More or less staffie. Questions

Discussion in 'Staffordshire Bull Terrier' started by catrinsparkles, Apr 18, 2008.


    MAGADOG New Member

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    Beautiful staffy girl :grin:

    She is the double of Pickle !!
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  3. Pita

    Pita New Member

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    Jackie or Jay
    It is strange how people will ask the breed and then not believe what you say. Suppose they have made their mind up and only ask to have their decision confirmed and are then put out when you tell them they are wrong. Find the worse offenders are those who know nothing at all about dogs, mind you I have been guilty of calling a Goldie a Lab when I know full well what it is, suppose that is a senior moment.
  4. hayley08

    hayley08 New Member

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    shes beautiful and looks pure staff to me!!!
  5. catrinsparkles

    catrinsparkles New Member

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    Thank you - she is 6 months now, far more grown up and looking so much like her mummy (which i always hoped for!)

  6. magpye

    magpye New Member

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    She's fabulous and adorable and looks all staffy to me, (but what do I know)... Probably easier just to say mostly staffy when out on walks, it saves debate... I have been known to say Kismet is a mostly Husky and Pharaoh is a mostly greyhound to some people just to agree with them and move on. Even selkie is too big to be a samoyed due to her line being bred to mush not show. Her parents and grandparents are all KC registered, she's not, her great grandparents get a bit 'muddy' with a couple of them being bought directly from the Samoyed people to try and strengthen the line... One of her great grandparents was believed to have a bit of arctic wolf in him... So I guess she's probably a 'mostly' dog too!

    'Mostly' owners of the world unite:) :D :D :D
  7. catrinsparkles

    catrinsparkles New Member

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    Yes i am definately a proud mostly owner!

    There is a 7 month old staff at dog training and you would never have thought Tonks and her were of the same breed. The other dog is a nice little thing but far shorter than Tonks, with a squashed up face, and walks in a really odd way, quite a laboured way, where as Tonks is very agile. She is exactly what i wanted as i hope to move on to agility, she has her first puppy agility class in a couple of weeks !
  8. Fred&Mya'smum

    Fred&Mya'smum New Member

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    she looks all staffy to me, absolutely gorgeous too :049:
  9. mypoppit

    mypoppit New Member

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    hello!!! i am new here, but she is sooo gorgeous, i would say staffy, but i have always thought staffys are shorter?! but i think she is beautiful and kisses and cuddles are a must!!
  10. catrinsparkles

    catrinsparkles New Member

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    Thank you. She is 8 months now and taller but has stopped growing. I'm sure mum had a bit of labrador in her and all the pups are taller than their mummy now, but none are taller than daddy!

    I will pass on the kisses and cuddles!

    Welcome to Dogsey!

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