Lab mix with pitbull? General Chat

Discussion in 'Labrador Retriever' started by thomasm443322, Jan 21, 2025.

  1. thomasm443322

    thomasm443322 New Member

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    Lab mix with pitbull?

    We have a 10 week old lab mix. She has blueish green eyes. Do you see any features on her that look like a pitbull?
    upload_2025-1-21_15-51-36.png upload_2025-1-21_15-52-59.png
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  3. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    It is really difficult to ID the breeds in a mix based on photos. Could there be pit? Yes. But there could be any number of breeds in there along with or instead of pit.

    Personally, I don't see anything that screams a breed beyond lab. Maybe terrier of some sort, but it could be a small terrier breed rather than a large terrier breed. My Tornado-dog is parson russell terrier, shih tsu, pekinese and rough collie - you wouldn't think the first three because his 60lb size comes from the collie.

    If you really want to know, the best way is to do a dna test. If you do one, be sure to come back and let us know what she is.
  4. Azalea

    Azalea New Member

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    I second what Toedtoes said. You need a DNA test to be sure.

    I saw one online post about a dog who looked like a pure Beagle, but turns out that one of his grandparents was a Great Pyrenees!
  5. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    Also remember that many dogs have more than two breeds in them. And those multiple breed genes can mix and match to look like a completely different breed.

    My Moose-dog and his siblings were thought to be rottie shepherd mixes as puppies but he grew up very tall and skinny looking like a dobie shepherd mix. Everyone agreed that he had the shepherd and once grown decided that he was definitely part dobie. His dna test revealed that he was mostly shepherd (at least 60%) and poodle and newfie. No rottie or dobie. Once identified by dna, it was easy to see the poodle in his tall skinny physique and the newfie explained his white stripe down his chest - but no one guessed those based on his appearance or personality.

    My Bat-dog had six breeds identified in her. Surprisingly, I had guessed all but one of those as a possibility based on appearance, temperament and/or personality (I thought things like "maybe shar pei? The fur on the side of her mouth is extremely velvety soft"). I wouldn't have been surprised if she had pitbull in her - but my other guess of boxer based on her barrel chest turned out correct. The german shorthair came as a total surprise - never saw anything to suggest it.
  6. thomasm443322

    thomasm443322 New Member

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    Toadtoes - thank you so much. You are both right - she could have any combination and without a DNA test we are just guessing. We just got her on Saturday and are so interested to see what she could have in her mix. When I look at one picture it looks like a Beagle Lab mix and then another one I decide she is part Jack Russell Terrier! My son looked at her and said pit bull. Reality is that it could be a combination of all of the above! Lol!
  7. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    Or none of the above. I wouldn't be surprised with beagle or JRT (or parson's or rat terrier). Her eyes have a bit more intelligence in them than labs usually do. I don't see a pit bull in either photo. The second photo makes me think there is a definitely small dog breed(s) in there somewhere.

    I'd watch her personality. Beagles are notorious for being scent and food oriented. JRTs (and similar) are motivated by fun and can be sneaky, etc (Tornado-dog is a convicted liar, cheater and thief).

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  8. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    Whatever she is, she is very cute!
  9. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I think a Lab/Beagle would have a much flatter ear carriage - unless there was a collie or a terrier in the mix too. I'm guessing that you probably will have more than two breeds in your puppy. Did you get to see any of the siblings? Were they differently marked?

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