What a clever girl, Tally!! Ouch! I've done that type of fall before - multiple times - and it always hurts for days. Every time I see Tally's photos, I see my Bat-dog. I can pick out the little beagle tells in her stance and shape. It makes me bittersweet. Of all my dogs, I think she was my soulmate.
Trailing again on Tuesday. Tally loves it and is getting so strong on the line. I think I might start wearing gloves. First pic is her setting off. Second pic is racing towards her missing person - not someone known to her but Tally is well aware that she will have a special reward to come. I'm going to have to improve my fitness level to keep up! We have our first pet and mantrail assessment next month, so fingers and toes will be crossed for that.
Well done!! Would a better handle on the line work? There are nice padded wrist straps for cameras that would make for a great lead handle - easier to grip* and with the padding, they would be easier on arthritic fingers. *not putting it around your wrist of course.
Lines are actually safer without a handle - though most do come with one. Whether tracking or trailing you need to keep adjusting the amount line you play out in order to try and keep a relaxed tension between yourself and the dog. (An oxymoron I know, but if you've ridden horses you will know what I mean). If the line falls slack it inevitably gets trodden on by the handler or snarls the dogs legs as he makes a turn. As the lines are usually between 15 and 30 feet long it just wouldn't be practical to hold by the handle.