Hi... I am trying to find out some information for a friend (who doesn't have internet access)..about Boxers.. She has recently moved into a bigger house and has decided she would like a Boxer.. SO.. can anyone tell me anything that she needs to know about Boxers? or breed club web addresses etc.. ANYTHING is a help.. (I know NOTHING about Boxers!)
Please read Shadowboxers article on Dogsey, it is a very good article about the breed. Search Dog Breeds/Working Breeds. They are very much a people orientated breed of dog, as a general rule good with kids. Boisterous and very much the clown. In my opinion they are not suited to outdoor living, this is from over 20 years of doing Boxer Rescue, they thrive on the companionship of their families. You could also PM Scottish Boxer as she is the representative for Boxer Welfare, Scotland. There are lots of Boxer owners on this site and I am sure each and every one will be able to give you sound advice on living with a Boxer. Good Luck to your friend.
If she is in Scotland the Scottish Boxer Club would be a good starting place in looking for breeders or rescue. Shadowboxer's article describes boxers perfectly
It would be interesting to know why she has decided she would like a Boxer. Has she met various adults of the breed? Delightful dogs, but not the breed for everyone by any means. Here is the Article link: http://www.dogsey.com/dog-articles.php?t=7953 Here is the Breed Profile link: http://www.dogsey.com/boxer.htm
I will print them out for her.. I have done a bit of looking for her tonight and found various links to the Scottish Boxer Club etc... She has been talking to me about Boxers and Weimaraners since.......ever..... but as she lived in a flat.. decided it wasn't the right time.. I can't tell you WHY she wants a boxer other than because she likes them.. I can't tell you why I wanted a Samoyed or a Malamute (I had never met a samoyed EVER when I got Seiko...) Thanks for you help...
Hi, I am no expert but have two boxers now and my late childhood, teens and early adulthood were spent with our family's boxers. I get on great with Boxers, they are kindred spirits and their personalities (and sense of humour) seem to fit right into my life and the type of person and family we are. All the boxers we have had have been well socialised and are great with children, they love to play and are affectionate dogs. In my experience Boxers are very much family dogs and do not like being left outside or separated from their loved ones. As youngsters I would say they get bored easily and can be destructive if left alone or have no stimulation for long periods (I knew a lady many years ago who left her teenage boxer alone for many hours and came home to a completely re-designed livingroom ) As they get older they become more content. Boxers love to please but they do have a side which I can only liken to "sudden deafness syndrome" and your Boxer bounding about out of arms length as if to say "Can't hear ya, try catching me" but it is playfulness. Their exuberance knows no bounds and although they seem to be soft and daft, my boy I have now is one of the wisest, most patient and clever dogs I have ever known in my lifetime. As in any dogs, they can have different personalities, the two boys I have had were like chalk and cheese but the girls are very similiar. Hope your friend finds a lovely new family member and I wish her all the best.