Utonagans and Northern Inuits ????? Purpose ! Discussions

Discussion in 'Utonagan' started by Malady, Oct 6, 2006.

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  1. tawneywolf

    tawneywolf New Member

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    hi Malady, is it just Mals you have or do you have any other breeds???
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  3. Luz

    Luz New Member

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    I think it would only be polite to post an introduction about yourself Malady to us all, as you have so much you wish answered, I am sure most of us do too, about you?
  4. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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  5. mo

    mo New Member

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    Maureen Boyd
    with regards to malamutes and small dogs I would also like to say take a look at this happy pair, does the malamute look like it want to kill the small dog? this is a girl I bred, she lives with a boxer, and her best friend is the little dog.


  6. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Aw lovely picture Mo. What a sweet pair.
  7. Alexou

    Alexou New Member

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    Welcome here Malady, as the others said it could be great to know a bit more about you first ...

    I have read your post (and suprised you haven't posted anymore from all the posts received here so far in this thread you have started ...) and i think angelmist has answered pretty good to your questions...

    Maybe you should have a look at the ni and ute chat forums or even ask directly the societies your questions to get answers as the way you have been writing your post (in my opinion) sounded a bit harsh and try to have a go at those breeds and have everyone fuming over it ... (sorry if i'm wrong but that's the feeling i've got).

    I have the chance to own a ute and a ni and wouldn't trade them for anything else in the world!
    Although their character is completely different (like for any living creature on this planet!!!) they are in no way guards dogs! (mine would follow anybody!!!)

    They can be stubborn at times (who isn't? even i am stubborn!!!) and very nosey (worse than me!) and are very keen to meet people and get attention!!!
    Yuma likes barking but he makes more noise than anything else! (the poor pup was scared of a dead tree on our last walk!!!)
    Indy is very gentle with other dogs of any sizes. On his eye test few months back he was playing very gently with a puppy yorkie and its owner coulnt believe how Indy was gentle with her dog!)

    oh! i think the high hip score given to the utes (27) was based on very few utes who were hip scored at old age (but you should ask the society to have a 100% answer on that one). Mine's score is 11 and the hip score for other utes i have seen were around that results too (some lower some a tad higher but around it).

    Every dogs different and their traits will show more than other depending on how they have been trained... for example i am rubbish at teaching mine to walk close by without pulling and so when we are out for a walk they tend to pull!! But i'm still working at it!
    They have a mind of their own and i apreciate that ... that's what makes my dogs different to others!

    I can only speak for the one i own and they are both very kind, would lick you to death, yes they are pack orientated and love being with us at all time but we love being with them at all time too!
    Indy is the most gentle dog i have ever seen or own and would defend himself if he'd feel really threatened (he had dogs trying to have a go at him and he never turned back on any of them ... the only that had a real go at him (grabbing by the neck and back) was a golden retriever and the only thing Indy did (first time he did that) was starting growling ...

    I used to own a yorkie and although he was tiny, he was very possessive and barked badly at strangers! would detroy the mail if the letters would fall on the floor!, ...
    And my very first dog (you know the sausage dogs!) he could have a bad temperament at times but he has never been bad with me and was the only one who could bother him so much without having him snapping back at me!

    Sorry to go on and on but i'm simply a dog owner who adores her dogs and would do anything for them!:smt007 :smt007 :smt007
  8. Luz

    Luz New Member

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    :lol: Why havent I seen that picture before? It almost looks like the Terrier is protecting the Malamute. Bless.
  9. Muddiwarx

    Muddiwarx Member

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    LOL how often is this the way :) Does make me laugh LOL
  10. tawneywolf

    tawneywolf New Member

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    Just a quick thought here, Malady has not replied to any of these posts, the one and only post obviously being designed to upset apple carts and set off an argument.
    There's nowt so queer as folk as they say!
  11. Muddiwarx

    Muddiwarx Member

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    Oooooh LOL savage look in her eyes there ............ NOT

    Fantastic piccie :)

    I think we can all have our misconceptions of breeds depending on experiences we have had - maybe the OP has met a few Mallies who didn't like small dogs hence the generalisation....

  12. janie

    janie New Member

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    i read a lot before deciding on an NI.. i completely understand that every dog is different and not all mals have a problem with smaller dogs... but this seemed to be a prominent point in all the literature i`ve read. That was the primary thing that put me off the malamute.
  13. Luz

    Luz New Member

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    I think it actually shows the newcomer that we have a happy and friendly forum and enjoy chatting to each other about our dogs and didnt rise to the bait.
  14. PurpleJackdaw

    PurpleJackdaw New Member

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    There are breeds of dog that I dont particulary like or see the point of ,but I would never dream of asking lots of questions to stir up trouble ,I asked questions about NI to help me decide if it was the right breed for me ,but why ask and point fingers if you have a total dislike for a breed (other than to slap it down)

    Here is a picture I took of my NI Kira this morning

    She is a much loved member of my family ,gives us so much joy and love ,I could ramble on about lots of things about how she adds so much joy to our lifes - If there is no purpose in that I dont know what purpose there is in anything :?
    Yes there are lots of breeds of dogs out there ,but I didnt want one of them ,I chose a NI ,like everyone has the right to chose their breed
    I have a friendly healthy dog that I am very happy with :)
  15. Luz

    Luz New Member

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    Thats a beautiful picture Bev, makes me maternal myself. :roll:
  16. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Lovely! :grin:
  17. Scottish Mags

    Scottish Mags

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    Margaret NI Society
    Lovely Pic Bev.
    I have a crossbred GSD X Husky and wanted anoyer dog hat would fit in with her temperament , That is why I chose the NI , Now I have 2 NI;s and a crossbreed .
    They are very sociable , overtly so . Very trainable and loving.
    The NI owners on Dogsey are a friendly lot but we have been through this before and wont be drawn into political or " crossbreed" statements.
    Please join any of the groups angelmist suggested . There you will find all your answers
    Please go and do your homework
  18. Kristina

    Kristina New Member

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    Gorgeous piccy PJD you know i am SUCH a fan of Kira lol
  19. mo

    mo New Member

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    Maureen Boyd
    I wonder if the OP posted and is in fact waiting til they have all the questions answered before making a response?

  20. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

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    It gets better. My other sister has Great Danes and 2 chihuahua's :shock: :lol: :lol: and the danes are scared of them :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Fantastic pic PJD :grin: :grin:
  21. tawneywolf

    tawneywolf New Member

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    here is a piccie of mine with one of their favourite friends, Cocoa the lab who they have been playing with since she was 12 weeks old.
    They are so good with her, when she was really tiny they used to lie down for her to play with them!!!! She jumps all over them, bites their ears, tails anything she can get really.
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