Rotties and dobes - similarities and differences? Discussions

Discussion in 'Rottweiler' started by urbanwolf, Feb 11, 2008.

  1. urbanwolf

    urbanwolf New Member

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    Rotties and dobes - similarities and differences?

    Hi there

    The thread re the differences between rots and gsds really got me interested in the difference temprements of working breeds.

    I guess a lot of people, me included, don't appreciate the differences and similarities between dobes and rots, as although they are very different in build, their similar colouring does create some confusion in non-doggie people.

    I would be really interested in knowing how similar or different they are in temprement and in what way.

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  3. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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    Parough likes this.
    Oi cheeky what do ya mean?, We look like Rottweilers:shock:




    How very dare you :lol:
  4. urbanwolf

    urbanwolf New Member

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    Parough likes this.
    Hi Trouble

    Re-reading my post I see that I did make a mess of it didn't I :) - I wasn't as clear as I could have been. Of course you dobes look nothing like rotties! I meant that I wasn't sure of the tempremental differences and similarities when it comes to attitude to life, trainability, sensitivity to handler, dominance etc.

    Sorry again for the confusion - I do think joe public sometimes confuses the two looks wise - although I agree, they look nothing like each other.

    I'm sorry if I hurt your dobes feelings! Great piccies and beautiful dogs.
  5. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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    Sorry I was joking :lol: most people think Dobies are black and tan and forget about the other colours, and Syd was once accused of being a Rottie:shock: I have a friend that has three different colours and when we walk together we have the full set, some people get very confused :lol:
    Seriously I have never owned a Rottie but before getting Syd it was on the shortlist. There are a great many similarities between them, but obviously the Dobies won the day.
    The thing is when most people describe their Dobermanns I find differences with mine, sometimes they could be talking about a different breed, and also although my two share a sire they are not much alike except in colouring.
  6. urbanwolf

    urbanwolf New Member

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    No worries trouble - I know you were joking - that's the beauty of smilies :lol: :lol: :lol:

    I didn't realise there were three different colours - I was only aware of black and tan and your doggies colours (is that brown and tan or liver and tan?:blush: ). What's the third colour?
  7. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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    Syd - Male Dobermann will be 3 in April.
    27" to the shoulder and weighs in at 46 kgs and he is not overweight.
    Very powerful dog, Knows his own strength and adjusts it accordingly.
    Loving and gentle with his family, Aloof with strangers.
    When out he is always on his toes around strangers until he has weighed them up.
    Likes to guard his garden and can be very vocal while about it. Those pesky pigeons never take the hint no matter how much he barks at them.
    Gets on well with other dogs.
    Responds well to training and is quick to learn. Although does not like too much repetition, easily bored and will just lay down and go to sleep.
    Fantastic recall whatever the distractions.
    Very ball orientated and loves to chase.
    High energy when out and very laid back and relaxed at home. Happy with one 90 minute walk a day which involves some training incorporated, some fast running and some at walking pace, but should the opportunity arise would happily be on the go all day.
    Loves water but doesn't swim.
    Has never chewed anything he shouldn't have.
    Steady as a rock in all situations, especially good around children and small dogs.
    Grooming is minimal.

    Rio - female Dobermann was 2 last week
    25" to the shoulder and weighs in at 35kgs
    Very loving and has to curb her enthusiasm for attention, she can be quite pushy and tries very hard to restrain herself.
    Wary around strangers, both human and canine and is likely to warn them off if she picks up a vibe.
    Guards the front door and alerts you to every coming and going.
    More distant with dogs other than her pack and likes to take her time with them.
    100% people pleaser will turn herself inside out to try and get it right, whatever you try to teach her and will repeat all day long if necessary.
    Fantastic recall whatever the distractions.
    Highly competitive loves to chase, extremely athletic, loves to jump ditches, fallen trees, extremely fast can stop and turn on a sixpence etc. can make others look downright geriatric by comparison.
    Can be a bit reckless.
    Loves to swim.
    Very high energy when out and fairly laid back and quiet at home but always on the alert. Would happily go all day.
    Has never chewed anything she shouldn't have but can be a bit of a thief.
    Very steady in all situations, but likes time to adjust.
    As a youngster she was incredibly vocal, she used to sort of yodel the whole time she was playing.
    Grooming minimal.

    Dobies have a great sense of humour and can be as daft as a brush, great fun to own for the right people.
  8. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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    No problem
    Brown, liver, whatever.
    There are 4 colours Black, Brown, Blue and Fawn. We had a thread on it a while back, I'll see if I can find it.

    I must admit when I read the other thread GSD or Rottie I nearly posted neither have a Dobie instead:lol:
  9. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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  10. urbanwolf

    urbanwolf New Member

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    Your dogs sound lovely - really responsive to you. Well done!
  11. Colin


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    Hi Urbanwolf.

