How many dogsey members have got jack russells or parson russell Photos

Discussion in 'Jack Russell Terrier' started by sjpurt, Dec 13, 2007.

  1. Gemma27

    Gemma27 New Member

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    ‘JacekPacek’ I am sorry that posting pics of my JRT on this site has caused you such obvious distress. I have again today looked at the breed standard to which I assume you refer (JRT club of GB) which as far as I can see has no affiliation or support of the official organisation in the UK; the Kennel Club of Great Britain. As you will be aware from others posting on this thread, the KC does not recognise JRTs and as such, there is no breed standard in this country. SJPurt has kindly provided another standard for Pocket JRTs (thanks SJPurt for the posting). Both parents and grandparents of our JRT are Pocket JRTs, as is she, despite her turning out slightly taller.

    However, you obviously feel very strongly about ‘mulitbreeds’ parading as JRTs, which seems to be any JRT that: is not properly proportioned, has pricked ears, a deep chest, wrong coloured eyes or nose, turned out feet, too short tail, low muscle tone, feet not cat-like, too long or too short a body, not predominately white or has any brindle colour, the list goes on and on.

    But as my intent was never to offend by posting pics on this site, I am happy to remove the pictures of our JRT as I think she has been taken apart quite enough. We have no need to justify her breed or lineage.

    Many thanks to everyone else for the very kind and welcoming posts as a new member to this forum.
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  3. sjpurt

    sjpurt New Member

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    hi gemma27 please do not take your pics off this is not a thread for you to feel upset with this is a thread i started for us to show our jrts, prts and pocket jacks i love yur little girl and she is a jrt and that is that i have covered all for everyone with regards the pocket.

    i dont think it is far people are making some comments as to the doglet not being a jrt. this is not what this thread was for.

    sorry if i have upset anyone by this. i will if helps asked for this thread to be deleted as it has upset so many people.

  4. MissE


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    Leave her pics there, Gemma. She's beautiful.

    I admitted to being confused at all the little multi coloureds, because I am an older gal who only ever saw whites until recently.
    But you know jacks have always been a "type" and I for one regret the day that any variety were accepted by the kennel club, because now we do get people arguing over standards.

    They're all loveable - and they are all jacks to me.

    and Sam, I'd leave this thread up I love looking at all the beautiful jacks on it *hugs*
  5. JacekPacek

    JacekPacek New Member

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    i wrote, that i do not mean to offend annyone, and i am sorry as you obviousliy are offended. but. as i wrote, i didnt know that JRTs are not kc recognized breed.
    i think you are overeacting here. some dogs have flaws (things you wrote up there) and some dogs have characteristics, that have nothing in common with JRTs.

    i think you dont care, and shouldnt care, if i am disstressed or offended, im not.
  6. Gemma27

    Gemma27 New Member

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    Sam please don’t delete this thread, there is no upset, it is great to see the pics of all the Russells. Life’s too short. Let’s leave things as is and just enjoy all the little terrors for the amazing dogs that they are.

  7. madmare

    madmare New Member

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    Please don't remove this thread, its lovely to see all the Jack Russell Terroists and please don't remove yours Gemma.
    I will admit to assuming JRT's are always predominatly white with either black or tan markings, but then I have never had the pleasure before in seeing ones like yours, which I must admit is lovely.
    I think when you see something that isn't the norm you do sometimes question if it is what is said, but I am sure no upset is intended.
    I can remember 30yrs ago when all JRT's seemed to be docked and I bumped into one that was undocked. My friend who I was with actually asked then if it really was a JRT as it looked strange with a tail. Now its common place and my dear boy has a lovely waggy tail.
    I am sure if the colour variations become more common then they will be accepted and recognised by everyone as JRT's just as ones have become with tails.
    Your girl is very cute.
  8. sjpurt

    sjpurt New Member

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    hi guys i really want to leave this thread as it was great to see everyones JRTS just did not want to upset any one. It will stay as i love all your doglets pics. :)
  9. Tuppence

    Tuppence New Member

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    Hi.....I`m new and just spotted this thread. I have three Jack Russells...Rosie ( broken) aged 6 1/2 years, Millie (rough) aged 6 years and Cassie (smooth) aged 7 months, the little terror.

    I`ll take some new photos and put them up when I have a minute.....Just wanted them to be counted !!!ha !


    This is Cassie !


    Rosie and Millie
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 15, 2008
  10. sjpurt

    sjpurt New Member

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    oh bless how sweet do they look. thanks fo sharing with us hun. :)
  11. Ocarina

    Ocarina New Member

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    Here is an early pic of Dudley (9 Weeks)


    And here is a later one (1 year)


    I hope these come out ok :lol:
  12. sjpurt

    sjpurt New Member

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    oh what a sweetie dudley is hun great pics.
  13. sjpurt

    sjpurt New Member

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    well the count is upto 28 little sweeties :) keep them coming.
  14. Anne-W

    Anne-W New Member

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    I have 2 JRT's Both Rescue's Millie is 3yrs and Patch is 10 or 11 Yrs. Both mine are on my avatar and they look like your two very much!! But that wee babe of yours is sooo gorgeous, could eat him in a buttie.
  15. sjpurt

    sjpurt New Member

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    we are upto 30 now. Love your jrts Anne great little doglets :)
  16. Anne-W

    Anne-W New Member

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    OH Maddy, The Jack Russell property Laws is soooo right. I am still laughing, I felt so sure you wrote it about my Millie. She looks a lot like Milo but has 'sticky - up' ears. But everything and everyone in this house IS HERS. Love your post. Thank You. x Anne
  17. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    Guys, don`t forget JRTs, [ and Pocket JRTs ;-) ], can be entered in the Best Unrecognised Breed AV class in the virtual show, the class will be opening soon so get practising some Show poses with your cuties :mrgreen:
  18. sjpurt

    sjpurt New Member

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    oh thanks for letting us now patch i am sure we will all be out with our camra's now come on guys get possing would love to see your babys in the comp. :)
  19. lilypup

    lilypup New Member

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    having read the whole thread i'm not sure how to introduce my little girl! she was sold to me as a jrt but i am aware that she doesn't conform to the 51% white coat. i saw both parents and dad is a black and tan and mum is freckled black and white,

    she is 11 and a half weeks old now and lives with dylan the collie (11 years) and 4 cats, one of which she plays with whilst the others have made it clear that they don't do puppy play! she is an absolute delight and i cannot imagine life without her.

    so, what do you guys think?
  20. sutty

    sutty New Member

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    I think she is adorable:grin:
  21. susi226

    susi226 New Member

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    I have an 8 month old JRT.He's in my avatar,little cutie,but boy he's noisy! love him though,can't help it!

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