Beagle ----------------- Here's some Beagle info from fellow Dogwebber Robert K: Beagle is a British breed, bred down in size from foxhounds to create a dog that could hunt with men on foot. Height is 13-16 inches and weight 18-30lb. An intelligent dog which can be stubborn, a typical hound with any of the recognised hound colours, has a dense water proof coat. (I think the recent space craft to Mars was called Beagle, because it wouldn't come back ) Beagles are mentioned in Chaucers Canterbury tales (tails ) in the 14th century and was popular with the gentry and monarchs, Elizabeth 1st owned a pack of pocket beagles which were said to be under 10 inches in height.
This one is a Show Beagle, added so you may see the difference. Is Roberts a working Beagle? The main difference seems to be the head.
Thanks Robert, I have no idea who the dog in my picture is, I am inclined to be snap happy and I guess if I could rember what year I could look it up but I can't remember, do know it was at Driffield though. Do you have one taken in profile?
I'll see if I can get the little b****r to stand still long enough to get one for you. Next to the one in your picture he looks positvely under-nourished, but he eats like a horse.
Beagle pup sleeping,doing what they do best(sniffing) a teenage beag and at a year old (show lines)
I love beagles - just a quick question though - is there a lot of differences between a beagle that comes from show lines and from working lines - I mean does a beagle that comes from a show line have less of an instinct to work - Does that question make any sense?
The instinct is definately still very much there but not so much refined as a working beagle i would have thought.A show beagle would be more of a babbler(a hound that gives tounge for no reason or for any scent)if not worked at all.but many pet beagles do drag hunting still for fun and to enjoy the purpose for which they were bred for.Alfie is controlled by his nose completely, he voices constantly when we take him out and has particular noises for different scents.
:smt039 I'm just going to post one photo right now (hopefully!) If this works I'll send more. This is Clyde, he's 8 months old and I can usually only take a photo of him when he's sleeping! Cheers, Gracie:smt039
Whoops, think I posted this in the wrong place, I meant to start a new thread! Sorry, I'll get the hang of it eventually! Gracie
Tink has a very nice Beagle and the next time I see it and have a camara with me I will take some images for you.
Aww thanks Thordell... Here you go....some re-sized ones This one is the pair of them with 'naughty' Daisy on the left !!!!!