Exercising Huskies and Malamutes Questions

Discussion in 'Alaskan Malamute' started by zero, Jul 4, 2007.

  1. MickB

    MickB New Member

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    Ours get most of their exercise playing together in the garden - it would be interesting to strap a pedometer on them to see what kind of distances they do on the average manic day. In the winter they are exercised on my bike (with one of the "Springer" type thingies) in our local park which has a 3.5 mile perimeter track. We are thinking of doing a few races for fun next winter - we used to race regularly, but haven't done so for about 7 years. Occasionally we take them down to another local park which was originally a Victorian orchard (15' brick walls and only one gate) where we do off-lead work with them (we need to train them in off-lead work 'cos we do a fair bit of film & photographic work with them - but we'd never let them off-lead in an unenclosed area - they are too precious for that!).
    In the summer, we do not work them at all as high temperatures and humidity can cause heat stress which can be fatal if not recognised and treated immediately.

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  3. Brian

    Brian New Member

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    Ours will chase squirrels, rabbits too :roll: but they'll always come back on the first call. Apart from off lead exercise in the park, Layla & Milo also do agility every fortnight. Very occasionally we'll run them on a rig but ours prefer to be running free than harnessed
  4. marieswolf

    marieswolf New Member

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    so come on what is the secret to letting a sibe off his lead and getting him back? im terrified to let mine off just incase.
  5. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    I'm confused!

    IN the off lead on lead debate you posted

  6. mozzy

    mozzy New Member

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    As I don't let mine off lead in unenclosed areas I don't know the secret, but I'm sure someone will come along soon and tell you...
    I prefer to run mine in harness 'cos that's what they were bred to do 8) - not run around loose in a park :roll:.

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