I just cant believe the ignorance of some people, i found this on u tube,im so angry,why would people actually believe this
4 the above vid,i just want to ad that there is 'grafic' imagages,but to humans not dogs,and i am in no way in favour of the BSL just wanted to show that why us dog lovers are trying to fight BSL,there are people out there that are all for it clair x
i've just watched this and i do find it very disturbing. it tells me just what idiots do to their dogs. i dont blame the dogs. they are trained to be like this and its rife in parts of america. any dog could be like this but with a proper upbringing and training their pussycats. the're is no need for this kind of training. shocking!!
I couldn't watch it to the end and didn't want to. There are pics of dogs injured too though and by the time I got to that point, around a third of the way through I had to switch off. Sorry! Although I didn't watch it all I have to say that if someone chooses to put together a video like this they really should be damning irresponsible and 'dangerous' owners also. Showing a video of injuries to people, other animals and dog attacks is not my cup of tea and I can honestly say that it just makes me even more angry towards people who create these situations in the first place. :-(
Jesus, horrid! Yes pit bulls can do very bad damage on other dogs but by god alot of other breeds can do, very horrible video, made me feel upset!
What a pathetic video. Maybe they should show the one of the pit bulls working through the remains of the World Trade Centre. Or perhaps redo the video with pictures of the owners. That would tell a lot more. We could all take a picture of our dogs with their teeth showing and they all look intimidating. I have to say I watched a programme last week regards the "pit bull types" as the press call them, and focusing mainly on the Liverpool amnesty. I have to say I was in tears and really felt for anyone that has a bull type in this country. They are being targeted so unfairly. Even the police in charge pretty much said it was a farce. I was in floods where they showed the owners after the court hearing after they had won their dogs back. Something has to be done before this escalates totally out of control.
I agree the video was pathetic, poorly put together and poorly supported and extremely biased. yes, I have no doubt pits inflicted that damage, what did their owners do to them to make them that way? It isnt' the pit thats dangerous, its the irrisponsible owner of any dog.
I can't put on a public forum what I actually think of this video, and the person who made it Disgusted is an understatement, but this vid broke my heart
That video just pisses me off!! I dont really have much else to say.......I do wonder though how many of those incidents were the dogs fault......