Presa Canario Discussions

Discussion in 'Presa Canario' started by Discussion Thread, Apr 28, 2004.

  1. puppydog

    puppydog New Member

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    I want one!!!!!!!! They are absolutely gorgeous! (without the cropped ears!)
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 9, 2005
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  3. hollie

    hollie New Member

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    hi do you know where abouts topdrives or T-Rogue Kennels are based and if they have a website or not ?
  4. Mizraab

    Mizraab New Member

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    In Spain it is known as Dogo Canario means ( Canary Dog ) . Later in their history their name was changed and in some countries it is known as Presa Canario . In United States it goes by Presa Canario or Perro De Presa Canario .
    In Some South American countries it goes by Perro De Dogo Canario.
  5. Lizzy

    Lizzy New Member

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    Mizraab, do you have permission to reproduce the photos from the Red Star website?

    Actually the 'original' name in Spain was Presa Canario, as it was in America until recently. The name was officially changed to Dogo Canario to try and differentiate the real dogs from bandogs bred and marketed as 'Presa' in both countries. However, whilst the dogs are registered as Dogo, their owners mostly still refer to them as Presa.

    The standard states that white markings may appear on the chest, base of neck or throat, on front and rear toes. The white markings should be as limited as possible. Almost all the dogs pictured in this section meet this part of the standard. Link to the complete FCI standard: STANDARD.pdf

  6. RobK

    RobK New Member

    Likes Received:
    I was going to ask the same question Libby Red Star is pretty hard core on that!
  7. jap

    jap New Member

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    Just some updated pix for this thread..............T-Rogue Kennels UK







    Vivi 3.5 years

    Fausto 21 months

    pups 11 months

    Shel-B fawn female 11 weeks

    One of our kennel blocks
  8. Gems

    Gems New Member

    Likes Received:
    Great pics! :D gorgeous dogs
  9. bolty

    bolty New Member

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    hi i just wanted 2no if any1 can tell me if my dog is what is called a bandog? her mum is a presa canario + and her dad a pit bull terrier type dog
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2005
  10. Laura

    Laura New Member

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    As far as I know any Mastiff cross Bull Breed is considered a Bandog the most common type being Neapolatin Mastiff X APBT.
  11. Laura

    Laura New Member

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    Lovely pics Jane as I have said before some of the nicest Presa's I have seen, especially Muzz-E he has always been my favourite.

    Lovely kennels too real nice & professional looking.
  12. bolty

    bolty New Member

    Likes Received:
    thank you 1moor thing, when roughly will she get 2 her full size?
  13. Laura

    Laura New Member

    Likes Received:
    I dont own larger breeds so I cant be 100% sure but I think some Mastiff breeds can take up to 3 years to fully mature.

  14. Alohacorso

    Alohacorso New Member

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    Molosser dog original of the Canary Islands. From XVI, in the Agreements of the Cabildo de Tenerife, in Decrees of Tenerife, and the Agreements of the Cabildo de Betancuria (Fuerteventura) is mentioned, among other canine breeds, the dogs of presa (griping dogs). Most logical is to think that this dog was brought to the Canary Islands by the conquerors and Spanish colono of the Iberian Peninsula. Soon, with time and the isolation, could derive in a completely differentiated breed. In the Canary Islands, the presa dogs were used for the guard of the properties, the safekeeping of the cattle and like help for butcher at the sacrifice of the cattle. About these dogs we only counted on written references, and its extinction could happen at the end of XIX or the three first decades of the XX. From 1920 to 1950, more or less, with the purpose of obtaining dogs for the fight, different imported breeds are crossed (Spanish Mastiff, English Bulldog, Bull Terrier, Great Dane also know as Deutche Dogo) the Perro de Ganado Majorero (livestock guarding dog from Fuerteventura -Canary Islands) and the dog of the land (of Gran Canaria, extinct for several decades), of characteristics similar to the Perro de Ganado Majorero. And like this one, in my opinion, descendant of the Spanish livestock guarding dogs brought to the islands by the conquerors and Spanish colonos. With the prohibition of the fights around 1945, these dogs of presa also disappear. In 1975-6 the liking to the dogs of presa appears again, and in gradual way, by means of crossings with several imported canine breeds (English Bulldog, Neopolitan Mastiff, Bullmastiff, Mastiff, Great Dane, Bullterrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Spanish Mastiff) plus the Perro de Ganado Majorero -the dog of the land or livestock guarding dog of Gran Canaria no longer exist in those dates-, is developed the new Perro de Presa Canario.


    1. Medium size dog, of straight profile. Of rustic aspect and wellproportionate. It is a mesomorph whose trunk is longer than its height at the shoulders. Massive head, of square aspect and wide skull. The upper lips cover the lower ones. Black mouth lining. Strong teeth wide apart and well set. Medium-sized brown eyes. Highly set ears. Cylindrical neck, very muscular and covered with a thick, loose, elastic skin. With double dewlap, nonexcessive, in longitudinal way. Tail of high insertion. Width chest, broad rib cage. Belly moderately tucked . Forelimbs perfectly composed, with wide, strong bones and pronounced angles which guarantee good shock absorption and a long trot. Cat foot. Hind limbs powerful and muscular, with medium angles, strong and parallel, without deviations. Cat foot slightly longer than those in the front. Thick elastic skin. Short hair, without undercoat, slightly rough. Coats Brindle (striped), fawn and black. Sometimes display white marks in the chest (corbatos), around the neck (acollarados), in the lower abdomen (bragados), in the extremities (calzados). Mask generally black.


    Its appearance is extraordinarily powerful. Attentive gaze. Especially gifted for the function of guard and defense. Frequently has been used for safekeeping and conduction of the cattle. Firm temperament. Serious and deep bark. Noble and tame in the family and distrustful with strangers.


