Huskamute? Why? Controversial

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by random, Oct 11, 2006.

  1. Greyhawk

    Greyhawk New Member

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    Now I have seen the opposite - working dogs are in good weight where as several in the show ring are overweight.

    This is a bone of contention in the Mal world anyway with the so called 'giant' Mals. Thankfully we don't get them over here.
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  3. MickB

    MickB New Member

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    In almost 20 years I have seen a handful of overweight sibes in the showring and they have rarely if ever won a class. On the other hand I have seen hundreds and hundreds of underweight sibes with ribs and pin bones showing even in full coat. Luckily, there seems to be a bit of a coming together recently with less extremes of either side around. Having said that, there is a lot of "bloodline prejudice" around and some of our dogs have been derided as show puffalumps despite being considerably thinner than some of the "working" dogs on display. Similarly, despite being worked in harness three times a week and being capable of distances much greater than is common in UK sled dog racing, our dogs will always be regarded as "show dogs."

  4. SibeVibe

    SibeVibe New Member

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    Me to Mick. Hadn't been to a show in 15yrs and was quite taken aback.

    Give me a trail blazing puffalump any day! ;-)

    Take care.

  5. Greyhawk

    Greyhawk New Member

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    I was more talking about Mals, you see a large number in the ring who are overweight ...
  6. Skin

    Skin New Member

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    I am in full agreement of the above comments. I have owned a Huskamute for 10 months now, and she has flourished into an exellent family pet. I am under no illusion that Huskamute is purely a descriptive term of her patronage,and that she is not recognised in any pedigree class, and that is not what I look for in a pet. As for the inherent behavioral issues, I must have been lucky,as she is well behaved, attentive, energetic, and yes playfull !. Which is just what I wanted to get my 12yr old off the Playstation and out in the fresh air. Training is the key, and if you can't handle an active dog,then simply don't get one.Mine collected best improved rosette on her puppy class completion, and that is the last time she will ever compete for one.I class myself as a responsible dog owner, and to use the words''Status Symbol'' to this dog a little naive.Is owning a pure Mal or Sibe a sign of status ?, I would hope not, as this would mean a lovely breed would end up with owners with more money than sense, and absolutely no idea how to treat them.I find my dog very freindly towards human's and canines alike, and would not part from her for the world. She even gets on with my grumpy 13 yr old Cocker and she knows her place as far as he is concearned.I look forward to constructive and well informed advice and comments, and hopefully no bias to the fact she is a very attractive and affectionate cross and companion.

    In relation to the original post, it is contraversial and was probably posted as so. Clearly a financialy driven advertisement and abhorent to anyone who cares for an animal.Perhaps the owner should be rented out to various kennels to actualy learn about animal care.
  7. Skin

    Skin New Member

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    Guilty as charged. Just defending my pet!
  8. SibeVibe

    SibeVibe New Member

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    Welcome to Dogsey :grin:

    My boy Jacub is a Husky x Mal :grin:

    Take care.

  9. stroudy

    stroudy New Member

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    i dont what you have done with it to make it look like you say it looks, but our huskamute gets more fuss from malamute owners and how nice he looks than theirs
  10. Tupacs2legs

    Tupacs2legs New Member

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    what a strange thing to say !

    its a crossbreed !!

    lovely dogs but still no reason to breed them than to line someones pockets... give me a purebreed sleddie anyday ;-)
  11. Mis-Red

    Mis-Red New Member

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    LOL, same here, I keep asking if I am going to show her as she is such a good example...I then have to tell them that no she is a cross..but I can see it myself, I think she is like a bigger husky, but she is extremely calm and placid, and razor sharpe... she is now doing her bronze award in KC dog training and is a firm favourite with everyone who knows her.

    My full mally is great too, but no where near as quick to learning and far more food led lol :D
  12. Mis-Red

    Mis-Red New Member

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    I don't think it's a strange thing at all, we get lots of compliments and if you look at the original pics of an original Chukchi husky they look quite different to the 'purebreds' of today which were only made by crossing with other dogs. They almost look more like a Malamute than a husky... more shaggy at any rate lol.

