Discussion: Are Springer's really as mental as what people say/think? Behaviour

Discussion in 'English Springer Spaniel' started by Luke, Apr 20, 2007.

  1. Luke

    Luke New Member

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    Discussion: Are Springer's really as mental as what people say/think?

    This discussion has been sparked, well generally by folks perception of springers!
    Why does everyone think they are total maniacs?!?!
    Everyone we meet on walks always are like 'oooh i bet he's hard work' or "Couldn't be doing with one of those Springers, far to barmy for my liking!" and it always surprises me..cause i've never really found them 'manic':? Energetic and as sharp as a needle-yes, but manic no.
    People are often shocked at just how laid back the house is when you tell them a springer is floating around..Ralph tends to have various spots where he is happy to collapse in and spend his day between walks.
    So really, why do people think and say Springer's are so bad?
    My 'maniac' at present is sprawled out infront of me, making sure that no hoovering can go on in the sunny spot as the amount of dog hair there is totally necesary:roll:
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  3. IsoChick

    IsoChick New Member

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    Only the same as people's perception of Boxers - absolute loonies!

    Yes, Max can be a total crazy-dog, but is also equally happy to chill on the sofa with us whilst we watching a film, or lie in the greenhouse whilst i'm working.
  4. bribiba

    bribiba New Member

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    I think all dogs are crazy (but in a nice way)...you can't beat a chilled out big gentle Irish Wolfhound...:lol:
  5. Helen


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    Honestly, they can be, in the wrong hands. I go to agility with one of my springers who is probably my liveliest but they tell me they have never seen a more laid back springer. I put in a LOT of work with her training and continue to do so. I don't let her get away with things and she gets the mental stimulation she needs. She doesn't always get marathon walks but that doesn't matter to her. I have 4 springers and they are all laid back. Is that luck or our way of training etc.

    I have seem to really lunatic springers because they are in the wrong hands, or they started life in the wrong hands. People seem to think they make great family pets, which they do, but they do take work and I don't think a lot of people are prepared to put that work in. Generalising of course and there are always exceptions.

  6. Ripsnorterthe2nd

    Ripsnorterthe2nd New Member

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    Reason being is most pet ESS are bred to work and don't get that release. Many working bred pet ESS don't even get walked, let alone worked. Just imagine that! :shock: :lol:

    Think back Luke and remember what Ralph was like when he was little, it's easy to forget now they're older and a tad more sensible. :lol:

    If you go to any rescue centre you'll find many 6-9 month old working ESS, because the owners didn't do their research and/or were too lazy to exercise the poor thing.

    Isla is still a challenge, she gets about 90 minutes of exercise everyday and still manages to play all day. But then she sleeps all night! :lol:

    Springers by their very nature are boisterous, it's how you prepare for it that counts. ;-)
  7. NESSR

    NESSR New Member

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    Northern England Springer Spaniel Rescue

    Most common age for springers in rescue is up to 2 years, they start to get to Kevin stage and people can't cope, However i also think the kennel club as a lot to answer for, if you google English Springer Spaniel, you will get the kennel clubls description of a SHOW springer , people see this and don't know the difference, out come the free ads and they go to the local breeder farm, and come home with a WORKING type springer, two different breeds in my opinion, but still recognised as one by the KC, so then yes they do end up with this hyper little dog who is nothing like the description they read and are very surpfrised,. Anyway you think you get funny looks Luke i have 2 of my own and usually have a foster or two in a swell, so can quiet often be found walking round here with up to 4 springers, the other local dog walkers think i'm nuts let alone the dogs:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. springerfreak

    springerfreak New Member

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    We have four springers and they do have their mad times in the house ad garden but apart from that they are pretty laid back, I have to agree with Helen it's a case of very intelligent working dogs in the wrong hands.
  9. Phil

    Phil Fondly Remembered

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    Luke - this is a good one.

    Ralph is a Springer which I've 'owned' for many years and -to me they are the ultimate dog.

