Utonagans and Northern Inuits ????? Purpose ! Discussions

Discussion in 'Utonagan' started by Malady, Oct 6, 2006.

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  1. jessicahampson

    jessicahampson New Member

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    Not sure how am trying to put a photo on, can you help as not very computer literate
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  3. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

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    What is it you need help with Jessica?
  4. angelmist

    angelmist New Member

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    You need to use a photobucket or similar to upload piccys on here.
  5. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

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    This thread will give you the help you'll need to post pics

    Posting pics

    If you're still having trouble, PM me. I'll give you my email addy so you can email them too me, and I'll upload them for you
  6. jessicahampson

    jessicahampson New Member

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    just how to add more info to my profile and can introduce myself, i think there may be a few people struggling with this lol
  7. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

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    Go into Introductions and post a new thread saying hi, a little about yourself and your dog/dogs :grin:

    Have a look at this link if you want more info about uploading a pic to your profile/avatar.


    Hope this helps :grin:
  8. Scottish Mags

    Scottish Mags

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    Margaret NI Society
    Hi Jessica and welcome . :grin: Hope you manage to get your aviator on. Nice to meet you
  9. tawneywolf

    tawneywolf New Member

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    Well Patch is particularly good at helping with piccies!!!!!
  10. Mel

    Mel New Member

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    I have read through the whole of this thread and found it quite interesting ....but this post is awful. Sorry but it is rude, patronising and doesn't do Dogsey or your chosen breed any good at all.

    Most of the posts have been well thought out and informative, a few have been very defensive but this is just not nice
  11. jessicahampson

    jessicahampson New Member

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    seem to have a pic now thanks for everybodys help
  12. Alexou

    Alexou New Member

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    So what do you think of those new breeds created then such as labradoodle or the pugle (if the name's right! which is a cross between a pug and a beagle!) ... ?

    Personnally i chose to own a ute and a ni because first i was looking to get a husky but where their temperament wasn't fitting my lifestyle and then i discovered the ute and ni and their temperament fitted exactly what i was looking for in a dog + the look was a bonus!
  13. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Thanks Zoundz - He would lick you to death :lol: :lol: :lol: . It's a bit of a pain when the postie comes as he gets leapt upon and given a good licking. :lol:

    Aw it's okay Scottish Mags, we are okay, honest :grin: . Loki has his problems but we will do our best to live with it. I do get angry, really angry, but I have nobody to vent to :evil: . I had no idea of this kind of breeding until well after the event and then it was too late - things were kept very much under wraps and to be honest, where Loki's background is concerned, I feel they very much still are. Still that will probably never come out. All I asked for was information so that we could inform the vet treating Loki but it wasn't really forthcoming - not to my satisfaction anyway.

    I think it was a mistake to have two different societies but I hope that, in the light of all the problems, there are now people that really will work together for the good of the breed. Nothing else matters, not personalities, not money, not politics, not the past - nothing. Just the dogs. And I know there are a lot of people very passionate about these dogs. :p

    I do understand the concerns of other interested parties because of this kind of thing. But I do think some of them could be a little kinder and more patient when trying to gather informaton. And I do think us as owners and breeders should bear the past in mind and be a little more patient.
  14. Kanikula

    Kanikula New Member

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    the labradoodle i can live with as it was bred for a valid reason other than looks.

    a pugle??? - never heard off it??

    Its the likes of huskamutes, bear shar peis, wooly mals, Utes NI etc, i cant get my head around why people have bred them in the first place other than the way they look.

    WHY breed a dog to sastify our own vanity?? whats going to happen when demand wants a Border Collie the size of a Dane?? will that be bred too?? :shock:

    Wish we could do it with men! Then we could have lots of Vin Diesels around!!:lol:
  15. Zoundz

    Zoundz New Member

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    I do not think so! :shock: :evil:

    more Dylan Morans, Captain Beefhearts and Richey Edwards more like! ;) :p

  16. Kanikula

    Kanikula New Member

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    HELL we will do it with all the fit blokes of the world!!!:twisted:
  17. Alexou

    Alexou New Member

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    Wish we could do it with men! Then we could have lots of Vin Diesels around!!:lol:[/QUOTE]

    I think quite a few of us would like to create our own men breed fitting our needs and lifestyle!!!!:lol: :lol: :lol:

    Just a thought: yep there has been quite few problems within the Utes breeders/owners, etc... and I don't know about the NI but must have had their fair share of problems too!!! ... but i guess as it must have been the same in the past for any other breed but they are too old to have all those problems mentioned!!!!
    The ni and utes are fairly a new breed and it can be hard to get all the info you are after but like for any other breed or anything, you learn something new everyday!
    Most breeds existing got books and books about the breed and all the answers of any questions you may have but we don't have the same privileges for the utes and ni...
    It took me ages to find/understand the difference between the 2 breeds as it can be very very confusing for some people!!!

    Here's a pic of my fluffy monsters with their dogmatic on!! Please don't pay attention to my ''angora'' carpet! As soon it is hoovered the dogs just seem to lose more hair than usual!!!:x

  18. Kanikula

    Kanikula New Member

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    Gorgeous pair of faces! looks as though butter wouldnt melt!!
  19. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Eeeeeeeeeeeew! :smt078 spit spit spit!

    I can't say anything else really on the subject. What drove us towards a Ute? The PURPORTED health benefits (having had a GSD who later developed hip problems I loved the idea of a straight, healthy back - had no idea of possible HD in Utes then, even though I asked the breeder directly), wonderful temperament (absolutely borne out! :p ), fiesty and athletic (borne out), fun loving (borne out), mischievous with a heart of gold (borne out) ... I wouldn't swap my dog for any other. Okay a lot of that is because he IS my dog and I love him but also the things that attracted me in the first place. Some of them anyway.