    And, lets face it if people like the look of it then thats a compliment, or that's how I'd take it x
  13. Tupacs2legs

    Tupacs2legs New Member

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    errmm.. defensive??? ;-)

    u got what i put wrong!

    quote ...the person said 'dont know what u have done to it to make it look like that'
    imo that is an odd thing to say

    btw i have two sleddie crosses in my pack too ;-)
  14. Tupacs2legs

    Tupacs2legs New Member

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    oh,and im sure u dont mean to offened, but i do not need links to explain to me the heritage of my pure breed working sleddogs ta... been round the breed many a year :)
  15. Mis-Red

    Mis-Red New Member

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    Ohhh I see, sorry wasn't being defensive :D I just thought what you wrote sounded odd lol! I also think the original quote that was written was an odd thing to say, it didn't even read very well, but thats just my opinion ;-)

    What are your crosses? I have a friend who has an Akita x Mal, beautiful but very huge dog!
  16. Mis-Red

    Mis-Red New Member

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    I didn't mean to offend, I do get exasperated by some people who will defend the heritage of a dog they say have been in existance for thousands of years, and although some of their heritage has we know that if they hadn't been crossed the poor things would have been wiped from the earth...yet a lot of people DONT know the history of huskies surprisingly...I am sorry if you took offence it wasn't a dig at you at all.:-(
  17. Tupacs2legs

    Tupacs2legs New Member

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    no offence :) and i dont mean to offend woo ;-)

    ...and that makes breeding h-h-h- huskamutes right? no it doesnt they are bred by byb for no other reason than ££££££

    i know u love ur dog.. this cross (done deliberatly) upsets me need to do it,2 working breeds do not make a better 'pet' let alone a freight puller crossed with a long distance/sprinter does not make a better worker either!!!

    i have a gsd,sibe,mal (n.i) and a n.i crossed sibe :)
  18. Mis-Red

    Mis-Red New Member

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    I don't think it makes it right either, and lets face it most breeders regardless of whether they are byb's or 'professional' do it for the money, some are doing it for the right reasons ie to improve the lines etc etc, but I know a lot of 'purebreds' that aren't even KC reg'd, yet their breeders will defend keeping the bloodlines pure...yet as a buyer how would you know that the lines are good, not crossed etc, and some of these people charge as much as those that are KC'd, I don't understand why people pay for it! As for my cross breed I know it upsets a lot of the sibe and mal owners, but again historically this happened quite a lot in Alaska... although these dogs would have just been working dogs and no one would have parted money or been upset by the deliberacy of it as it would have been more often than not accidental.

    I think we need stronger controls over breeding dogs, that anyone breeding (regardless of purebreed, designer breeding with the aim of eventually having a purebreed or crossbreeding for the sake of £'s) should have to be legally registered to, and it shouldn't be cheap either to deter those that are in it for a quick buck, and that deviating away from this should carry penalties. I would also be in favour of the old dog licence's to come back and that to have a dog you have to be in agreement that it will be chipped, innoculated and that they attend obedience and socialisation classes, then perhaps we will also stop this status dog culture with things like staffies. Something needs doing as there are too many dogs, not just crosses but pedigree dogs that are ill treated, or abandoned.
  19. SibeVibe

    SibeVibe New Member

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    :lol: that made me laugh Layla :lol:

    Can't believe you said the 'H' word :mrgreen:

    Jacub sends Husky x Mal Woo Woo's :049:

    Take care.

    Seoniad xxx
  20. ingi

    ingi New Member

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    Can't believe this thread is still going.......

    must have brought more people to this site than any other (including me)

    Nanuq sends Mal x Sibe... (mental) woo woos and grumble grumbles.
  21. Brainless

    Brainless New Member

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    :) and yet no-one has really been able to explain why they would choose to buy a crossbred puppy over a purebred Siberian Husky or Malamute. The two breeds are very different in size and to some extent temperament, and you can have no idea which the pup will lean toward.

    I can see no advantage, as with a purebred you know largely what your getting.

    An adult is a totally different matter as at least you can see what they grew up to look like, though temperaments and drives need assessing.

    People have told us how much they love their dogs, etc, but that's a given once you have one.

    I loved my very first dog, but she was not the best match for me and when I lost her I changed to a breed much more suited to my lifestyle and personality.

    I have fostered and homed a cross between Siberian and my own breed. she would nto have been successfully homed in a home hoping for typical Norwegian Elkhound traits. She was much more hyper and exhibited the traits of the Siberians I know far more closely.

    I homed her with a friend who has a West Siberian Laika, in looks a lot like a large Elkhound x Husky. Even he found her very hard work, especially her very pack orientated nature, far less independent re companionship than the Laika who is very much more self sufficient like the Elkhounds.

    Sadly there are a lot of these crosses coming into rescue, probably as they end up with unexpected and unwanted characteristics, and surprise surprise their breeders are not there to pick up the pieces and take them back to re-home..

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