New to the GSP breed Questions

Discussion in 'German Shorthaired Pointer' started by Stony, Dec 29, 2024.

  1. Stony

    Stony New Member

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    New to the GSP breed

    I have a 5 mo. Old GSP male, Auggie. We got him at 10 weeks and he is doing great. We had a Husky prior to this breed and they are very different. He sleeps in a crate in our bedroom and sleeps through the night. We live in Colorado north of Denver and we have cold winters, not terrible cold. Is it unusual that the dog seems to always be cold and need to be inside near a fire or heater? He is doing great at letting us know when he needs to do his business and we are doing behavior training also.
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  3. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    Just like people, dogs vary in their tolerances to heat and cold, even within a single breed. GSPs, in general, do not have a thick winter coat to insulate them.

    It is always good to get a vet check to rule out any issues.

    Growing up we had a toy fox terrier who always slept in the hall next to the heater - and our temps stayed between 65 and 75 inside. He just liked being warm.

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