Flat Coated Retriever Discussions

Discussion in 'Flat Coated Retriever' started by Discussion Thread, Apr 28, 2004.

  1. jakey

    jakey New Member

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    Ahh Willow, the pics are fantastic. They really have a regal look about them and your goldie looks like my old Ben. I went to pick up some horse feed today and someone in there had a liver flatie ... she was so chuffed that i knew exactly what it was. He was overly keen to say hello to me and almost collapsed on my feet. So sweet.

    CAn i ask, what age did you start at classes?? Puppy or training?

    Aisla, where are you getting yours from if not Guide dogs at such a young age? Does it have a name etc yet?Is he going to be trained by the guide dogs? My mum was in a local hospice towards the end of last year and there was a PAT dog which used to come round each week. Because Mum was in there for about 13 weeks, she really loved to see these dogs because she had left her dog at home. They really cheered her up and some days, when she was in absolute torture, she would always light up when she saw them. If our flatie doesnt work out at agilty etc, i may consider this but thinking that maybe she may be a bit boisterous.

    Who bred yours Willow? I didnt take any pics of ours as they were only 2 weeks old but Denise has phots on her website www.torwoodflatcoats.co.uk. My pups litter is the one at the top. We are due to go back a week on Sunday to have another look and make our choice. We have 2 liver bitches to choose from so it makes things easier. I hate having to choose. It is so hard. I will take some up to date photos then and post them.

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  3. newforestfcr

    newforestfcr New Member

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    Hi Willow

    I read your training experience ive heard of ther stories similer near us where trainers use harsh methods - its a good job flatties are a bit daft there arn't many dogs you could do that too. I am interested in the training but he needs to have his lump removed first - also a bit worried by his lack of training to join - he is only 10 months old and a typicall slow maturing flattie :) he will obey basic commands but his love for people tends to make him deaf and stupid! but he loves to retreive so after reading some of the training stuff on here i will try to put some of it into practise. Hows your dog bred?
  4. newforestfcr

    newforestfcr New Member

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    Hi Jakey
    Pups look great have you a name yet? you were lucky to get a liver bitch i thought they were like gold dust!! I also thought about taking my older dog to be a PAT dog but he leans on people and hes heavy probably not what you want when you are ill. How many horses do you have? I sold mine when i was pregnant for the 2nd time but still have a couple of new forest ponies on the forest which i hope to have broken later this year.
  5. jakey

    jakey New Member

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    I was told that i would not be able to get a liver bitch as there are generally long waiting lists.... must have got lucky...or my mum put in a good word upstairs!!

    I look after 7 horses/ponies on a daily basis along with my own 2, Molly (a black 5 year old shetland mare) and my beloved Spike, who you will be pleased to know is a N.F. He is my pride and joy and nothing would ever make me give him up. He has got me through a very rough year and he is a star!!! Molly was supposed to be in foal due this Spring as she ran all last summer with a spotted stallion but 'computer says no'. I will hopefully be getting her covered later in the season.

    Anyway, back to flaties.... we think we are gonna call her Ruby Tuesday but i still like Meg. Stuck on names really. She has no kennel name yet so might see what that is.

  6. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    The pup will be owned and trained by Guide Dogs, they accepted the litter last week when they saw them at 6 weeks. He will be puppy walked by us for a year. It was a private breeder rather than Guide Dogs that bred the litter, not sure who or where, he's called Saturn, not sure if the breeder or Guide dogs named him. I'll know more when he arrives!
    Our BC is a registered PAT dog, he's a big soft thing!!! They do a fantastic job, but sadly we don't really have time to do visits with him...one of those many things we keep meaning to do.....!!!!!
  7. Willow

    Willow New Member

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    There are a few flatties in Dorset that are PAT dogs, I looked at doing PAT work as well, but like yours NFFCR my one leans as well, my golden doesnt and would make a lovely PAT dog but I dont have the time to go through all the motions and get him registered. I wouldnt worry about your boy not having enough training, we have a LOAD of beginners in the beginner class who are all pets, you have to start somewhere :D ! My trainer does do beginner classes as well and she always encourages you to come and watch first before you join if you interested in just watching and getting a bit of advice maybe. She also teaches agility and has done Working Trials and obediance previously, she's competing in Sweden this year for gundog work so she knows a thing or two ;)

    Aisla do you know if that litter is coming from Somerset or near there at all ?

