have you ever introduced Cain to puppies? It might give you an idea of what he'd be like, I found Casper a bit too interested in my mum's pup, he went to grab her like a toy once and we went a whole lot slower with intros but eventually decided to give up until she was older. She was a very excitable pup though and she even wound Kiki up at times - and you know how tolerant Kiki is (or at least, was at the time). Casper seems a lot less bothered by next door's puppies now so I'm sure with time, he could learn how to behave around one if I actually put the effort in. I know Fiona/scout75 on here had some teething issues with her reactive GSD Shilah and her puppy Kofi but it didn't take long for them to get used to each other, I think she just used crates and carefully supervised meetings at first.

    And you could always move down the road, the house about 6 doors down has just come up for rent. 4 dogs, 4 people, nice quiet fields, it'd be perfect :lol: :p

    On a serious note, what about considering fostering? It could be a way to introduce Cain to the possibility of sharing his house, and give you an idea of how you'd physically manage two dogs. You could be picky and choose slightly smaller dogs with good social skills and great lead manners - they'd probably not hang around so long but that might suit you better.
  17. Moon's Mum

    Moon's Mum New Member

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    Cain has only met a few puppies but I get the inpression he's not keen on the wriggly small ones :? He seems fine with juveniles and used to quite enjoy playing with young males over 6-8 months but potentially the first 6 months could be tricky :? Additionally I don't want he puppy learning any bad habits from Cain, HOWEVER I would walk and train them separately at first anyway as puppy couldn't walk as far and it would give me time to socialise and train it separately. The fact that Cain does tend to just ignore dogs once he knows them gives me a glimmer of hope that he might accept a pup once he's used to it.

    Deep down I know the sensible answer for a second dog would be an adult rescue. A relaxed friendly adult dog who I can test with Cain and know they'll get on. But while I will rescue again in the future, I really do want my toller. Heart vs head!!

    ETA: I'm not sure of I'd be allowed to foster because I work full time. Rescues didn't want to home to me because of that do I'm unsure they'd let me foster. Plus who'd be mad enough to put their dog with Cain?! :lol: will be interesting to see if Cain and Sophie's Kestral get on ok inside together if we rent the cottage...
  18. krlyr


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    Could be worth asking some rescues, Brandy's rescue were OK with the idea of me continuing to foster her once I went back to work after Christmas (had things worked out), so not all rescues rule out fulltime workers. Guess it depends on lunchtime arrangements and the like - you might not necessary need to pay for a walker but at least have someone pop in for a lunchtime wee break.

    I know what you mean though. If I was to foster, I think it would have to be older, calmer males and dependant on how well Casper coped with it. Would love a puppy but no idea if I could trust Casper, and it would take some serious planning with work! Not impossible, but definately the selfish route rather than the practical one.

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