Loki took a fit

Discussion in 'Utonagan' started by Brandykins, Jan 19, 2007.

  1. muttzrule

    muttzrule New Member

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    I'm so sorry to hear Loki is haveing such a terrible weekend. Sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers your way.
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  3. Brandykins

    Brandykins Fondly Remembered

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    Hello Meganrose:) Many thanks for your words of support and yes, I did notice an increase in her hunger! Loki, at the best of times, is not a big eater and skips meals too (refuses to eat); however, I did notice on Thursday and Friday morning that she was hungry and ate all her food and wanted more! In future, I shall watch for those signs and perhaps be a bit more prepared.

    I did notice that she has a lot of water running down her nose - even when I first brought her home. When she was a wee toty pup, I thought she had a cold and called in the vet because of her nose running. Perhaps that is a sign? Not sure though, perhaps just a coincidence.

    Again, thank you - everyone has been so good and kind and I appreciate all the advice given. Lucky Starr is indeed a star with all the help and links she has given me.

    You too. Thank you.

    I am looking forward to having her home this morning too. She has had her bath at the hospital and had a sound sleep - she did have a fit, I was told when I called about 11 pm last night, by the duty vet, that she had taken a small fit but she was given a Phenebarb injection and she had fell asleep.

    Called again at 7.30 am and told she had a sound night's sleep and given a bath - was running around and giving all who would pat her, a paw! That is Loki all over!

    I will let you know how she is when I get her home - she is being taken to the Vet and I will collect her later on.

    Again, many thanks.
  4. Brandykins

    Brandykins Fondly Remembered

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    Aw many thanks, Muttzrule, for your thoughts and prayer. I do appreciate it very much.

    Everyone has been so kind and good to me on here and it has helped me no end.

    I will let you know how she is when I get her home:) I can't wait!

    Again, thank you.

    Take care.
  5. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    Just caught this updated thread. Hope Loki is much better and that you get to bring her home today.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2007
  6. rachelsetters

    rachelsetters New Member

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    Oh Brandykins - can't believe I missed this and have only just caught up.

    So sorry to read that Loki is fitting again - positive thoughts to you and Loki!
  7. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    I bet you are beside yourself with excitement at seeing her - and all scrubbed up too, bless her.
    Give her a big hug from us.
  8. Brandykins

    Brandykins Fondly Remembered

    Likes Received:
    Hello Werewolf:) Oh I had a crying time of it and sleepless too - I felt so helpless and she was getting so weak. However, smiles all around - I am having her back at 5 pm - have to go to the local vet surgery to get her! Not sure about meds yet - the Vet will tell me!

    Many thanks for your note of encouragement - I do appreciate it.

    I will let everyone know how she looks when I get her back. I did miss her so!

    Best wishes.
  9. Brandykins

    Brandykins Fondly Remembered

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    Aw thank you too Rachel - I am just getting ready now to go and get her - a friend is taking me to our local surgery where the vet is bringing her too from his other bigger practice in another town nearby.

    I shall let you know how she is.

    Again, many thanks for your wishes and Loki will appreciate them too.

    Take care and chat later:)
  10. Brandykins

    Brandykins Fondly Remembered

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    Hello Lucky Star - Oh I shall give her hugs and kisses from you! I can't wait and I have a big smile on my face! She has been fit free too - keep fingers crossed!

    The Vet will be giving me a new script I expect I will let you know.

    Just getting ready to go!

    Take care and again, many thanks for everything you have done for me:)

    Best wishes to you and yours:)
  11. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Awwwwwwwwwwww :grin: :smt052
  12. Toby

    Toby New Member

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    you're most welcome, i noticed that LS has given you so much good advice, and i see you have gone to pick her up. She will be relieved I expect to be brought home. I hope whatever the vet give her will help and her fits will subside. I will check back tomorrow to see how you get on.
  13. Meganrose

    Meganrose New Member

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    Hi again, Firstly apologies for spelling Loki wrongly and calling her a he:blush: ..it was late when I replied;-) Hope she is okay, sounds a bit more positive doesn't it? I'm not aware of a runny nose being a sign of an oncoming fit - but it may well be, I just don't know of any research or any have any experience of it. Certainly though an increased thirst and hunger are classic signs of an imminent fit and sounds as if Loki is exhibiting this, so you may be able to use this as a reliable signal.
    Please keep us informed on her progress. She is really beautiful by the way:grin: :grin:

    Thinking about you both XX
  14. Brandykins

    Brandykins Fondly Remembered

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    Hello all:) I got Loki home at 5 pm yesterday! The wee soul - she could hardly see me, didn't hear me either! However, that is coming back fine now and she has spent most of the evening walking under the parrots cages - well trying to! In and out of the hall and the bedrooms too! Has eaten 2 tins of tuna and 3 chicken breasts and rice! Two big bowls of water to go with it all!

    Lok is sleeping now and I hope she does so all night!

    I want to say a big thank you to everyone on here - all your messages have been appreciated by me - and, of course, Loki!

    I will put an update on today!

    Take care all and again, many thanks:)

    hugs and kisses from Loki and I:)
  15. Brandykins

    Brandykins Fondly Remembered

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    Loki woke up last night and wandered around all night - no sleep for me, nor my poor parrots! I managed to get her to lie down on her doggy mattress about 4 am and I lay on top of my bed and dozed until Loki got up again, about 5 am!

    She is coming round now a good bit - although she has the wanderlust!

    Again, Everyone, many thanks for all your kind words of support and help given - 'specially Lucky Star!

    Rose and Loki
  16. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Aw thanks for that. She'll get back to normal - it's probably a combination of the increased drugs plus the aftermath of the fits.
  17. Brandykins

    Brandykins Fondly Remembered

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    Got her to bed about 2 am and she slept until 6 am. She is a lot brighter looking today - with a spring in her step! Running!

    Many thanks LS:) once more and thanks to All:)

    Loki sends her thanks and wishes too, to everyone:)
  18. Brandykins

    Brandykins Fondly Remembered

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    Got blood test result from the Vet yesterday, which he took last Monday when Loki was taken there from the hospital. He said she was low - I missed what the word was:( I think it was the level of Epephen was low. He increased her dosage - 1 tablet 3 times daily (30 mg each tablet), I give her one in the morning and two in the evening. He also gave me another month's supply of Kbr. Still 1 of them to be given to her once daily.

    Many thanks to All of you for all your lovely messages and words of advice - I do appreciate all of them.

    Hugs and kisses from Loki - and me too!!! :)
  19. running cloud

    running cloud New Member

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    So sorry to hear that she is having a rough ride, they should really look at her again and try to determin what is causing more fits! Good luck and put your foot down with the Vets!
  20. Brandykins

    Brandykins Fondly Remembered

    Likes Received:
    Thank you for your response, Running Cloud:) I have to take her back in 4 weeks time for further blood tests to see the level of Phenobarb in the blood, or something like that! I will ask if she can be given further tests to see what is causing them. I know when she took the first one, it was completely out of the blue! That was back in January and none until 2 weeks tomorrow! Scary to say the least!

    Again, many thanks, I do appreciate it.

    Take care.
  21. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    They may well just put it down to idiopathic epilepsy, which means they don't know the cause. Loki (my one) had a battery of tests, including blood tests, spinal tap and MRI - none of which showed any problems.

    I think it is genetic in both our cases:evil: .

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