Clowns General Chat

Discussion in 'Staffordshire Bull Terrier' started by Hayley SBT, Mar 1, 2007.

  1. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    My 3 are such clowns and make me laugh all the time, was wondering whats the funniest thing your bull breeds have done?
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  3. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    Quinn sings and makes the most amazing noises sometimes highly annoying lol! he also just falls over when u talk in a daft voice and if he catches wind of his reflection then he goes mad

    Borris is just daft and runs in to fences and gates and sometimes he will go and sit on bessies head when she is sleeping, he also likes to bark when hes happy but he does this long bark which is very sweet!

    Bessie makes pigs nosies when she is really happy, she also sits on quinn when hes getting to naughty, She also at the age of nearly 4 chases her tail, she will roll on a toy she has and sometimes she pretends to kill her food and does daft faces at it and noises

    Staffords are wonderful dogs and i love the fact they are clowns and not a day goes past where dont enjoy having them!
  4. griff

    griff New Member

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    :lol: :lol: definately agree complete nutters:lol:
    we were going for a staff rescue when i was offered a rescue staffy x so i had him:grin: he is just as mental and so much of my girls character has rubbed off on him:grin: the thing i love most about them is the way they are so happy,nutty and the way they tuck their back end in when they do that crazy running thing:lol: there isn't a day goes by where they don't have me in stitches.
    both talk to me and sing as well:grin:
  5. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    i love it when they have their mad 5 minutes lol!
  6. griff

    griff New Member

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    these past few days they have been chasing each other constantly and have only being resting for 5 minutes:lol: how they haven't died from exhaustion i will never know:roll:
    i don't know if yours do this but my pair go mad after having a bath:roll: diez is terrible,she will tear around the garden and then dig holes:lol:
  7. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    Yes mine do too, they go outside to dry off and run around like loons!
  8. bullterrier

    bullterrier New Member

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    There`s a large rabbit warren thats caved in on my main dog walk, my Bull Terrier fell down it 3 times in succession. The third time I left him there & hid behind a wood pile 50 metres away,he stood there with his front paws & head sticking out whimpering & wining. It took him 5 minutes to get out. That made me chuckle.
    I take a rubber frisby with me on our walks, my Staff bitch runs & retrieves it, when she puts it down my Bully stands over it. As soon as I start reaching for it he quickly picks it up trying to engineer a game of tug. He also has a penchant for going in the muddiest deepest pudddles he can find.
    My Bully likes to play king of the castle in their dog bed, he bounces around growling till my staff launches herself at him continually. They end up wrestling in their bed, from which he eventually launches himself around the house then literally body slams himself as hard as possible back into their bed continually till he`s knackered.
  9. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    Lol sounds like fun you dogs, we have a rubber frisbee that my staff bitch LOVES great form of exercise for them!
  10. bullterrier

    bullterrier New Member

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    My Bully also has a penchant for destroying the mop & sorting out the sweeping brush, but only when they`re being used.
    When we are out for long periods the dogs are kenneled, my Staff bitch sits on the top of her kennel watching the world go by.
    She tends to tease my Bully with their toy`s, which normally results in a game of get if you can. When he gets hold of them he then does the same to her. She also has eyebrows that would put Roger Moores to shame, they`re totally independent of each other.
    We have a cushioned dog mat in front of the fire, soon as the fire goes on they put their front paws & heads on the hearth ( its a modern electric one so don`t worry).
    Bought Archie one of those really hard footballs with ropes on (he loves footballs) he was great whilst somebody played with it with him, the first time I let him have it on his
    own he burst it in about 10 seconds.
    He destroyed the tennis ball out of one of those ball throwers first time it was launched, within 2 minutes of that he`ed managed to snap the end cup off the ball thrower itself with one bite, that annoyed me a little.
    My Staff has a penchant for using her nose to poke us or my Bully (she really goes to town on him, it`s like watching a boxer doing lots of jabs).
  11. Nicky1979

    Nicky1979 New Member

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    Oh yes, had to give Louie a bath on Saturday after he found some pig s### & mud to roll in:smt078. He had his best 'woe is me' face on until he was out of the bath and towel dried. He then charged out of the bathroom (which is downstairs) striaght into the the lounge, used the sofa's to help take any excess water off & proceed to go nuts round the entire of the house for 10 minutes:lol: :lol:
  12. griff

    griff New Member

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    :lol: :lol: sounds very familiar:lol:
    for some reason my pair insist on going in opposite directions so you can't dodge them:roll:
  13. bullterrier

    bullterrier New Member

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    Sounds like my 2, they also like sorting the towels when being dried. My bully has a penchant for taking all the socks and pants off the airer in the kitchen and putting them in his bed, he doesn`t damage them. It makes me laugh to think of him trotting back & forth from airer to bed with socks & pants.

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