Huskamute? Why? Controversial

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by random, Oct 11, 2006.

  1. SibeVibe

    SibeVibe New Member

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    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Mine too, totally tormented :lol:

    The protests when I get the scooter out. Poor dogs :mrgreen:
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  3. Gnasher


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    Would you like to take Ben on?? God that dog needs a lot of exercise - you would probably break the land speed record with Ben on your team, but you would die with a smile of on your face!!

    Give your "poor dogs" a hug from me x
  4. magpye

    magpye New Member

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    Whereas I take my poor crossbreed to show after show and force her to compete in all sorts of classes, from prettiest eyes, to beginner agility to fancy dress! Poor Kismet is just soooo put upon:)

    Here is Kismet on the dogwalk for the first time and just not sure of it at all![​IMG]
    Here she is failing to grasp the point of the tunnel... "But you're right there mummy, why go through this?"
    She is so very very stressed

    Kismet came from Newforest Huskies. She is the product of Huskamute to Huskamute breeding and believe me these guys are a hundred years away from breed recognition. Kismet is tiny. She barely makes the smallest of the husky size range and other than being a bit chunkier and squarer in the muzzle is not really any different from a Husky, certainly in terms of working ability and pulling power, she would be at the low end of the husky spectrum, not somewhere in between husky and Mal. I of course love her to pieces and would never give her up.

    I too joined dogsey after reading this thread, and like you, if you read back through it, I begin by defending my dog, my breed choice and my breeders. Then as I came to know the people here and read more threads and joined in more discussions... I had to grudgingly admit, that I had been fooled, or I had allowed my self to be fooled by the promise of an off lead Husky, a more house and pet suited Mal... (If I had met Northern Inuit breeders first, I would have probably had one of those)...

    I am older now and wiser (all of three years older, but it's amazing how much wise you can pick up:)) I would not buy another Huskamute. Kismet is NOT a family pet. She is a small stroppy, over dominant little madam with all sorts of 'issues'. She is not an off lead dog. But I have adapted to her and she has taught me a lot about owning a northern breed, so my next dog will be a rescue and I know I could handle a husky, which when I did my initial (and apparently flawed) research and chose Huskamute I didn't think I could. I love my Kismet to bits.

    But I was wrong to think Huskamute would be anything more than Huska-mutt. Shes a fabulous beautiful Husky cross Malamute.

    Oh also Kismet asked me to send this:)
  5. Ben Mcfuzzylugs

    Ben Mcfuzzylugs

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    so well said
    She is totaly stunning, if one was in rescue I would be hard pressed to walk past
    but I wouldnt support the breeders in any way

    Just the same that there are breeders who breed the cross I think my two are
    I wouldnt touch them with a barge pole - they are in no way good breeders - there is no such thing as a good crossbreed breeder
  6. ClaireandDaisy

    ClaireandDaisy New Member

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    What a lovely post.
    Of course we can love our crossbreeds and celebrate their unique qualities. But each one will be different. That is the nature of crossbreeding.
    I have a crossbreed and am lucky that he has picked up the Dobe curiosity and steadiness with the GSD responsiveness. There are so many worse traits he could have have inherited. Imagine the dobe aloofness with the GSD reactivity. :shock:
    That is the problem with crossbreeding. You never know what you`re going to get. :grin:
  7. SibeVibe

    SibeVibe New Member

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    For sure :grin:

    Wonderful post.

    You just have no idea how much the pic of J made me smile. Made my day :grin:

    Jacub send licks n woo woo's back to his beloved :049: :058: :049:

    Take care.

  8. SibeVibe

    SibeVibe New Member

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    Ben is welcome to blaze the trails with my guys any time :grin:

    Hiking, free running, training, walking............ nothing compares to running in harness for my guys. It's in the blood :grin:

    Take care Gnasher.

  9. Razcox

    Razcox New Member

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    LMAO That is the first time i have ever read a breeder trying to put people off joing breed clubs and getting involved in doggy events.

    Surely its a GOOD thing to meet more of the breed, get the dog out and about and doing stuff with your dog. The mind boggles!
  10. MerlinsMum


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    :lol: Entirely misses the point that a lot of, if not most, dog owners LIKE to have something with a dog that looks like theirs on it! Tasteful, of course.

    There's not a lot of Belgian Shepherd stuff out there, and some of that is so tacky or unrepresentative of the breed, I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole.

    Still.... now I've identified a huuuuuge niche in the market, I may well think about making some Huskamute items to sell on Ebay. I bet I'll get inundated.

    Just so long as I don't get accused of making money out of crossbreeds & so-called designer breeds.... LOL :lol:
  11. WheatenDaneMom

    WheatenDaneMom New Member

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    Magpye you have a stunning dog!!! And I think you "get" what a lot of people don't.... a cross breed with the promise of being the best of both breeds... money has been paid and you have this adorable little puppy that you realize 2 years later is nothing like you were bargained. Your story is a happy ending but unfortunately.... most end up in shelters because they don't look like the puppy they googled before they bought it or doesn't act or shed like promised. I am glad you posted and again, beautiful lady you have!!!
  12. IsoChick

    IsoChick New Member

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    Gosh, I feel so awful now that I've purchased quite a lot of bric-a-brac with Boxers on it, mainly as fundraising for Boxer Rescue/Welfare... how terrible of me :roll:
  13. cava14una

    cava14una New Member

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    I'm even worse I have dozens of rat related items no hope is there:roll: :lol:
  14. Tassle

    Tassle New Member

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    How on earth do they cope with the pressure.....:shock:
  15. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    What about me then, I have crosses, but love some of the lurcher merchendise you can get.
  16. Loki's mum

    Loki's mum Member

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    I am guilty of owning some Estrela merchandise, and a Mally t shirt. Luckily, my Jack Russell can just relax, safe in the knowledge that I don't own a t shirt with her face on it.

    And poor Kismet looks tortured btw, what an awful way to treat a Huskamute.
  17. tazer


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    Breed specific clothing? is that the fassionable way of saying your clothes have a generous amount of your dog's hair stuck to them.:lol:
  18. Malka

    Malka Member

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    If so then I have a very [mixed] breed specific carpet! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  19. tazer


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    Well mines all Labrador, aren't I posh lol.
  20. Gnasher


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    When I retire ... WHEN I retire :roll: ... I would love to get into scootering - or, if these fab snowy winters continue, then the real thing. It's just time and money that prevent at the moment.

    Whenever we are biking along the canals with them and we come close to civilisation and have to put them on the lead, they just instinctly take up the slack and get into the groove as it were. I remember old Hal pulling mike up the steep hill that goes over the top of the Blisworth tunnel in Northamptonshire. It was a boiling hot day and Hal just cantered with ease up and over the top with Mike just sitting there holding on the rope - must be a lot easier for them wearing a proper harness, but as you say it's in the blood. My guys are far more Malamute than husky, but they just pull instinctively the moment they feel tension on the lead, which is why when we want them to walk to heel we have to have a nice slack lead and control them with voice.
  21. Gnasher


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    My fave sweatshirt has a picture of a wolf on it, purchased from the Anglian Wolf Trust at Reading!

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