Presa Canario Discussions

Discussion in 'Presa Canario' started by Discussion Thread, Apr 28, 2004.

  1. Lizzy

    Lizzy New Member

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    Stunning, but very hard work. Not for novices!!!!!!
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  3. chelle1975

    chelle1975 New Member

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    Heres a pic of my presa, pup is now 8mnth and dog is 4yrs

  4. Luz

    Luz New Member

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    Oh my god what stunning dogs. If it would at all be possible I would like to own every breed of dog, then i would be content! :-o :smt105 Not possible though eh!
  5. spider1

    spider1 New Member

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    HEllo i am new here but belong 2a presa site.;-)
    I wanted 2 know if any1 could tell me of a breeder in the uk wot ISNT from topdrive,Raptor,J7 kennels or attila as i know these & r lookin to find some1 else
    i all ready hav 2presa's :smt071 :smt071 1from topdrive & 1from raptor handful but lovely dogs & r lookin 4a dam or sire from a diff bloodline:roll:
    can some1 help been bagging my head against a wall tryin 2find 1:smt021
  6. chelle1975

    chelle1975 New Member

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    Hi spider, i got my bitch presa from a breeder in york, shes now 14 months old, shes out of, topdrives governour and a bitch the breeder owns himself tess, who unfortunatly is also out of topdrives ghero and paris, so this will be of no help to you , sorry :?
  7. spider1

    spider1 New Member

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    didnt think john studed any of his dogs out?
    but thank u anyway ive got a little bitch from Gov & mya out of topdrive.
    do u know of any1 on here that mite konw of a breeder?
    Oh been tryin 2find that T-rogue kennels net any help
  8. chelle1975

    chelle1975 New Member

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    the breeder i got my bitch off in york is called david, on here i know eraze and rob k have presas, someone on here called jane is from t-rogue kennels i think, if thats any help.

    Are your other presas dogs? What are they out of? When my bitch is of age i hope to get a litter out of her, if i can find anyone with a stud dog out of different lines
  9. spider1

    spider1 New Member

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    1 of mine is a bitch from topdrive she's out of govenor & mya she frawn

    & my pride & joy is troy his black big boy from raptor he's Irema Curto bloodline cant put pics up dont no y but could email u some of him if u want?
    How old is ur bitch?:smt023
  10. Alphatest

    Alphatest Adminstrator

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    sorry to sound like a party pooper but if anyones thinking about breeding I hope you'll read this article: [thread]12589[/thread]

    Particularly when it comes to a breed such as the Presa as they are NOT for novices, and so the risk of them ending up in rescues is far greater.

    As Lizzy said in one of her posts, they are very hard work because they can be quite dominent.
  11. spider1

    spider1 New Member

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    YER i know i hav 2of them & no offence urs is from topdrive yes the same as my bitch so urs is of Barnacan bull bloodline which is breed 4looks i.e SHOWS not4 drive my boy is of Irema Curto which is still true 2the dogs workin background & is being worked & trained in dog pull at the mo. + i got the chance 2 work some gr8 dogs presa's &gsd's. so i know about my breed &talk 2 the 4breeders in the uk know there dogs & bloodlines so dont mean 2sound rude :twisted:
  12. Alphatest

    Alphatest Adminstrator

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    Yes its possible you may know your stuff - but do you think there are enough suitable homes out there for any pups you breed? I'm sure you'll be aware that these breeds need at the bare minimum very responsible owners.

    I'm not against ethical breeding, but I just think breeds like these have much higher criteria when it comes to this sort of thing. So I hope you don't mind me airing my views :)
  13. spider1

    spider1 New Member

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    Dont mind at all jus remember some1 always knows more. Everythink has 2b taken in 2account & my pups will already hav homes breeders i know want pups out of mine2 start & my dogs will only breed if there hipscores r good
    HAVE U HAD UR DOGS HIPSCORED? Eye tested? Temprement test ? Elbow tested? U should get this all done even if ur not goin2breed.
    Would love 2Know ur presa's Hipscore? That is if u bothered?
    truth hurts:twisted:
  14. Alphatest

    Alphatest Adminstrator

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    I have no intention of breeding Rocky, but fyi, when Rocky had an op on his knee, the vet said he had excellent hips (x-ray) ;)
  15. Alphatest

    Alphatest Adminstrator

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    (ps why would I need the other tests if I have no intention of breeding?)
  16. spider1

    spider1 New Member

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    Sorry a vet cant tell u a hipscore the X-rays hav 2 be sent of & a group 6or so disside H/S. & as for the rest u should get done 4the dogs health & if u had an outstand dog u should try 2 find a dog jus as good 2better our 2many ppl hav breed crap dogs &my our dogs weak or crossed them 4 know reason. & if u care about the breed as much as ur tryin 2make out ur should know all this. There r many ppl that can care 4 this breed & many ppl that would use this breed 4 wrong but that can b said 4all figthing breeds:twisted:

    look dont mean2sound funny but ive done my home work & this breed need ppl like us 2look afther it. & on this breed u cant win its my life glad u care so much tho:twisted:
  17. Alphatest

    Alphatest Adminstrator

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    Just because I care about a breed doesn't mean I should breed it - and with this breed in particular I'll leave that to the experts thank you very much. And to be frank I wish others would too :p
  18. spider1

    spider1 New Member

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    thats y we do n i didnt say u should breed cos by the sounds of it u find it 2hard wiv jus 1 mayb wrong but. we all work wiv our dogs even the 1's we dont breed we test. word 2the wise ''2better the breed u must 1st understand the breed''
    the uk presa's on av r better than the us cos all the breeders here care & wont take the risk of breedin unless our dogs prove themselfs. sarah&john topdrive, dave raptor, john J7 i know x-presa in norway showstoppers us. all know the breed thats y we breed & work oyr dogs & u dont:twisted:
  19. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    How long have you owned the breed for Spider?
  20. spider1

    spider1 New Member

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    year but i think the 1st dog came about 3 year ago 2the uk y?
    &the 1st person had no exp wiv da breed but it aint somethink u wake up & think il get some dogs &breed them. i did alot of lookin in 2 breeders lines from all over the world.& i used 2 breed BT wiv my family
  21. Cumbrian Lass

    Cumbrian Lass New Member

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    so when you breed your dog, can u guarantee that its siblings wont be bred for cash? and not to better the breed as you would like? i ask since we have 2 presa's in rescue now?s hame their breeder didn't realise the realities :cry:

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