Huskamute? Why? Controversial

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by random, Oct 11, 2006.

  1. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    Forgive me for going off topic but SC was your first port of call ref the NID, was she not? Then you chose to buy I BID.
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  3. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    Thanks for your answer. What would you say is a good reason to cross breed dogs?
  4. johnny

    johnny New Member

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    hi guys just wanted to say i think i understand what annoys you so much (cross breeding to make "fashionable" dogs), but it comes accross as a bit of an attack on the people who buy them...

    I am one of those people and got a sibe x mal fully understanding it was a cross/mix. i chose a "huskamute" because i wanted a snow type dog for a family pet, i also liked the look of mals/sibes. i could have just as easily got a pure sibe or mal but the fact that i didnt need it to serve any purpose other than being a pet i didnt mind it being a mix. my dog serves its purpose for me as your dogs serve their purpose for those of you who enjoy trials. yes cross breeding for financial gain is wrong, but so is inbreeding which can be quite common in "pure" bred dogs evenif registered with kc. a lot of pure bred dogs have worse medical problems than crossbreeds because of inbreeding, and breeding with no regard for hereditory desease. surely this is a more important issue than me simply refering to my dog as a huskamute which seems to upset some (not all) of you
  5. CheekyChihuahua


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    You "Huskamute" away:) I think they are absolutely adorable dogs! I have fallen for Magpye's Huskamute on here, simply a darling dog (hope I've got that right, it is Magpye with the Huskamute:blush: ).

    I don't think anyone has a problem with crosses. It's just the people that call them fancy names and charge a high price for them, that's all:001:
  6. magpye

    magpye New Member

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    Huskamute and proud:)

    Huskamute, Huskamute,Huskamute, Huskamute, Huskamute, Huskamute, Huskamute, Huskamute, Huskamute, Huskamute, Huskamute, Huskamute,
    I love my portmanteau doggy:)

    So much easier to say than, well he mother is a husky malamute cross and her father is a malamute husky cross, so she is a second generation husky husky malamute malamute....
  7. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    Good post:grin: xxxxxx
  8. liz & kiesha

    liz & kiesha New Member

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    Hi Johnny
    Welcome to Dogsey, i have crossbreeds myself, always have, always will.
  9. SibeVibe

    SibeVibe New Member

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    Really stunning girl :grin: It's nice to know that you know where she came from and who her parents were. The photo of her when she was a puppy in the superman costume that you posted is one of the most cheeky cute photo's I have ever seen :grin: My family all let out a HUGE Awwhhh when they seen it. Stunning lassie :grin:

    But unfortunatley for us we have no information on our boy. All we know is that he came from a puppy farm that pumps out Husky x Mals, gives them a 'designer name' and lies to members of the public :x

    I have no problem with crossbreeds. I work with and love all types of dogs. If it's canine - that's enough for me :grin: But working as part of The SSHC welfare team and being reminded on a daily basis as to the crisis the northern breeds are facing (as are most breeds nowadays :-( ) I will continue to try my best to stop the 'puppy farm' deliberate crosses of these two breeds.

    My lad is one of the sweetest natured boys I have came across in years.....


    Definately not as pretty as Kismet :grin:

    Whether he looks like a badly bred Mal or a big course Sibe, I have no problem with people commenting on him. I completely understand where they are coming from :) To be honest I never really think about it now he's been here so long. He's just Jacub, my adorable big bear :)

    Hope this finds everyone well.

  10. Bapho

    Bapho New Member

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    There are breeders which want to take the strength from the Mal and the speed from the Husky and combine them into one.


    She's bred from a pure Mal bitch, pure Husky dog. Very playful, very friendly personality, she's strong and fast.

    She's just over 4 months old in the photo. She is now just short of 6 months old, 25kg. Showing more Mal than Husky in her build.

    I don't care that she isn't recognised by the KC.
  11. pingu007

    pingu007 New Member

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    Doesnt 'just a pet' deserve to be healthy! were your dogs parents health tested eg eyes, hips, elbows? i very much doubt its usually always 'puppy farmers and backyard producers' that churn these crosses out with no regard to health! :evil:
  12. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    LOL that doesn't make it right!!! and certainly doesn't make sense!!

    With the build of a mal its not going to have the speed of a sibe becuase its build will slow it down!!!

    Next reason???
  13. mo

    mo New Member

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    Maureen Boyd
    I know these dogs are loved by their owners this is NOT in dispute, BUT the ONLY reason these dogs are born is to line the breeders pockets with as little expence as possible, why do I come to this conclusion, because.
    1, they more often than not do not show the dogs in KC shows to get fair assessment if the dog is worth breeding from.
    2 they do not research for a dog that will suit the bitch.
    3 they do not have the relevant health test done.
    4.they use a dog from another breed, probable reason is no ethical breeder of the same breed would allow a mating.
    because of #1,2,&3.
    the dog of the other breed is questionable for the same reasons mentioned including #4.
    so as much as these "pets" are loved by their owners, they should not in fact exist. because ethical breeders would NOT breed this way, an ethical breeder would endevour to breed healthy dogs from health tested dogs. would endevour to breed dogs that are as near to what they should be ie breed standard(the breed standard is the blue print of what makes a certain breed look and act as that breed). I get really frustrated when people naively think they have a dog that has been well planned out, when in most cases it was a matter of I have a malamute, my friend has a sibe lets make money, and give the puppy owners some speel that we are trying to get the best from both breeds, thats not how genetics work.