    Having said all that - yes I do question his health and his breeding but I am no expert and perhaps it would have happened anyway. I will never know. :-( . I would like answers and I do not think his breeder cared a damn; put it this way - she put on a good act at the time.

    I am just thankful we DID pick Loki as we ARE prepared to work with his health problems and look after him. Imagine if he'd gone to someone who wasn't ...?
  20. Mel

    Mel New Member

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    Alexou ...you have the same chair set that I used to have LOL
  21. sutty

    sutty New Member

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    I will try as best i can to answer your questions, even though i thought your tone was quite off putting in your original post.

    1. As I understand it, the Utonagan was bred to look like a Wolf, for Wolf lovers who could not find another dog that resembled a Wolf in looks and structure. Please correct me if I'm wrong. So, why was the Northern Inuit 'invented' ??? Was it again, for the wolf looks and if so, why not leave that to the Utonagan breeders instead of competing for another new 'breed' ??? If it was for another reason, please explain ?

    Firstly, all the original dogs were Northern Inuit, not the other way around, some of the original people responsible for creating the breed fell out for various reasons, so one lot went off and called their dogs the Utonagan and the others stayed N.I.

    2. With these crossbreeds deriving from 3 pure breeds all suffering from Hip Dysplasia, among other things, what is now considered to be an 'acceptable' Hip score to breed from in a Ute or NI ??? i.e, a NI with a HS of 12 would be HIGH for a Husky etc so why would that make it acceptable to breed from ?

    I dont know of any N.I with an HS of 12, of the ones that have been scored, the scores are pretty good, all breeders are asked to abide by the breeders code of ethics, which states that all breeding stock must be Hip scored and eye tested. On looking at my copy of the BVA/KC Hip Dysplacia Scheme-breed mean scores at 10/10/01, there are recognised breeds on there with a mean score as high as 43, it seems they were 'acceptable' to be bred from.

    3. As yet, I cannot find a 'breed standard' for either breed, so is there one, as on looking at a lot of them, I cannot see anything consistent in either breed ????

    I've read these threads on these breeds and am amazed that there are lots of discussions on hip scoring (with no real answers) and 'looks', yet I have yet to come accross anyone talking about the dangers of crossbreeding the original 3 breeds in the first place with regards to their temperaments !!!

    This is only a very rough example, but am picking out well known traits in each breed. I have purposefully left out good traits, as they don't result in a dog being rehomed or PTS.

    GSD - Guard/Attack/Teritorial Dog
    Siberian Husky - Manic/Fast/Pack orientated/Dominant
    Alaskan Malamute - Pack/Dominant/Stubborn/Strong willed/ Very Powerful

    We have a breed standard and have had for a number of years, admittedly it needs wording better, but that is something we are working on. At our last show, the judge commented on how consistent we are now as opposed to several years ago. We are still a fairly new breed and i suppose most breeds had inconsistencies in their beginnings.
    As for breeding the original breeds without thought to temperament, all i can say is that i have only ever met a couple of N.I with dodgy temperaments, yes they can be pack orientated, they have no guarding tendencies as most are big wusses, they can be strong willed which is why we always advise that they are not for the novice owner and we have to show them who is the alpha from an early age.
    My dogs are not in the least territorial and will greet any new dog/bitch/puppy with a perfunctory sniff and then go back to what they were doing, one of my bitches is definitly the alpha female but the 2 dogs i have are best buddies so therefore no alpha male.
    Almost all puppies sold have breeding restrictions placed on them, they are sold as pets only, if, in adulthood, the owner wants to breed from said puppies, they must be assessed by the breeder for soundness and temperament, most pet owners have had their dogs spayed and neutered. In the case of any N.I needing rehoming, the firts port of call is the breeder who will endevour to find the dog a new home and the society is always there to help too.
    from a health survey that we have done, there have been maybe 5 dogs with bad hips, this line is not being bred from anymore . a couple have suffered from epilepsy, but in both cases the dogs were treated a week before with a well known brand of flea treatment, the only real problem has been with dodgy tummies, but most have found that feeding the BARF diet has resolved this problem as the N.I doent do well on conventional dog foods, some do though so it isnt the case with all dogs. I think that has answered questions 4 and 5, far from being a timebomb waiting to go off, the majority of N.I are wonderful temperament and health wise. For 18 years now, the N.I has been bred like to like so hopefully, any undesirable traits from the original breeds have been bred out, in any event, the most placid of breeds can sometimes throw up a renegade, it is only to be expected that once in a while we will get the odd dog with an undesirable temperament.
    as for question 6, it wont be us who decides what group our dogs are placed in, if they ever achieve kc recognition, it will be the kc who decides, personally i dont give a hoot wether they recognise us at all, it wont detract from my dogs, but they are a very versatile breed and with sufficient training and infinite patience, they can do almost anything, i myself have recently started training my dogs to pull a rig, they enjoy themselves tremendously but they would never be on a par with the Husky or Mal, so we just do it for fun and excercise, another of my girls does beautiful heelwork but when it comes to 'sit and stays' she is completely rubbish bless her as she likes to stick with me so where ever i go, she's coming to.
    I hope this answers a few of your questions, please dont feel the need to look down on either breed just because you think they are a 'designer' breed or because the term
    'wolfy looking' irritates you. all breeds started somewhere:grin:
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