Dobermann Discussions

Discussion in 'Dobermann' started by Discussion Thread, Apr 29, 2004.

  1. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    With respect Colin its not only about that. Dogs can crack off at any moment, and shouting wont stop it. My dogs know who is the "boss" if you like, but it never stopped them trying to kill eachother at every given opportunity. I think you are very lucky to have 2 tolerant male Dobes, but honestly, if you had approached me or any other reputable breeder, I guarantee you, you would of been refused.

    As I previously said, I cannot understand a reputable rescue even considering rehoming a male Dobe where there are two other males, especially the GWP type, and even more so its a youngster.

    I would suggest Leanne, thinks hard about her decision and takes into account if she could cope if these dogs started fighting, because I have been on the recieving end of male Dobes fighting and it isnt nice! Whilst I am delighted she wants to take on a rescue and think she should be commended, you would have to be absolutely certain it was the right thing to do, otherwise the dog will end up back in rescue.
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  3. fluffybunnyfeet

    fluffybunnyfeet New Member

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    I have 2 entire male dobes 22 months old both brothers and mum who is nearly 6 and a castrated and rather old BC. So much depends on temperament and the mix in your situation, the two brothers get along fine, but as a precaution they are not normally left alone together but sometimes are.

    My OH does not exercise them together, but I do because as far as they are concerned I am the Alpha male and I do not tolerate any nonsense even play fighting. They are fine with most other male dogs, Hash the brown and rust is a very social type and likes to say hello whereas Chille (black and rust) is more interested in you and his ball on a rope and can get a bit testy if another dog nicks his ball and doesn't give it back.

    Hash will be castrated soon, but Chillie will not be. I must stress that our situation is not the norm with male Dobes, so heed the warnings given. I would reckon the dog will be fine with others, they often are. They can be surprisingly tolerant of other dogs, but if a dog does get in its face too much and too often the Dobe can turn quickly and will lash out briefly and can do much damage within a short period of time and often come out for the worse as they damage quite easily.

    The two boys are now never apart for long as to do so would be a disaster, but together they are a happy and contented, does blow the breeder theory about entire male dobes together, out of the water, but it can work!

    My Dobes would love your dogs Leanne, but they are all different, proceed with caution and it will be likely turn out fine. By all means introduce the dogs on neutral ground, be aware that some dobes can click into 'guard mode' when placed on a lead so don't be too phased if it appears to not go well at first, 'hackles up' is pretty much standard too, just try and be relaxed about it as they quickly pick up on tension in the handler.

    I really hope all goes well as the Doberman is a very rewarding breed and responds well to training and especially likes to have to think for itself, so activities that are interesting to it often gain favor. Just don't be surprised if it takes over the house, the settee, the bed and runs the legs of both you and your other dogs!!

    Good luck!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2008
  4. Colin


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    I fully agree with you that Leanne should be giving this a lot of thought, but all I trying to point out this that not all male dobes want or needs to fight every other male it sees.

    Alot of people have successfully homed two or more males together with no problems at all.
  5. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Certainly NOT every dog it sees, but similar types or the same breed it lives with, the chances of incidence is massively increased.
  6. Wozzy

    Wozzy New Member

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    Well, as some of you know, I took him on, only time and rules will tell if he fits in. So far, he's been a star and it's only his second day. It seems to be the other 2 which are causing the problems as they seem to take a dim view of this nutter invading their life!

    He does seem to lunge and bark at other dogs when he's on the lead but when he actually meets them there is no aggression and there isnt any towards our other dogs. I think most of his behaviour is borne out of frustration but hopefully with a bit of enrichment, he'll be ok.

    I've posted these pics in another thread but i'll put them in here as well:

  7. Colin


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    He's a stunning looking chap.

    Well done you for taking him on.
  8. Anne-Marie

    Anne-Marie New Member

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    Dobies are one of the breeds on our wish list - time will tell if we ever get one.:roll: They do remain Sid and I our favourites in the meantime:grin:
  9. Morgandy

    Morgandy New Member

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    I waited 20 years to get a dobe and when i was down to one shar pei i bought Morgan... I would never part with him but i wished i hadn't! They are very addictive and now i have 5 of them. My advice is don't leave it too long I am 45 and my lot have put 20 years on me in the 3 1/2 years i have had them. The bitches are quieter and less demanding than the dogs and the English type are more reliable and less demanding generally than the continentals (those with European blood lines ) Morgan is 3/4 continental. You also get some that whinge constantly and others that bark a lot. Morgan is a whinger but is not too much of a barker. Unfortunately mum is a barker and pups took after her!! Certainly not a breed that blends into the background you definately know you have one.
    They don't like going out to the toilet in the rain but they will certainly want to walk miles in it when it comes to their walks!!
  10. Bilclarie

    Bilclarie New Member

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    Very intersting thread

    I have owned Dobes for 24yrs I have never owned anything else wouldn't want to, I have had entire males living side by side quite happily, I have had 2 females who would kill each other given the oppurtunity, I have had a mix of sexes in the house as I have now 2 males and 3 females, who all got/get along fine.
    I never have and would never sell 2 male or 2 female puppy's to the same person, one of each yes but never same sex siblings as you are IMO asking for trouble, only the year before last I was approached by a lady called Chris who had contacted me regarding a puppy I didn't have any at the time, but she wanted 2 males, I told her if I had any I woudn't sell her 2 males, I had the conversation with her re owning litter brothers and her attitude was well that's what I want so that's what I'm getting!!!!!! in october last year she contacted me again looking to rehome one of them, need I say anymore.