    1. Measured at the shoulders:

    - Males 61 to 66 cm (24 to 26 inches)

    - Females 57 to 62 cm (23 to 25 inches)

    2. - HEAD: Brachycephalic build. Cuboid tendency. Solid appearance. The proportion of cranium-face is 6 to 4. Nasofrontal depression is little noticeable. Average length 25 cm.

    2.1.- Cranium: Convex in anteroposterior and transversal directions. Flat frontal bone. Very pronounced zygomatic arch and well-developed temporal and masseters muscles of the region suborbital. There is a marked depression between the frontal sinuses. The occipital crest is practically erased by the muscles of the nape. Average cephalic perimeter is 60 cm.

    2.2.- Muzzle: Shorter than the cranium. Normally it represents about 40% of the total head area. It is very wide. The craniofacial lines are straight or slightly converging.

    2.3.- Nose: Wide, well pigmented in black. The nostrils are well opened.

    2.4.- Lips or Flews: Medium thick and fleshy. The upper lip covers complety the lower one, seen from the front, they form and inverted "V". The mouth linings are dark; though they may also be pink, black is the preferred color.

    2.5.- Maxilla: The teeth with a strong base of implantation. Scissor bite The incisors and canines should be well-aligned and well-arranged.

    3.- Eyes: Slightly oval, medium to large size, well separated, neither sunken nor bulging. The color fluctuates between medium to dark chestnut, in accordance with the color of the coat. Eyelids pigmented in black, well adhere.

    4.- Ears: Of medium size and rather high insertion, and pendants when they are complete. If they are cropped they stay erect and of triangular shape.

    5.- Neck: Round, straight, solid and very muscular, especially the upper part. It is rather short and its lower border has loose skin which contributes to the formation of the dewlap (not excessive). Average length between 18 and 20 cm.

    6.-Fore Limbs: Perfectly positioned, wide-boned and covered with powerful and visible muscles. Cat feet. Solid nails, either in black or white, relative to the dog's coat. Forearm: average 23 cm. Metacarpals: average 14 cm.

    7.-Trunk: Its length is normally greater than the height at the withers by about 10 or 12%. Wide and very ample chest with well-marked pectoral muscles. Seen from the side, the trunk should at least reach the elbow. The thoracic perimeter will normally be equal to the height plus one-third, the larger the better. Average thoracic perimeter is 88 cm.

    7.1.-The Dorso-lumbar line: Straight, rising slightly towards the croup. Slight saddle effect just behind the withers.

    7.2.- Croup: Straight, medium and wide. The height of the croup is normally 1.5 cm higher than the height at the shoulders.

    7.3.- Belly: Moderately tucked

    7.4.- Sexual Organs: The male should have completely and perfectly developed both testicles. Scrotum must be tucked.

    8.- Tail: Highly set, flexible, thick at the start and thinner at the end, and going down to the hock at rest . When active it is raised like a sabre with the tip pointing straight out, without curling.

    9.- Hind limbs: Strong and well-positioned when seen front on or from the side. Very muscular thighs. Rather gentle angles. Cat feet. Normally there is no spurs. Hocks do not deflect.

    10. Coat

    10.1.- Hair: Short all over. Generally thicker around the shoulders, neck and crest of the buttocks. No undercoat. Rustic aspect and a little harshness.

    10.2.- Color: Brindle in all its range. Black. Fawn in all its range, until the sand. It can appear white spot in the chest (corbato), around the neck (acollarados), in the under-belly (bragado), the extremities (calzado). The mask must be of dark color.

    11.- Weight

    - Average male weight is 47 to 57 kilos. (103 to 126 pounds)

    - Average female weight is 40 to 50 kilos. (89 to 110 pounds) 1

    12.- Defects

    12.1.- Slight:

    - Equal height croup-withers

    - Excessive wrinkles in the cráneofacial region.

    - Presence of Spurs.

    - Light eyes.

    - Atypical Bark (acute).

    12.2.- Serious.

    - Scarce pigmentación of the snout.

    - Lips excessively hanging.

    - Eyes of different color. - Prognatismo (undershot bite)

    - Slight appearance

    - Incorrect of deflecting forelimbs

    - Absence of premolars Absence of mask.

    -Character unbalanced, shyness.

    - Fragile appearance and poor structure.

    - Head that does not complete the proportion face-skull.

    - A curly tail, one that is the same thickness along its extension. amputated or deformed.

    12.3 Eliminatory:

    - Monorchids, cryptorchids or castrated units.

    - More than 30% of the body spotted white, or spots on the head and back.

    - Enognatismo. (Overshot bite)

    - Complete depigmentation of the nose or mucus membranes.

    - Colors not described in the standart.
  15. RobK

    RobK New Member

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    Very nice looking Dogs jap!!!
  16. deefin

    deefin New Member

    Likes Received:
    they sure are stunning
  17. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Just seen this post for the first time - these are stunning looking dogs. Now I want to go and find out all about them.
  18. alanoman

    alanoman New Member

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    Jap !

    Hope to see you in here again soon, Jane. Hope things are well in the meantime and that the new arrival settles in easily.

    My Best,

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 18, 2005
  19. RobK

    RobK New Member

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    Abbie Red Star Presa.





  20. Buster & Bella

    Buster & Bella New Member

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    i absolutaley love thsi breed xxxxxxxxxxx i want 1! xxx
  21. Luz

    Luz New Member

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    Have been reading about these dogs recently and have a new interest. What stunning dogs, I cannot honestly say i have seen one about, they look so healthy with fabulous coats to match. Want one!

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