    There are fact four colours: black, brown, blue or fawn (Isabella) and all come with tan (rust red) markings.

    Well as you can see from my profile I have 5 Black 'n' Tan Dobes (2 males, 3 females) and a Rottie bitch.

    Now this is going to be really hard to try and explain the differences between to the two breeds, as there are so many.

    Firstly dobes do not except fools gladly as they will run rings around their owner if they give them an inch, as dobes can be very determined. They need to respect their owners, and if they suspect the slightest weakening or indecision in their owners, they will not respect them and that’s when problems can occur. They are a very intelligent breed, but they are also firm of character and are extremely loyal and obedient, but you must also remember they are an alert and energetic breed that are forever watching what’s going on around them. Dobes needs mental stimulation as much as physical exercise. They thrive on being worked and mentally stimulated, and will not be satisfied being house-bound 23 hours a day with one hours run around the park.
    The other thing is that they are totally fearless so their owner shouldn’t be a weak willed or faint-hearted sort of person.

    Now the Rottie on the other hand is basically a calm, confident and courageous dog with a self-assured aloofness that does not lend itself to immediate and indiscriminate friendships. A Rottweiler is self-confident and responds quietly and with a wait-and-see attitude to influences in their environment. They have an inherent desire to protect home and family, and is an intelligent dog of extreme hardness and adaptability with a strong willingness to work, (unless you have a bitch like mine in which case she can really be a stubborn sod), making them especially suited as a companion, guardian and general all-purpose dog.

    Well I hope that has helped you out a bit by letting you know the differences in the breeds, but I'm sure I’ve missed bits out about both breeds that I will think of later.
  12. urbanwolf

    urbanwolf New Member

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    Thanks Colin, that was really interesting and informative. Sounds like you've got your work cut out with your dobes!
  13. Colin


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    So long as you keep on top of their training and that they know where their parameters are then things are as good as gold.
  14. NanjoDogz

    NanjoDogz New Member

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    I've been the proud owner of one Rott and a few Dobies so I can speak more to the Dobies, but I can tell you one thing they definitely have in common -- they are both extremely lovable. The Rott was a big shlub-a-bub -- he wanted nothing more than for you to rub him and give him loving, which is a trait they definitely have in common with my Dobies. They both seem to be very protective of the household, but both very lovable creatures!
  15. random

    random New Member

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    I can't really comment but had to post this.

    A very good friend of mine who used to show rotts was shortlised for bis or best in group, I can't remember which, at an open show. It was no surprise really as his dog was very well known at the time, quite a few cc's, anyway the judge asked him to bring out his dobe to first!

    Absolutely true story, honest!
  16. Anne-Marie

    Anne-Marie New Member

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    Never!!! OMG!!!!:shock: Isn't that mad!:lol:

    A lot of what Colin has written about his Dobies applies to Rotts also.

    Haven't had any Dobies myself, but owned 3 Rotties and I can everything he says about his Dobies is applicable to Rotts IMO:mrgreen:

    Rotties are very intelligent, need to be worked and stimulated (and love their work too!) They definately need an owner who will get their respect. Rotties are generally a dominant breed and it is paramount that they are taught manners at an early age. Otherwise they make a vigorous effort to get their own way and will be a nightmare to live with.

    Whilst I wouldn't describe Rotts as calm, from what I have seen of Dobies I've met they certainly are the calmer of the two breeds. Dobies also seem to bark more (or at least my friends bitch does). Whereas Rotts tend to bark at something they want to warn about. Marius for example never barks at the Postie, Window Cleaner or anyone at the door - but would bark if there was someone suspicious about. They are not incessant yappers anyway! (not saying Dobies are either!!)

    I truly believe a lot of the problems that occurs with them are down to the way they are brought up. Too many owners are weak-willed so they get dominated by the dogs. Also, far too many don't bother training or giving the dog any stimulus, which they desperately need:-(

    A well-trained Rottie is a fabulous dog to own, a true joy:mrgreen:
  17. Clair

    Clair New Member

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    I Know both Breeds are working breeds, but, I have owned a rotti, and my boyfriend owns dobes, and as far as Im aware apart from the colouration being the same and the fact they are both working breeds thats roughly where the similarity ends:grin:

    There personalities are hugely different, I love both breeds but the dobe does tend to remind me of a large terrier, probably because of there genetic makeup:grin:
  18. dogmom08

    dogmom08 New Member

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    Well, I don't really know how to answer this because having a cross of a Rottie/Dobe is like having the best of both breeds! The only unfortunate thing is he has Cardiomyopathy, which apparently is common on Dobermans. Mel is close to 11 as far as we can guess. We found him as a stray 9 years ago. He is by far the best dog I have ever owned!

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