  14. Bapho

    Bapho New Member

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    I cant speak for who you are quoting, but mine was from a known breeder, all paperwork regarding medical checks, pedigree etc where shown. He normally breeds German Shepherds but decided that could do better than others who have tried to cross breed mal/husky.

    As I said before, there are reasons why breeders are trying to succesfully cross mals and huskys. By the way, where do you think "pure breds" got there defining traits from? From selective crossbreeding. How every purebred starts out.
  15. Bapho

    Bapho New Member

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    1. Huskamutes arent recognised by KC.
    2. You base that assumption on what evidence? Of course theres unscrupulous breeders, doesn't mean they all are.
    3. Refer to 2
    4. Of course a dog from another breed is used, how do you think new breeds are created?

    A lot of your post is factual without any evidence thus worthless. You are basing your opinions on some breeders, not all.

    KC is slow to recognize new breeds and Huskamutes are a pretty new concept within the dog world.

    A lot of posters seem to forget that there "purebreds" if taken far enough back where in the same situation as the Huskamute. Another dog I like and will use as an example, the fila brasiliera. At it's base its a mix of at least 3 dogs; Mastiff, bloodhound and the bulldog. Taits taken from the 3 breeds to create the ultimate guard dog. Unfortunatelly a very misunderstood dog, thus illegal in numerous countries (but thats beside the point).Now it is recognized by KC as a purebred.

    I'm sure you can see the point im getting at.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2009
  16. Bapho

    Bapho New Member

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    Obviously they wont have the pure speed of the Husky, that goes without saying! Where do you get the idea they would have the build of a Mal anyway?
    Will be a stockier Husky. Or a less heavy Mal depending on how you view it.

    The aim of the Huskamute breeders is to get a mid point between the mal and the husky.
  17. mo

    mo New Member

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    Maureen Boyd
    OK point (1) I am fully aware huskamutes/sibermals/huskamals/ etc which are some of the names these dogs are advertised but all of the same mix are not recognised by the KC.
    My #2 How can they research a match for a malamute when they are researching pedigrees for sibes? none of the pedigrees will be compatable because they are TWO SEPERATE BREEDS.
    My #3 why would someone who has campaigned a mal or sibe and been successful in the show ring waste all that time and money to breed to another breed? so thats why I came to the conclusion the dogs must not have been shown to see if they are actually worth breeding from.
    My #3 if someone is really serious about a breed and the dogs are worthy of breeding from then of course they will have relevant health test done, but if someone is trying to bastaerdise a breed as in this case chances are they dont bother with health test because they do not have the breed first and formost in their inds IMO
    huskamutes came on the trail of designer dogs not some brainwave of a noted expert on breeding who had a plan to breed another breed they followed on the cockerpoos/shihpoos/labradoodles/etc dont kid yourself these breeders are trying to design a more efficient breed they are in it because dogs with these types of names are bought by people that "think" they are getting a rare breed and IMO there are still many mugs out there that think and will argue the fact they have something special, when in fact they have a mongrel.

    You bought your dog from a breeder of GSD so I am guessing you feel he he is also an expert on the malamute breed? what dog did he use in his breeding plan? I dont know ANY reputatable breeder in the mal world that would cross breed like this, and IMO only someone who is not a TRUE malamute enthusiast would do such a thing. you can carry on beleiving your breeder has a great plan, but IMO someone breeding these two breeds together are doing a diservice to both breeds.

  18. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    SO why did you say it then???

    There is no aim for huskamute breeders other than money:evil: If you want a stocky husky get a mal..if you want a skinny mal get a sibe!!!!!
  19. gemma riley

    gemma riley New Member

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    Oh no not another one using the "your KC dog is made up of load of breeds so its fine to cross these dogs to make my breed argument"

    Give it 6 months and phone your "breeder" and tell him you want to return your neutered male and female, that will give you a wake up call!

  20. MickB

    MickB New Member

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    In fact, as far as Malamutes and Sibes are concerned, nothing could be further from the truth. Both breeds have been established as amongst 14 ancient breeds which have been genetically separate for thousands of years.
    There is no sensible reason whatever for crossing these two breeds. The Mal is a freighting sled dog, used to pull extremely heavy loads for relatively short distances. The Sibe is a long distance, endurance sled dog, designed to carry light loads at moderate speeds over vast distances.
    If you want something to do a job somewhere in between these two extremes, get a Canadian Eskimo or a Greenland Dog. In fact, of course, the breeders of Huskamutes couldn't care less what the capabilities of the dogs are as sled dogs - they are just interested in producing an exotic "new" breed for loads of money!

  21. johnny

    johnny New Member

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    Sorry to keep this argument going but someone, who let me guess, supports the K.C., would say that....
    The K.C have been breeding dogs with massive hereditory defects for looks, this is WRONG. they breed the king charles spaniel with a small head, for breed standard, this affects it's brain. They breed british bull dogs with a short, stubby snout, again for looks, this affects the dogs breathing. The same is apparent with pugs. Alsations should have a sloping back, according to the K.C., reguardless of the fact that tis causes them hip problems. I could go on with most breeds but I will just finish with, I got a dog as a pet, friend, and family member which, in my view is what a dog should be... not a show object... please reply

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