    Mo and the Gang xx
  11. trikeschick

    trikeschick New Member

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    oh my goodness - my female dobie terror is very demanding - she's loud, whines, chats back and has an impressive range of barking tones - the high one could burst your eardrums! She's apparently from the German so may expalin it. But agree in the two years we've had her I've aged 10 years! And she looks for an umbrella when it's raining - hates getting wet.
  12. Bilclarie

    Bilclarie New Member

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    Todays Dobes are more likley to be from European working lines than they where 10/15yrs ago, breeders are importing studs and are also traveling futher afield with there females to be mated due to the pet passport scheme,there for you will be getting higher drive puppys going in to family homes as pets than you would have had in the past, Merlin whilst being an excellent dog great with kid's etc wouldn't have been an Ideal dog when my children where growing up as he needs to be kept on the go all day,I've had my share of couch potatoes, but the dogs I have now are of a higher drive and need to be on the go 18 hrs a day.
    Dobes are also noturious rain dodgers I've never had one yet that will go out for a wee without being taken or pushed out the door so your not alone there;-)

    PS they all came from Germany at some point and some do still have strong German lines in there pedigree.

    Mo and the Gang xx
  13. madisondobie

    madisondobie New Member

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    I think i have been very lucky with my dobie she is my first one and my first working breed having owned terriers and wolfhounds before but she has been the easiest to live with she never chewed was clean within a week and after a walk you wouldnt know she was here as she is so quiet she goes out in the rain,comes camping with us no bother with other dogs people or animals loves my nephew and loves agility - definately the best dog i have ever owned love her to bits.
  14. Colin


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    Max is the only whiner out of my lot, and they will all go out in the rain for long walks either along the beach or over the downs.

    All my lot are rescued so therefore come from different parts of the country, but still get along really well.
  15. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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    Mine don't whine but they do like to talk, they have a whole variety of noises they make:lol: None of mine are rain dodgers they happily go out the door for a wee if it's tipping it down and they would never dream of giving up a walk because it was raining, they don't even seem to notice it. I could never describe any of mine as couch potatoes either.
  16. Dobermonkey

    Dobermonkey New Member

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    Tun will do a handstand before you manage to push him out the door when its raining!
  17. Faithless

    Faithless New Member

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    hi i'm looking for some help regarding my new Dobermann Bitch , i bought her from what seemed to be a nice couple who took the time to vet check my home ect before selling me the dog.. .. the dog seemed nervous and would'nt take a treat from it's owners i put this down to nervous of her new surroundings.. after they left it was obvious this dog has some serious social problems.. it's heart-breaking to watch when ever a new person comes into the home she hides in a corner and shakes (also often wets herself) .. she has became like my shadow and is wonderful when there is just me and her in the house she plays, she's obedient, very loving dog.. but as soon as m eldest son or husband come home she's back to a nervous dog.. and when i take her out she is petrified of everything that moves especially small children ! her tail goes straight behind her legs and she cowers away from them. since getting her ive tried all ways to socialise her more and reassure her but nothing seems to work i obviously don't have the right knowledge to help her on more she is a beautiful dog... any help appreciated !
  18. Dobermonkey

    Dobermonkey New Member

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    Poor girl! Do you know what her breeding is? If the people you got her from are one off breeders it may be worth maybe trying to find out which stud they used and ask their advice? The owners of my boys dad are fantastic and often hold training days and are happy to help with any problems you may have. Dobes are 'one person' dogs in my opinion and I have my own nearly 2 year old shadow :) He has never had a 'bad experience' with kids but they aren't his favourite things! How long have you had her? Im sure she will come round to your hubby and son in time (if my boyf raises his voice ranting about his day at work or similar my boy will remove himself to the garden or upstairs as he doesnt like it at all. Dobes are like little sponges and will pick up on any stress thats going around. Its important to give her time and let her go to them in her own time, never 'tower' over her and the boys should use happy sing song voices (its taken time with my 6ft 4 very loud fella!)

    Most important is stop worrying as you are her 'pack leader' and she looks to you for how she should be feeling, if you are strssed she will think 'sh*t mums stressed theres got to be something wrong I'd better stress as well!!!'

    Not much help but stick with it :)
  19. Dobermonkey

    Dobermonkey New Member

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    Hi again I tried to PM you but your Pm's are switched off?
  20. Faithless

    Faithless New Member

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    tried a few times to contact last owners with no luck they won't reply to calls. i know they bought her from a litter and were'nt the actual breeders, the parents were from somewhere down bishop auckland way and were both of sturdy temprements ( as i'm told) i intend to stick with it as she is gorgeous and deserves the time and patience.. thankyou for your reply.. i'll have to get some pics up of her and i'll keep updates comming of how she's doing.
  21. Faithless

    Faithless New Member

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    yeah ssays i cant have pm until i post atleast 20 messages.

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