Interesting little interview with the Police regarding German GSDs compared to English GSDs. It was on Radio 2 (Chris Evans) tonight at about 6:15 so anyone interested could "listen again" via the website. Laura
I just tried to listen but with my slow connection it wouldn't work properly :-( Could you give us a brief outline of what was said? Thanks.
I couldnt either Chris Evans has been doing a lot about dogs in general over the last few months, he's had a few celebrity dog people on and talked about some really contraversial subjects......... does anyone know why ?? I didnt think he was 'into' dogs that much ! ....well not the canine kind anyway :smt042
Basically they have started buying German bred GSDs because the UK ones are (Policemen's opinion not mine, I haven't got one!) bred too much for looks, coat colour and sloping backs. He said the German ones are bred for work, and there are a lot of Shultzhund (sp?) clubs over there so the dogs are used more for protection work. The force are also buying part trained dogs from Germany and the handlers are having to either learn the German commands or teach the dogs English commands (that was the basis of the interview really). Be better if you could hear it really! I can get it on my dial up connection, you just have to leave it and not press anything for ages then it starts up! Laura
Yes I know, but lots of people have a dog, but have no idea about the 'dog world' as such, so I just wondered if he was on some sort of mission for dogs :smt042