Yorkshire Terrier Discussions

Discussion in 'Yorkshire Terrier' started by Discussion Thread, Apr 28, 2004.

  1. Wanda

    Wanda New Member

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    Yes, we seem to have come to a full stop. Anybody out there with some pictures or stories about Yorkies? I can tell you that Minnie Gremlin has not liked the wet weather AT ALL! I put her coat on and she goes out, muttering under her breath, at half the speed she normally goes at, tail down, ears down and the most miserable, screwed up look on her face! I'm sure she thinks I turn the rain on just to upset her!
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  3. buzzie

    buzzie New Member

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    Hi Wanda, good to hear Minnie hates the cold as much as Crystal.....:grin: She doesn't mind the rain much as long as it warms up. How is your remodeling coming along?? Hugs and Kisses to all the Yorkies out there.:)
  4. Vawny

    Vawny New Member

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    While walking Murphy yesterday I came across a pair of Yorkies, one of them was blonde. Very unusual but very friendly. Lovely little dogs. xx
  5. claireuk

    claireuk New Member

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    i have pics of mine but dont no how to add pics lol
  6. buzzie

    buzzie New Member

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    If your pics are on your computer upload them to photobucket and then use the last code under the picture (img) to copy and paste to the forum. I have to run now but will be back tonight. If you need help just pm me and maybe I can be of further help. Joan Can't wait to see them:)
  7. claireuk

    claireuk New Member

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    am away to give it a go lol
  8. claireuk

    claireuk New Member

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    this is kizi i lost her in november


    another 1 of kizi lol she was ma baby lol i had to bottle feed her as when she was born her mum died when she was only a week old so i had a few sleepless nights lol


    another 1 of ma baby kizi lol


    this is ole he is the 1 am having probs with regarding him being sick all the time


    this is ole again with his party hat on lol


    and another 1 of ole lol


    i have a lot mor pics on ma mobile just have to get alan to put them on pc i hope this works lol
  9. buzzie

    buzzie New Member

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    It works!! Good for you.

    My first yorkie was Molly and when I lost her I thought I could never get another dog my heart was so broken. It has been 16 years and I still think of her and how much joy she brought to my life. Crystal is much the same and alot healthier which is nice and in fact will be 14 this June.

    Send all the pictures you can we love seeing your adorable yorkies and the people will see them in time. The thread has slowed down abit but we have had quite abit of interest in the past. Joan & Crystal
  10. claireuk

    claireuk New Member

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    hiya thanks :) kizi was ma baby loved her to bits lol ole was 1 of her puppys belive it or not lol my mum has 2 yorkies as well sam and molly molly was of the same litter as ole but she is smaller
  11. Wanda

    Wanda New Member

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    Your pictures are lovely. I've been so busy lately, I've not taken any new photos of Minnie Gremlin, but I will, I will, I will!! Promise!

    Joan, the kitchen is now complete, except for decorating, which I'm supposed to be doing, when I get the chance, and floor covering, which I can't do until the decorating is done! Unfortunately, we are now coming into my busy work period (I do animal holiday care, as well as being a dog walker), so decorating is on the back burner at the moment.

    Minnie Gremlin sends love to Crystal and all other Yorkies on Dogsey!
  12. Wanda

    Wanda New Member

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    Just to let you know that poor little Minnie Gremlin has had colitis. Poor little creature, she didn't know where to turn. She's much better now, on antibiotics and soooo starving hungry!! Vet said to give her little but often for a few days, rice with chicken or fish, then adding a bit of her normal food into it slowly until she's back to normal. Well tonight she had her first proper meal, and boy, did she enjoy it. She licked her dish so much I thought she would lick the pattern off it!
  13. claireuk

    claireuk New Member

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    awwww am glad she is better :)
  14. buzzie

    buzzie New Member

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    I missed this and hope Minnie Gremlin is feeling better.

    Just got told off with someone saying a yorkie could kill someone as easily as those on the dangerous breed list. I sure put my 2 cents in it :grin: and it's good to be back here. Hugs to all the yorkies and other wonderful breeds we have here. Joan & Crystal.
  15. buzzie

    buzzie New Member

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    My very tired baseball player wanted to stop in to say hello and then she fell asleep.

  16. Wanda

    Wanda New Member

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    Aw, poor Crystal, has your Mum been making you tired again!? Fancy making you play baseball!! Cruel Mum!
  17. Kopek

    Kopek New Member

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    Although I don't have any yorkies at the moment I have had four starting in 1978 when I had Ha'penny. Unfortunately I lost my last one, Penny ( inflation:)) in 2000 but I still miss her terribly. I brought her and her cousin Friskey to Turkey from the UK in 1992, which was quite traumatic. Getting all the paperwork involved trips to London to get the various stamps required and then the big day arrived. I nervously handed their travel box over to a porter at check -in at Heathrow airport. When I eventually arrived at the final departure lounge I enquired about my babies. 'Oh, you're the lady with the dogs. They are allright now.' ' What do you mean, NOW,' I cried? Apparently, they had got out of their box. Well anyone who's used a dog box knows it would be impossible for a dog to open the two catches on the grill door so because they were so cute people had been petting them.
    They'd had to chase the poor stressed things around the airport to catch them. They said they'd had the RSPCA vet check them over before loading them into the plane.
    When I arrived at Izmir airport I had to wait till after everyone else had collected their bags and gone and I was lookin arround for someone to ask where they were (the plane was due to go on to Cyprus)when the baggage carousel started again and out they came. They were fine and pleased to see me but the customs people didn't glance at all that paperwork I rushed round to get.
    They lived many happy years here although they weren't too keen on the very hot weather so I kept their coats short.
    I will try to post some piccies when I've learnt how to scan and send photos, might be some time!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2008
  18. buzzie

    buzzie New Member

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    I'm so glad you had many happy years with them. So sorry there has been such a long time since your post, I have been away for some time and then later I lost my Crystal on her 14th Birthday. I'm feeling alot better now and wanted to see how you all were. Hope all the little furr butts here are well. Hugs
  19. marygiles

    marygiles New Member

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    Would just like to introduce Amber . She was an ex- breeding bitch who lost all of her last puppies and was sent to a rescue home. I was lucky enough to adopt her in August. She is only 4 years old and looks a baby herself.
  20. catrinsparkles

    catrinsparkles New Member

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    Awww she looks like a pup not a four year old! Very sweet!
  21. marygiles

    marygiles New Member

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    I was told she had had three litters and all by caesarean---------what a life!!! In a way perhaps it was best she did lose her last litter because it has given Amber her freedom---she may well have had to go on breeding----Mary

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