Flat Coated Retriever Discussions

Discussion in 'Flat Coated Retriever' started by Discussion Thread, Apr 28, 2004.

  1. Willow

    Willow New Member

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    :shock: he looks a ringer for Casper at that age ! awwww I want to cuddle him now !

    Aisla... if your ever down in the South I demand a cuddle with him ;)

    BTW That reminds me are you going to the Flatcoat picnic in july ? :D
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  3. Jules1

    Jules1 New Member

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    Lovely.....look at those eyes :lol:
    Its thw shape of their heads as well. I could just kiss it.

    They really are gorgeous dogs!!!!!!
  4. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    awww...I've given him a big cuddle from both of you and he was very happy...no change there then!!!!
    What flat coat picnic??????!!!! Where and when???? Sounds like fun....

    I love the name Casper...it really suits a flat coat...
  5. newforestfcr

    newforestfcr New Member

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    ahh he looks lovely - when i met my oh i'd never seen a fc and he had one and thats it im hooked they are a terrific breed.
  6. newforestfcr

    newforestfcr New Member

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    more flattie pics puppy is paddy and the other bertie who we sadly lost recently to cancer:-(


    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 28, 2006
  7. Jules1

    Jules1 New Member

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    GORGEOUS!!!!! Lovely pictures :smt007
  8. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    I'm so sorry to hear about Bertie, he looks so lovely.
    Paddy is doing to him what Saturn does to every dog he meets...lick...lick...lick...lick...lick!!!!!!!!
  9. Willow

    Willow New Member

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    I'm so sorry to hear about your beloved Bertie NFFCR :cry:

    How old was he ? Was it one of the lumps you mentioned earlier in the thread ? You poor thing, ((hugs)) x

    Ailsa will pm you the details of the picnic :D
  10. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    ta willow!!!!
  11. newforestfcr

    newforestfcr New Member

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    Hi Willow

    Bertie was 5 when he was pts. It was a lump we found in his neck (throat area) in Feb he had it removed we sent it to FC cancer study where it came back as a very agressive form of melanoma they said he could have radiotherpy which would give him 6 months and a weekly trip to cambridge so we didnt opt for that. The lump grew back in about a month the vet didnt recommend removing a second time because of the agressive nature of the tumor - so we monitered him and the lump gre bigger and bigger his tail never stoppped wagging and it didnt stop him eating or enjoying life (it was growing outwards so not pressing on wind pipe etc) then very quickly it spread into his mouth and other lymph tissues and we lost him 21/2 weeks ago:smt022 and even when the vet came to the house to do the deed - his tail never stopped wagging.
  12. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    I am so very, very sorry for you loss newforest,what a brave and special boy he was, you must have been so proud of him.
    Nothing i can say will help I know, I just wanted to let you know how sorry I was, your post made me cry. i had no idea how special flat coats are til Saturn moved in in March. Those tails.
    I'm really sorry newforest. Bertie was a handsome and brave boy. Sending lots of hugs Ailsa x
  13. newforestfcr

    newforestfcr New Member

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    thanks Ailsa
  14. Willow

    Willow New Member

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    :smt022 :smt022

    I'm so so so so very sorry to hear about what happened to your beloved boy, I read your post and even now 10 mins later I'm still crying over it, that bit about the wagging tail even to the end :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

    They are eternally happy dogs, and what you did was a very very brave thing, hugs to you and I know they leave a dreadful hole when they go but I hope your youngster is helping to ease the pain.

  15. newforestfcr

    newforestfcr New Member

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    Thanks for all your kind words Having Paddy has certainly helped hes mad!!

    Ithought our dog training was paying off we were out for a early cycle ride having puffed up a hill saw a jogger gathering up their dog i barely managed to croak for paddy being so fit that i am! but he came at once i was v.pleased then at training he did a brill sit stay (we were doing emergency stops) when i called him he got up and walked back into the hall away from all dogs etc :lol: i ran off to tempt him to follow but he was having none of it he just sat in the hall and waited im not sure if its intelligence or stupidity!!

    hows saturn coming along?
  16. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    Paddy sounds like he's fun!!!:grin: Awwwww! I'd go for intelligence, they're a clever lot these flatties aren't they7, but not as 'in yur face' with it as breeds like shepherds, they're quietly taking it all in and sussing it all out...:roll: ;-)
    Saturn is great thanks!!! In fact, Guide dogs are coming to visit today to see how he's doing. It's really hot though so knowing him he'll be refusing to do an awful lot!!! He's really clever and such a sweet, lovely dog. I keep trying to get that over to people but only other flatties owners' eyes light up with a 'they are aren't they?';-) i love him to bits, he's playful and fun, but sensible with it...his main problems so far are his love of anything and everything, but he's slowly learning now he can't say hi to everyone! His other problem is a distinct lack of stamina, he's a lazy thing. This is my main concern, our first pup (a lab retriever cross) was lazy (well we thought he was laid back more than lazy, his trainers said he was lazy) and Saturn is a million times worse...maybe it will come with age. We're keen for him to pass as he's potential breeding stock. If he passes and passes his health checks he'll have the best life in Guide Dogs!;-)
    How old is Paddy now??? Does he have any stamina??? Is this the breed do you think or just m'laddo??
  17. newforestfcr

    newforestfcr New Member

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    Paddy is one now and i guess he does run out of steam quite quickly usually at the end of training hes shattered, but i wouldn't say he was lazy anything but on a walk.:-o will saturn eventually be a guide dog? I met somebody the other day at a toddler group whose mother was the first breeder to introduce FCR as guide dogs she lives in Surrey where did you get him from?
  18. Willow

    Willow New Member

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    Hi Newforeset Fcr,

    Hows your Paddy coming along ? Got any more pics to share or you Aisla ? :D

    How's Saturn ? :D
  19. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    Hiya Willow!!
    I'll try and sort out some pics later! Saturn is on good form, if a little teenage at the moment. He has his first assessment with guide dogs in a couple of weeks, someone form the breeding centre is coming for a chat and to take him out and check him over, if he passes that, he'll keep his testicles for now!!! He'll then have and eye test and have his hips scored if he passes the eye test...fingers crossed, what a life he could have!!! (He's potential breeding stock, meaning if he passes his health and temprament tests he'll live with volunteers as a pet near the breeding centre and just be called on to ...well y'know!!!!! What a life!
    He's lovely, he's defintiely my boy, he follows me everywhere. I have definitely found my dog breed..stubborn yet playful, gentle but daft, sensitive but sociable...it's a doggy me!!!!!
    You got any piccies?????
  20. newforestfcr

    newforestfcr New Member

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    Hi Willow

    Paddy is great still mad i think he might calm down next year! I will have to put some photos on - we have just had a lovely painting done of him and Bertie.
  21. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    Okey dokey...here's m'laddo!!!!

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