Any NI's or UTE's in South Wales? Questions

Discussion in 'Northern Inuit Dog' started by Alphatest, Apr 27, 2007.

  1. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    Shunka has a brother in Wales but I am not sure off hand where abouts
    Last edited by a moderator: May 2, 2007
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  3. Alison2006

    Alison2006 New Member

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    Have just seen this thread there are three seperate owners I have seen in the Vale of Glamorgan area in South Wales. Beautiful dogs but for some reason my dog hates the bread and will try and pick a fight with them even though he has no chance of winning.
  4. tawneywolf

    tawneywolf New Member

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    they are not an agressive dog at all. If your dog went for them, they would hide behind their owner. Mine will have their say, and then come running back to me and go behind me as though to say ' you sort it out now..!'
  5. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    There is a red setter around here who has it in for Loki. Mind you, so do most of the dogs around here. :lol:
  6. Alison2006

    Alison2006 New Member

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    Obviously it must be the dogs that are by me that are an exception to the rule like you get in most breeds.

    Louie has taken an instant dislike to them and they have to him (like my previous setter), for some reason. Good job that I get on with the owners and that if we see each other on a walk we go in the opposite direction!
  7. zero

    zero New Member

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    Hi :) The one thing I find with other dogs is that mine always seem to come across too rough in their play for most and alot are :shock: at them - Especially at my now 100lb boy who has the grace of a herd of elephants and clearly does not know his own size or strengh.

    It's a shame because it's hard to find them playmates because most owners arn't happy unless all the dogs are equal and wont let them play...Thing is if they were given a chance people would see that they are harmless and that their dog may well end up top dog with them :lol:

    The best type of dogs for mine to meet other than ones their own size and strengh are dogs who don't run from them and stand their ground - then you see mine in a different light :lol: and no matter how much mine are pushed I have never once seen them have a cross word with another dog. One of them would pee HIS pants if a dog got at him (that's big dominant - FAKE! dominant - Kody!) and the other is so tolerant she has been pined down on her back, snapped and snarled at and wagged her tail the whole way through it just trying to humor her way out of the situation! She has been pestered to an inch of her life by a dog who took a (unwanted) fancy to her in her own back yard and wouldn't leave her behind alone for hours and hours (visiting friend's dog) I honestly don't know how she didn't snap - and she never once told that dog off and coped with it by sitting in a hole she had dug before to get some peace and save her rear.

    The only time you see either of mine aggressive is when Kody is onlead and because he has fear aggression - due to being a big wuss - he will over react with his fake dominance and make a scene sometimes and people get the wrong idea due to that and think he must want to tear the other dog limb from limb - little do they know if off lead he is a completely different lad.

    Like TW and many others say they are the biggest softies and my 'big bad lad' especially could be chased and scared off easily by a JRT or similar :lol: If only other dogs knew this they all would have the upper hand! But until then mine go on with their fake bravado :roll:

    Lots of dogs don't 'like' breeds at first like ours including Mals and Sibes because of the alert expression, the way they carry themselves and facial markings, they take it all for meaning dominance and maybe aggression I think?
  8. zero

    zero New Member

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    One 'fluffed' NI coming right up :lol:




    Last edited by a moderator: May 4, 2007
  9. tawneywolf

    tawneywolf New Member

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    spoke to Lyn B about the Ute in the red pick up as she is on the Lyn Peninsula, and she says she recognises the description and thinks she knows who it is. She is going to get in touch with them and see if they mind being 'outed' on here:lol:
  10. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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  11. Phil05

    Phil05 New Member

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    stunning dogs
  12. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Thanks Phil :p
  13. marieswolf

    marieswolf New Member

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    im a sibe owner but if i ever got the chance the inuit would be my choice
  14. janie

    janie New Member

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    You wouldn`t be disappointed :grin:

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