Staffy X, DNA testing? General Chat

Discussion in 'Staffordshire Bull Terrier' started by Adele4dan, Jan 10, 2007.

  1. Adele4dan

    Adele4dan New Member

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    Staffy X, DNA testing?

    Hi, My friend has a staffy cross,
    she has no idea what he is crossed with, to me he jus looks like a staffy with longer legs and a slightly longer face,
    Is it possible to have DNA tested to see what breeds he is?
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  3. Sal

    Sal New Member

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    Hi Adele,
    Unfortunatly there are at present no DNA tests to determine a breed of dog.If you go to the KC website they have a section about DNA profiling.
  4. Adele4dan

    Adele4dan New Member

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    Thanks I will have a look, she is worried that he might be crossed with a pittbull, hes a lovely dog very well behaved etc. Without DNA proof how does she stand with the law? could the police seize him without proof?
  5. Sal

    Sal New Member

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    HI ADele,
    Not wishing to alarm you but if they consider him type,then yes they could seize him under DDA,If this should happen,they need to seek legal advice ASAP.
  6. Adele4dan

    Adele4dan New Member

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    Thanks il let her know, shes getting in a state already.
  7. canarydog


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    Well if i was in your friends shoes and as i am into dogs, i would n't think about getting tested, who cares whats in her blood as long as she has a good temperament thats all that matters, the police are lol its not the police really its the goverment i will say i am laughing now lol reason being how many SBT owners in england? i have not got a clue but they are i think the 3rd most common breed, are the police going to stop thousands of breeds everyday walking down the street, no no, lol, i never see them, they can't even sort out the scumbags walking around with knifes, but any way if ur friend is under any scrutiny by nasty neighbours, then walk the dog at night, and early morning, reason i say this is because even if it has pittbull in him, i know no 1 has the right to destroy your friends family member, because thats as i see a dog a member of the pack they look after you and u look after them, its just a bad law that needs abolishing and the riff raff being punished not innocent dog breeds,

    hello i dont want to nit pick an arguement but why is it unfortunate that they are unable to DNA test? do you know that all breeds can be dangerous and the 4 banned over here are know more dangerous than any other breed fact, its only that more thugs get these breeds for cruel fighting and that they give the breed a bad name, i can give u off the top of my head at least 8 breeds that are more likely to do more damage in a quicker time than the American Pittbull Terrrier, ps i am not digging at u but just wondered why
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 12, 2007

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