Hi! Just joined this forum and wanted to introduce Max! I've had him for about a month, and after much surmising, am wondering if he is an Anatolian Shepherd (or mix thereof). He's 1 year old, neutered young, and is on the lanky and lean side at 75 lb and 26 in tall. He doesn't have the Anatolian curly tail, more of a shepherd sable shape. He's a very sweet boy who is surprisingly good at settling down at home, but can walk and run forever! Very gentle and affectionate, follows me around EVERYWHERE and watches me. I was wondering if it is normal for Anatolians to be thin while in the growing stages? I'm also surprised at Max's affectionate temperament, if he is indeed Anatolian, since the breed description seems to emphasize aloofness and greater attachment to their 'objects of guardianship'? ...Unless I am his said object... On another note, my parents also just acquired a female anatolian shepherd right at the same time with the ranch property they bought, so I'll share some pics of Duchess as well! She was a semi-stray working ranch dog, so she is much more skittish (and a much better livestock guarding dog!) than Max. Pretty much fits the standard breed description to the letter. She loves watching over our horses. Pics of Max: Pics of Duchess:
This thread is from 2020 and the OP hasn't been back since. Feel free to start your own thread or join in on one that is recent (we don't get a lot of activity here but we do chat).