    I've made no secret that one day I'd like an Irish Wolfhound - to me, the most noble of all dogs.

    I'd never contemplate a Wolfie if I hadn't owned a 'difficult' dog but with Springers I feel I we have done the time!
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2007
  10. chelsea

    chelsea New Member

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    I have a springer and i find him very good hes not mad he might have a little half hour where hes on a high but he is like a baby really he lays back in my arms he is so cute and he is quite big really for a springer i have heard that the taller springers are more for showing i dont know how true it is but then i dont want to show him so it dos,nt really matter i just love him to bits.
  11. parker

    parker New Member

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    Lil knows she will get her two GOOD walks a day. When she is out she is bananas. At home she sleeps. If we are taking a long time to take her out she gets up to mischief eg. she'll steal things from high surfaces and run around proudly with them. It's all just a hint to get our act together and get out there.
  12. rachelsetters

    rachelsetters New Member

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    Good discussion Luke!

    I think its like many dogs - in the wrong hands without the necessary training and excercise then am sure they will be maniacs - similar we have this with Setters especially the Irish - oh they are hyper nutcases aren't they! To be honest no!

    Not sure how people can comment on a dogs behavioural traits if they have never owned one? But these people happily try and tell everyone else about the dog wont they!

    Springers are great loyal dogs - had one as a child and if I hadn't discovered my setter fetish am sure would have one now!
  13. kirstya72

    kirstya72 New Member

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    Molly is my first springer and (so far) she is a wee dream dog.:smt007 :smt007

    High energy-yes, hard work-sometimes but worth it, entertaining, loving and sharp as a tack.

    I have owned labs before (and still have one) and grew up with collies and don't think Moll is anymore high maintenance than these breeds in fact I would say that she has been easier so far than the labs. Just as smart but not quite so clingy and definately nowhere near as much of a chewer.

    Now I know she is still young and difficult times might still be to come but she seems to be a grand wee girl-mind you we live in a busy house and she gets plenty of exercise on and off lead along with a daft lab to play with whenever she wants to have a mad five minutes.:lol: :lol:
  14. natalie1828

    natalie1828 New Member

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    Im a dog groomer/trainer and have 2 say i don't meet many calm springer, but i would'nt want to, springers are ace as they are always happy, bit hyper and as any dog need training from an early age, but they are great pets!
  15. random

    random New Member

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    A agree with what has been said here already. I think they are not a dog for first timers as just missing a day's walk and they WILL get bored and they WILL make it known when they are bored.

    Some breeds would be fine to miss a day's walkies and barely notice.

    I think a lot of new/first time dog owners walk into the ownership of dogs half blinded and don't actually realise how much excercise their dog needs, and so we end up with overweight, bored, destructive, aggressive (I could go on) dogs and you know where they then end up!

    So yes a springer CAN be manic and is a breed that is easily MADE manic, if you know what I mean? I think it's their endless energy that actually makes some people think 'DO YOU NEVER STOP?????' I know I coud get the lead with Maddy (although not a springer but the same endless energy i'm talking about) ANYTIME and she would be raring to go, even if we'd just stepped in the house from a weekend in the lakes, lol! (unless it's raining of course! Then she won't budge! :lol:)
  16. petebren

    petebren New Member

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    My Sons s springer is now 8 years old, loves to walk in the Lakes, the bigger the hill the better, however although she ended up being more the working type she has been adorable, nutty at times but no more so than other breeds and very easily trained, she is so loving always knows if you are off colour etc so no I dont think Springers nutty etc
  17. Chunky

    Chunky New Member

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    Part of their charm:lol: But it's all manageable mentality. (I would possibly use the word busy, as opposed to mental) Like mentioned, the working bred are bred for exactly that, to hit cover, and work all day. So it stands to reason that they need stimulation to keep them on an even keel. Doesn't mean that they can't be kept as a pet, just need time spent on them. (jmo)

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