PRTs/JRTs: Are they compatible with cats?

Discussion in 'Jack Russell Terrier' started by sallyinlancs, Sep 22, 2008.

  1. sallyinlancs

    sallyinlancs New Member

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    PRTs/JRTs: Are they compatible with cats?

    I am thinking of getting a PRT or JRT. I already have two NIs and a cat. My youngest child is 13yo. I have never had a terrier before. My brother has a JRT so I'm not totally unfamiliar with them, although he lives miles away from me so I would still consider myself a complete novice with terriers. Can anyone give me any advice/opinions on this?
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  3. MissE


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    have had a jack and now a parson and both would chase cats all day long.

    However, I also have friends whose jacks live quite happily with the house cat, but chase strangers.

    Are you planning to get a pup or a rescue? An older one may well be cat tested if you get it from a rescue.
  4. sallyinlancs

    sallyinlancs New Member

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    At this stage I'm not quite 'planning to get one' - I'm merely considering it as an option, but I think a rescue would be my first choice. One of the reasons I even came up with the idea of a JRT/PRT is that there always seem to be so many at my local rescue centre.
  5. MissE


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    just a turn of phrase, Sally - you had highlighted "thinking" - I should have re-used your own words.
    Point I was trying to make was a rescue will cat test, whereas you won't always know with a pup.
  6. Sez & Amber

    Sez & Amber New Member

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    We had two cats when we got our JRT, Blaze. He came to us as an eight week pup, having been born in a rescue, so the cats were just a fact of life to him. The cats chased him far more than he ever chased them, and he was never bothered by strange cats in the garden, either (although our two toms saw off any strangers pretty quickly!)

    The cats (who were brothers) passed away aged sixteen and seventeen respectively, and our JRT lived another four years. He pined terribly for the cats and used to go looking for them for several days after that final vets trip. My mum decided "no more pets" after the second cat was PTS, but we all felt that Blaze never really got over not having the cats to snuggle with.

    I think, though, had we not had him from puppyhood, it might not have worked. If you were thinking about getting an older rescue, then you might find one who has already grown up around cats, but it might time lots of time and patience for them to accept a "strange" cat.
  7. Luke

    Luke New Member

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    Had a rescue JRT, working girly too, who would happily go off hunting anything and was par excellent ratter. She mothered more kittens in this house then I care to count, and adored each and every cat which passed through these dogs with passion.
    It's all about training, training and socialisation. Get a pup n raise it correctly, and he/she will be fine with cats.:)
  8. sallyinlancs

    sallyinlancs New Member

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    Aah ok - sorry about that, just wanted to make it clear that I'm only in the VERY early stages of consideration with this - I haven't even researched the breeds AT ALL yet - so I'm just 'sounding out' for now.

    Yes a rescue that is known to be good with cats is a possibility although at my local centre, there seem to be hardly ANY dogs known to be good with cats, in fact most of them are to be adopted to homes that have no other pets at all!

    A puppy COULD be TAUGHT to be cat-tolerant though I suppose.......
  9. Luke

    Luke New Member

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    No could about it, if brought up with a cat that dog would love it like it would a human/fellow canine:)
  10. sallyinlancs

    sallyinlancs New Member

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    Thanks everyone! I thought so........ they say some breeds don't mix with cats at all and I don't know any JRTs/PRTs that live with cats so wasn't sure if they could ever get on. Obviously they CAN given the right upbringing so that's encouraging.
  11. Luke

    Luke New Member

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    A lot of people think terriers are not catfriendly, but I know myself and others [thinking whos on dogsey memberwise, Borderdawn is an example] have terriers living with cats very happily:)
  12. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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    I've always had terriers and cats together too without any problems.
  13. nana

    nana New Member

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    Patterdales are similar in size and temperment to PJR, perhaps even a bit more hard bitten, but they can easily be taught to live with cats.
    This is Misty as a pup with 2 adolescent cats.

  14. johnderondon

    johnderondon New Member

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    And then again many Patterdales grow up in perfect harmony with their feline housemate until maturity at around two years and then BANG!

    Jacks and Parsons I don't know but with Patterdales, Fells and Lakelands, particularly working line, you are taking a chance.
  15. Gemma27

    Gemma27 New Member

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    I grew up in a house where we had three JRTs and two cats. They were very happy together often sleeping in the same bed. The cats totally ruled the place!

    Any cats outside were a different thing though, despite all efforts they were fair game and would be chased whenever possible.

    I still now own a JRT and have a cat. We got the JRT as a pup. We had already had the cat for some years and he was not at all used to Dogs, in fact he is terrified of them. However, our cat has accepted her completely.

    The cat accepts the dog as another member of his cat pack and the Dog accepts the cat as another dog in her dog pack. Weird but it works.

    As long as the dog knows that the cat is higher up the pack chain - no problem.

    We have even had our cat defend our dog against another dog (who was only playing) when it accidentally strayed into our garden.

    JRTs are just the most fantastic dogs; full on, character packed, compact, cute as .. and will follow you anywhere!
  16. Angel44

    Angel44 New Member

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    Yep, always had jr's and cats without any problems, but the terriers were always brought in as pups. I've also got whippets and people say you shouldn't have cats with sight hounds - mine are all fine :grin: However, they will all chase strange cats.
  17. Gemma27

    Gemma27 New Member

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    I should also say that our other dogs have always been Lurchers as well as JRTs, no problem with them either.

    Not sure i'd be so happy with a Patterdale with a cat though, JRTs on acid! Lovely dogs though!
  18. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    I agree Gemma, Patts are hard work and for that reason I dont have one here with my 6 Cats. JRT's, absolutely.
  19. Magic

    Magic New Member

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    I took in a feral cat into the house with two gsds and two jrts already in residence - it was a lot of fun and games to start with as I'm sure you can imagine. :grin: I agree with Luke - a jrt pup raised well will have no trouble with a cat - they may still enjoy the odd spurt now and again but should adapt well enough. Jrt's are ACE! :grin: They can be the most social, fun, stimulating little dogs, but they require to be treated with respect - and rightly so :grin:
    Sorry, can't comment on Patterdales, all I will add is that my jrt's were of working lines too - depends on the dog!
  20. Reisu

    Reisu New Member

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    My friend has a jrt, a prt and three cats. They are all rescues and they all get on fine :)
  21. freckles211

    freckles211 New Member

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    I have a JRT who is now 13yrs old & she has always lived with cats & she is great with them. When my one cat had kittens she would lie down so they could suckle on her & she is always nudging Thomas to wash her ears for her.

    Freckles lives with 6x cats & we have never had a problem. I have a ginger cat & he will shift Freckles out of her bed if he wants to get in it & she moves for him.

    So no i have never had a problem

    Hope this helps


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