    My boy is bred from Fossdyke lines :D
  8. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    Sorry Willow, absolutely no idea at all!!!! Do you know of a litter that is going to Guide Dogs? I know another few pups from the same litter are going to puppy walkers and that the breeder has been used before...the litter was born on 12th Jan...any help???? I'll know more on Wednesday.
  9. Willow

    Willow New Member

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    Just being nosey really ;) I do know of one breeder who has dogs have been used as guide dogs before and I think she was in Somerset, I can certainly find out, but it's not that important :) I've never had a young pup before, as Casper was 14 weeks when I got him, but I saw pics when he was younger and 9 week old Flatties are adorable ! ;)
  10. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    It would be interesting to know who the breeder is, i'll probably find out on Wednesday when he arrives as we're normally given the names of the brood bitch holder and stud dog holder so we can keep them informed about how the pup is doing, shouldn't imagine it will be too different!
    Have seen small pups before...awwwwwww!!!! Looking forward to it! Just the biting, whining, chewing, pooing, weeing etc.....and the lack of sleep! Never mind, that bit doesn't last long does it???!!!!!! Very excited about having a flat coat though, I've heard such great things about them!
  11. tillytails

    tillytails New Member

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    This website looks defunct - I just get one of those annoying directory pages and various lingerie photos :shock:. As the original post was made 2 years ago, can anyone say if the contact details that were posted at the same time(see below) are still correct ? Thanks.

    Anyone looking for a Flatcoat puppy, should contact Mrs Shirley Johnson, The Litter Secretary of the Flatcoat Retriever Society on: 01638 718231
    She knows of all available FCR litters.
  12. Bodhi

    Bodhi New Member

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    I saw a flat coat yesterday.

    He was HUGE :shock:

    Lovely dogs, used to see alot years ago when I worked in some kennels.
  13. tillytails

    tillytails New Member

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    Ok, I think I've answered my own questions :lol:. This looks like the new website for the FCR Soc : http://www.flatcoated-retriever-society.org/ and according to that website, Mrs Shirley Johnson is still the Litter Sec. and on that same tel. number. It also notes : Please be considerate and phone between the hours of 9 am and 8 pm (09:00 and 20:00 hrs) ONLY
  14. Jules1

    Jules1 New Member

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    I love this breed. You just look into their eyes and they make your heart melt.
    I love NSDTR but after going to crufts & seeing so many flat coats i just couldn't resist falling in love with them. So these are now 2nd on my list of favourites after my very faithful friend...the border collie!
    I think if i came across a litter, i would find it very hard to resist.
    For those who have flatcoats, how would they excel in agility?
    I'm really interested in field sports. Its something i would really love to get into.
    We need more pictures of flatcoats on this section. I need a flatcoat fix :smt101
  15. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    I had to post on here again.
    We've had Saturn for a while now...he's 5 months or so and totally adorable.
    He is friendly, playful and totally amaible in every way, I've never, ever met such a totally friendly dog in every way. I wasn't sure...if i'm honest, about the breed, but now..I'm completely smitten. I LOVE FLAT COATS LOADS!!!!!

    His only fault is a rubbish recall when he spots another dog...nothing can hold him back...it's that friendly nature you see.....
  16. Willow

    Willow New Member

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    Well flatcoats might not be as quick as BC's round the course but they can definately do agility ! Two of Caspers sisters went to an agility home and they have both got their Agility Warrants :D I did it for a little while, but the dog was too quick and I cant go round the course quick enough for him :blush:
  17. Willow

    Willow New Member

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    That can be trained out of him, if I have toy or he's working then he wont pay the slightest bit of attention to another dog. He's much rather work or play his toy :grin:

    If however I dont have a toy, then Casper is as thick as a brick when it comes to getting the hint about leaving a dog alone :roll: I blame it on him being a boy ! :lol:
  18. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    Glad it's not just me then!!!
    I read this can be a problem with the breed as they love evryone and everything sooooooo much.
    We've managed to get him to leave people alone when he's free running now...thanks to hot dogs and cheese!!! It's just when he gets close to toher dogs, he hits a point of no return!!!!! Once he's got to them , he just wants to lick them and love them and play with them and NOTHING will get him back. Norty puppy!!!!!!!
  19. Jules1

    Jules1 New Member

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    Oooooh i want one. Its a toss up between a Toller or a flatcoat.

    I'm pushed more to a flatcoat. Their eyes make my heart melt.
    We need more flatcoat pictures plllleeeeeaaase!!!!!!! ;-)
  20. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    tough choice Jules!!!! And of course then you could always have another BC...how great are they???? (She says in a totally unbiased manner!!!!!)
    here's Saturn...

  21. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    awww...now I've seen that on here, I've got to go give him a lddle tickle......

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